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Discussion on Strengthening the Training of Preventive Medicine Knowledge for Medical Staff in Medical Institutions

Lei Yang, He Liu


With the improvement of the living standard of the people, people’s requirements for hospitals have changed from simply treating diseases to requiring hospitals to provide comprehensive services such as disease prevention, health care and psychological counseling. Medicine is a practical science. Training qualifi ed medical talents is inseparable from the continuing education and training of doctors by medical institutions, which requires hospitals to fully understand the importance of preventive medicine, To cultivate the comprehensive service ability of medical personnel, with the clinical thinking of a “combination of prevention and treatment”, so that medical personnel can simultaneously master the theoretical skills of preventive medicine and clinical treatment of diseases related to their specialty.


Medical institutions; Medical staff ; Preventive medicine; Vocational training

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i18.9124
