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A Comparative Study on the Mechanisms of Physical Education Teacher Training in China and Abroad

Li Jiang


Physical education plays an increasingly important role in promoting healthy lifestyles and social development world-wide. To enhance the quality of physical education, it is essential to compare and evaluate the mechanisms of physical education teacher training in diff erent countries. This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of the current status of physical education teacher training in China and other countries, such as the United States, Australia, and Japan. Based on a review of the literature and empirical data, this study examines the similarities and diff erences in the goals, curriculum design, teaching methods, and evaluation criteria of physical education teacher training programs. The results suggest that there are signifi cant variations in the mechanisms of physical education teacher training among diff erent countries, which are infl uenced by various factors, including cultural values, historical background, social needs, and educational policies. This study provides insights into the challenges and opportunities for improving physical education teacher training in China and other countries.


Physical education; Teacher training; Comparative study; Curriculum design; Evaluation criteria

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i15.8759
