Marx’s Critical Refl ection on Technology: What Does Artifi cial Intelligence Education Bring to Us?
Marx believed that technological alienation will bring about human alienation and educational alienation, and technology does not necessarily develop in the direction of goodness. From invention to maturity, technology requires a critical process. Artifi cial intelligence has triggered a chain reaction in various fi elds of society, including education. The inherent nature of technological progress and the lagging nature of social adaptation constitute the fundamental contradiction of imbalanced social systems. It is necessary to complete the socialization transformation of technology through ethical criticism of technology. Transferring the fi eld of technological criticism from the “workplace” to the “school fi eld”, examining the value, fairness, humanity, responsibility, and refl ection of artifi cial intelligence education, with the aim of preventing the risks of artifi cial intelligence alienation and promoting the better development of artifi cial intelligence education.
Artifi cial intelligence education; Technical criticism; Marx
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