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Evolution and Enlightenment: Media Image of Chinese Athletes in Sports Documentary

Jianna Qiu, Ke Xu


Taking sports documentary, the classic text of sports visual culture communication, as the research object, this paper focused on Chinese athletes in sports documentary. The methods of literature review and comparative analysis were adopted, and the theory of media image was applied. Based on three stages, the media image of Chinese athletes was completely combed and deeply analyzed, including their evolution, characteristics, and causes. It can be concluded that Chinese athletes have ceased to be the embodiment of ideology. From being vague to clear, Chinese athletes’ image changes from a negative stereotype to a positive international image. Chinese sports are gradually dissipating seriousness and sanctification, and China is on the road to becoming a strong sporting nation, calm and confident because of its power.


Sports Documentary; Chinese Athletes; Media Image

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i11.8400
