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Relationship Crisis and Social Welfare Challenges in Japanese Society

Shengbo Cui, Changchun Cao, Yue Liu


In recent days, the issue of solitude and isolation has emerged as a signifi cant social issue in the Japanese society. On its background, it is attributable to the fact that it has become liberalized society with the change of bonding for people. The issues in contemporary society is analyzed as the decline of enlargement of aff ection space and friendship space, along with the expansion of the currency space[1].In general, the survey on the social relationship measures the relativity of people by the means of name generator. It is the question of “do you have someone to consult on important word or agony? In the use, the close friend that may talk about one’s agony has declined from an average of three to two for 20 years from 1985 to 2004 and the reply of having none has increased from 8% to 23%. In other word, there is every one person out of four persons has no close friend in the US [2]. In the meantime, Japan has the rate of maintaining the close relationship for 21 persons or more for 5 years throughout 10 years declining from 15% to 8% since 2005 and the rate of having no close bonding with anyone increasing from 4% to 7%. In addition, according to the white book on high-aged people of Japan in 2021, the ratio of having no close friend other than family members of 60 years old or older is 31.3%, almost one for every 3 persons. This rate is higher than that of the US for 14.2%, Germany for 13.5% and Sweden for 9.9% that the Japanese society is a society with serious solitude and isolation [3].


Social welfare; Solitude and isolation; Loving space; Friendship space; Monetary space

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[1] Akira Tachibara, Goddess Society of the pack, ShogakuGanshinshou(Japan).2016.

[2] Miller Mcpherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew E.Brashears, Social lsolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Tow Decades, American Sociological Review(America) .2006.

[3] Kenichi Ikeda, Japanese’s thoughts on the world, Keisousoubang(Japan).2016.

[4] Akira Tachibara, Goddess Society of the pack, ShogakuGanshinshou(Japan).2016.

[5] Akira Tachibara(2016), Goddess Society of the pack, ShogakuGanshinshou(Japan).2016.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i17.9030
