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On International Education and Career Development: A Study of the Chinese Students Undertaking UK Higher Education

Yuhan Wang


The globalization of education has become an important educational phenomenon that is currently occurring. Although attitudes towards the globalization of education are mixed, its existence does have positive implications. Because the globalization of education can not only meet the desire and pursuit of advanced knowledge of individuals in the increasingly competitive society, but also meet the survival and development needs of countries in the world environment, which means educational globalization has realized the value form of meeting the dual needs of individuals and countries. As a result, more and more international students are emerging with the globalization of education. This dissertation discusses the vigorous development of international education in China in the context of economic globalization and the internationalization of higher education. This dissertation focuses on Chinese students studying in the UK, and explores the expectations and cognition of Chinese students before studying abroad, the challenges and problems encountered in the UK after graduation and after returning to China, the challenges and problems encountered after graduation in the UK and after returning to China,etc. Finally, the practical exploration of the value of studying abroad education is put forward in combination with the advantages and disadvantages of international education, career development, study abroad background, and interview answers of international students.


Globalization ; Educational globalization ; Career development ; International education ; Study abroad ; Higher Education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i17.9044
