A Comparative Study of Modals in the Application of Identification Theory
Campus speaking is an important way to persuade people. Therefore, campus speeches are chosen to analyze how to achieve identifi cation with listeners, especially with students. With the help of UAM Corpus Tool, identifi cation strategies and modal verbs are studied to compare the similarities and diff erences in campus speeches given by Chinese celebrities and the US celebrities.
Campus Speech; Identification; Modals
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[1] Burke, K. (1969a). A Rhetoric of Motives[M]. Berkeley: University of California Press.
[2] Burke, K. (1969b). A Grammar of Motives[M]. Berkeley: University of California Press.
[3] Burke, K. (1970). The Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology[M]. Berkeley: University of California Press.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i15.8802
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