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How do Consumers’ Self-concept Cognition Differences Affect Their Green Consumption Choices

Peiling Yu, Sijie Huang


In order to explore the infl uence mechanism of consumers’ green purchasing behavior, green cognition was divided into three categories: system cognition, action cognition and eff ectiveness cognition. By introducing the degree of green involvement, a structural equation model of the mechanism of diff erent types of green cognition on green purchasing behavior was established. The results show that only the eff ectiveness cognition directly drives the green buying behavior, while the system cognition and action cognition can only indirectly aff ect the green buying behavior through the green involvement degree. The eff ect of green product involvement and green aff ective involvement on green buying behavior is diff erent. Action cognition has a signifi cant positive eff ect on both green product involvement and green aff ective involvement, while system cognition only has a positive eff ect on green aff ective involvement, while eff ectiveness cognition has no eff ect on the two kinds of involvement. Government or media propaganda and education should promote the generation of green buying behavior according to the action mechanism of diff erent cognitive types.


Green cognition; Green involvement

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i18.9115
