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Research on the Reform and Innovation of Preschool Education Management System in Colleges and Universities

Ting Li


Preschool education is an important part of basic education, but it has not received due attention. In the development process of colleges and universities, there are issues such as unclear management, unclear responsibilities, inadequate training of preschool education students, and inadequate supervision systems. These issues have become important obstacles to the development of preschool education in colleges and universities. However, with the reform of the management system in China’s colleges and universities, the importance of social families to preschool education has increased, and the field of preschool education in colleges and universities has ushered in a new round of reform. At present, reform attempts have been made in the field of preschool education in colleges and universities in terms of teacher management, preschool normal student training, and supervision system management, with a view to better promoting the development of preschool education.


College Preschool Education; Management System; Reform and Innovation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i13.8516
