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The Shift of Artistic Public Space Construction from National Narrative to Everyday Narrative

Duanni Li


This article explores the trend of how art in public space shifts its focus from being centered around national narratives to everyday life and individual experiences, as well as the infl uencing factors of this transition. It introduces the defi nition and historical background of art in public space, discussing the application of national narratives in such spaces, including the presentation of artworks with national symbolic significance and the introduction of commemorative public spaces like national monuments and historical museums. As an integral part of urban spaces, the construction of art in public spaces should prioritize human-centered approaches, focus more on individual experiences and everyday life, and elevate public cultural literacy, aesthetic education, and emotional resonance with the city.


Public space; Society; Publicness; National narratives; Everyday narratives

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i23.9828
