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Possible Reasons and Solution Report of “Lazy” Gen Z Employees

Yilin Lu


As Generation Z people is growing up to the working age, how to engage and motivate these new generation people is now attracting attention. This report is written by the end of the pandemic, which analyzes the difficulties of engaging Gen Z employees after the world-wide pandemic and explain the expectation of Gen Z employees for working field. Report first focus on three problems among Gen Z employees: the high turnover rate, the huge gap in value and cognition between employers and employees, and disengaged employees. These obstacles are faced in front of many companies, even outstanding companies, Microsoft, for example. Upon that, the report gives three reasons to explain these scenes based on much research. The report then focuses on five solutions to solve the problems above and those issues are not unrecoverable. Based on the analysis introduced in the report, the “lazy” Gen Z employees are not really lazy, it is the old mode of working place needs time to adopt to these employees who live in the new generation. As for the gap between the diff erent era people, employers, and Gen Z employees, for example, needs to take appropriate coping approach to maximize Gen Z employees’ talents.


Gen Z; Employment; Turnover Rate; Pandemic; Human Resource

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i20.9634
