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Is translanguaging a good way in the the context of China

Yuxin Deng


The modern world is multilingual. As the researchers, Sílvia and Maria(2018) indicate, diversity is fundamental to any
language and transcends any foreign language learning situation. The increase in multilingualism has drawn the interest of language
experts and instructors ( Park, 2013 ). Language teaching should also practice the concept of multilingualism, which is translanguaging. It refers to the ability of multilingual speakers to switch between languages, treating the several languages that make up their repertory as a unified system (Canagarajah, 2011). Translanguaging pedagogy is not simply about translation but a deeper understanding and
application of language by multilingual speakers. The author notes that in international high schools, students frequently study history
using their home(first) language to better comprehend and convey their thoughts in English. Cenoz and Gorter (2021) explain that
pedagogical translanguaging reinforces the process by which students link new and old material. Students can use prior knowledge to
comprehend better and retain new information and language, which is a highly effective instructional strategy. The paper aims to evaluate
the application of translanguaging pedagogy in the setting of international high schools and the problems behind it.


Language teaching; Translanguaging pedagogy; International high schools

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i22.9693
