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The Application of STEM Education Concepts in High School Mathematics Teaching

Jiao Xiong


Quality education awakens the innovative spirit of teachers. In accordance with the requirements of the ordinary high school mathematics curriculum standard (2017 edition), teachers begun actively exploring the concept of STEM education and integrating it into mathematics teaching. They strive to innovate the teaching mode of mathematics using STEM teaching ideas and provide interdisciplinary training for high-quality comprehensive talents. However, STEM education and mathematics education have their diff erences. Therefore, this paper based on the concept of STEM education idea and its application in mathematics education, explores the relationship between STEM education idea and high school mathematics teaching, specifically through the high school mathematics “chord theorem” content further study. The paper discusses the STEM education idea in high school mathematics teaching application, design of teaching activities centered around the “sine theorem” .


STEM Education; High school mathematics teaching; Sinusoidal theorem

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i19.9388
