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Research on the Optimal Path of Practical Teaching of Ideological and Political Theory Course in the New Era

Maolin Wei


To promote the reform and innovation of ideological and political theory course in the new era, we must adhere to the unification of theory and practice. In this way, education forms can be enriched and tradition of education can be practiced continuously. Make up for the deficiency of theory teaching, enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education;cultivate new people of
The Times and achieve the fundamental goal of Lide and people. Therefore, this paper explores the optimization path of the practical
teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities from three aspects: optimizing the concept of education, perfecting the rules and regulations, and enriching the teaching resources.


Colleges and universities; Ideological and political theory course; Practice teaching

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i22.9722
