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Factors Affecting Students’ Learning Willingness in Online Art Classes in Private University

Jingzhi Zhang


Objective: In this study, students majoring in art design who participated in online art classes from private university of
Chengdu were selected as research subjects to study the factors influencing students’ willingness to learn behavior.The factors studied in
conceptual framework included perceived usefulness, performance expectancy, behavioral intention, satisfaction, self-efficacy, social
influence, as well as perceived behavioral control (PBC). Research design and data analysis: After data collection, 512 questionnaires were collected and after review for validation, 500 questionnaires remains for the data analysis. Purposive sampling and quota sampling were used in the sampling procedures. Before the data gathering, the content validity and reliability of questionnaire was tested by
Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and pilot test (n=30). After the data collection, the Structural equation model (SEM) and confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA) are used in combination to verify the verification hypothesis and goodness of fit of the model studied. Results: According to the seven hypotheses,it is found that the main factor affecting students’ willingness is the perceived behavioral control


Online art classroom, Behavioral intention, Satisfaction, Students' willingness

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i22.9757
