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Implementing Suggestions from COP27’s Solutions Day

Jiayi Gao


This essay explores the potential benefi ts and challenges of implementing a market-based Carbon Emission Trading System in Australia’s mining sector to address the country’s peak carbon dioxide emissions. The policy aims to control greenhouse gas emission by setting limits and allowing firms to trade emission licenses. The essay discusses the advantages of this approach, including fostering technological advancements, generating revenue for companies and governments, and promoting sustainable mining practices. However, it also acknowledges potential challenges, such as administrative complexity and determining optimal carbon prices. Despite these challenges, careful design and refi nement could lead to effective climate change mitigation and align with the SURGe initiative launched during COP27’s Solutions Day.


Carbo n emission trading; Mining; Economic benefi ts; Sustainable development; Climate change mitigation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i23.9832
