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Intelligent Multifunctional Exhaust System

Runtong Yao, Jianxin Zhong, Guoxue Guo


With the economic and social development of mankind and the increasing improvement of living standards, people’s requirements for the living environment are becoming higher and higher. Although most buildings are equipped with ventilation systems, they still produce odours and harmful gases that make people feel uncomfortable and even spread bacteria and viruses, which seriously endanger people’s health. At the same time, in order to meet people’s demand for intelligent home appliances, home life is more comfortable, safer and more eff ective. With the help of big data, artifi cial intelligence, machine learning and other technologies to upgrade the existing exhaust fan, the hardware will be connected to the matching system through the Internet of Things technology to achieve remote control, multi-functional combination, making it appliance-based and intelligent.


Exhaust fan; Internet of things; Intelligence; Safety; Energy saving

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i16.8912
