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Characteristics of Stance Markers in Political Discourse

Chunli Jiang, Weiyu Zhu


This study focuses on the theme of the trade war and builds a political discourse corpus on the Chinese-U.S. trade war. It examines the characteristics and patterns of the use of stance markers (hereafter referred to as “SMs”) by both China and the United States, and analyzes the diff erences in the use of SMs in fi ve categories: vague SMs, forceful SMs, attitudinal SMs, manner SMs, and authorial SMs. The study found that the frequency of SMs used by both China and the United States follows the pattern of forceful SMs > authorial SMs > attitudinal SMs > vague SMs > manner SMs. In addition, there are signifi cant diff erences between China and the United States in the use of vague SMs, forceful SMs, attitudinal SMs, and authorial SMs, but not in the use of manner SMs. Based on the data from the Chinese-U.S. trade war corpus, this paper aims to enrich the study of SMs in political discourse, increase foreign language learners’ understanding of SMs in political discourse, and thereby better grasp the discourse characteristics of political discourse.


Stance markers; Political discourse; Chinese-U.S. trade war; Comparative study

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i16.8950
