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Research on Self-efficacy Cultivation in VLC of College Students Based on Satir Model and Iceberg Theory

Yongfeng Guo, Jingjie Cao, Fengxiang Gao, Jia Deng


Thanks to the advancement of information and communications technology, virtual reality technology, and multimedia technology, virtual learning community has evolved into the online platform for educators to facilitate and students to accomplish remote learning, which off ers a good foundation for realizing lifetime learning. The self-efficacy of the learner is a significant component impacting the efficiency of online learning. According to studies, the Satir model can be used in instructing group work to successfully increase individual self-efficacy. By combining Satir model and iceberg theory, this paper attempts to explore how learners’ self-effi cacy can be gradually enhanced via virtual community interactions.


Self-efficacy Cultivation ; VLC, Satir Model ; College Students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i15.8750
