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Research On The Path And Influencing Factors Of Improving The Teaching Efficacy Of Ideological And Political Teachers

Wenjingling Luo, Cheok Yee


Teaching efficacy has been a significant area of focus in educational research, particularly concerning ideological and political education. This study aims to investigate the factors that contribute to the enhancement of teaching efficacy among ideological and
political teachers through an extensive literature review and empirical research. The results show that the learning environment, teacher-student interaction, teaching methods, and teacher professional development all have significant impacts on the teaching efficacy
of ideological and political teachers. Moreover, the study proposes several practical measures for improving teaching efficacy, including
enhancing teacher professional development, optimizing the learning environment, and promoting teacher-student interaction. The
findings will have important implications for the training and development of ideological and political teachers.


Teaching efficacy; Ideological and political education; Teacher-student interaction; Teaching methods; Professional development.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i22.9705
