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by qiu-ying ZHANG
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The last glacial Maximum (LGM) is one of the most suitable time periods for paleoclimate researchers and Diffe Rent methods have been used to obtain the characteristics of environmental. While many features and arguments on LGM period are still in dispute, some basic agreements have been reached through the Progress of last years. In this paper, many physical elements which for the basic stand of characteristics in climate LGM, period the to Pography, Radiance, Atmosphere CO2 concentration, Land-sea mask, sea Surface temperature (SST) and ocean circulation, have been described systematically by compiling the results of LGM Recon Struction with new proxies and model simula-tions in past years to provide a front-row for the seat Study in. We found that's global SSTs in LGM period were cooling overall, but a few warming signals occurred at some particular re Gions; Deep ocean temperatures were relatively homogeneous; The glaciers had significant seasonal variation mainly in the Northern hemisphere ;<b15 > The strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) W As still in dispute. Definitely, the knowledge about LGM period should is broadened and deepened with the further increasing



by yanping SHI
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In this study, we investigate the northwest Pacific anomalous anticyclone (NWPAC) associated with Indian Ocean W Arming and its impacts on ocean circulation and sea surface the height in the northwest by using the Pacific Wind, Current and sea surface height data of national Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and SODA v2.2.4 during the IoD of 1971 to 2010. Composite results reveal that NWPAC associated with Indian Ocean warming is the strongest during the boreal summer and It has significant impacts on the upper-ocean circulation and sea surface the height in the NW Pacific. The anticyclonic wind anomaly produces a negative wind stress curl, inducing convergence of sea surface water and the ResU Ltant positive sea level anomalies. The effect of Nwpac on the Upper-ocean circulation in the South our sea is synchronous, while its impact on the upper OC Ean east of the Philippines delays by about one season and peaks in the boreal


by li-hong LIU
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objective To study the Marine environmental effect of a few encapsulating materials in South on the sea. Methods The exposure test of a few encapsulating materials was carried out under shelter on yongxing Island of Xisha in South for months. The environmental effect and the environmental adaptability were analyzed. At the same time, the high temperature test and the Humidity-heat test were completed. The correlativity between the environmental test and the artificial simulation test was compared and analyzed. Results There were 5 kinds of materials with better environmental Adaptability and kinds of materials with medium environmental adaptability in the tested; The correlation between high temperature test and marine atmosphere expose test is medium or lower than medium, and there Were kinds of materials, which acceleration factor of dielectric constant and volume resistance were more than 2 time S; There were kinds of materials, which correlation between humidity-heat test and marine atmosphere expose test was Medi Um or higher than medium, and there were kinds of materials, which acceleration factor of surface resistance were than 3, and there were kinds of materials, which acceleration factor of volume, resistance were than more 3 times. conclusion the environmental adaptability of the tested encapsulating Materials was medium under shelter on Xisha of South. The correlation between humidity-heat test and marine atmosphere expose test were preferable, and the humidity-heat test H As better performance degradation acceleration effect.



by hui-na DU
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methyl bromide is an important atmospheric trace gas , which plays significant roles in the global warming and atmospheric chemistry. The Ocean playsimportant and complex roles In the global biogeochemical Cycles of methyl bromide, not only the source of of atmospheric methyl bro­mide , but also . therefore, developing , chemical About you of of " Soluble methyl Bromide in the Ocean , Would Not, only have a certain Guiding significance to this atmospheric ozonelayer Protec ­ tion , but also provide a Theoretical basis for estimating methyl bromide^s Contribution to The Global environmental change on Global scale. This paper reviewed on advances on methyl Bro ­ mide In the Ocean, " aspects of the biogeochemical Cycle To methyl bromide in This Ocean, analysis and Determination method , this Concentration distribution, the Sea - to-air flux and its sources and sinks in the atmosphere. Some deficiencies in on current studiesWere put forward , and Di ­ rections To the future Studies were prospected .


by Tianfeng Guo
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 in the 2014 and 2015 Yellow in spring - Northwest Pacific Voyage Collection Particle size aerosol sample , from the concentration level , space Distribution and size distribution three -Way, analysis of particulate organic amines in marine atmospheric aerosols . DMA+( dimethyl amine ) and TMA+ The ( trimethylamine ) is the main presence in the sample region granular organic amine . Two granular organic amines have a greater concentration change in different seas and years . space distribution results show , Marine Atmospheric granular organic amine main from ocean to land transport , And it is closely related to the activity of marine life.. Most of the samples have granular organic amines in the 0. 1 ~ 1. 8 pm, mainly from gas-particle condensation , All opposite should be , A combustion emission and several processes of cloud formation , the relative importance of each formation in different samples with . also observed in 2015 year voyage 0. ~0. 056 has a significant modal distribution , and in some low concentration samples this modal or even accumulation mode pairs



by dongling ZHANG
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In this paper, the Complex empirical orthogonal Function (CEOF) and wavelet analysis methods are employed to Stu Dy the decadal variations of the The I and second modes of atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the North Pacific during Winter. The relationships between them and the Pacific decadal Oscillation (PDO) and North Pacific gyre (oscillation) mode AR e also discussed. The correlations between the time coefficients of the the ' the ' two modes and the PDO and NPGO index are high, and The wavelet analysis of the time coefficients show obvious decadal periods of about years, respectively, which a Re the same as the decadal variations of the PDO and NPGO mode. The regression coefficient field of the the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' two time coefficients with the SST anomalies (sstas) is quite similar to the Spatial distribution of the PDO and NPGO mode. The spatial distributions of the two modes of atmospheric circulation anomalies resemble those of the Aleutian Low ( AL) mode and North Pacific Oscillation (NPO)



by Shuai QIU
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 31 Daily Total suspended particulate (TSP) samples were collected in December. Thirteen trace elements in these samples were analyzed to characterize their concentration. The results showed that total concentration of all trace elements was (7.37±4.19) [XG M 3. Al and Fe were the most abundant elements which contributed approximately 92% To the total concentration, followed by Zn (3.7%) and Pb (1.6%). The remaining nine elements respectively contributed <1% to the total Concentration and they ranked as Mn > Ba > Cu > Sr> as > V > Cd > Co > Cs in a decreasing order. The calculated enrichment Factor values suggested that this thirteen trace elements can be divided into three groups, i.e .,① Al, Fe, Mn, Co, V, Sr and Ba probably From crust sources; ② Cs and Cu as a combination of crust and anthropogenic sources; and <b 20>③ Zn, as, Pb and Cd from anthropogenic sources. The positive matrix factorization (PMF) receptor model is further used to apportion the sources of particulate trace Elem Ents. PMF analysis revealed that Fe and Mn in TSP were mainly derived from soil source, followed by biomass and burning Primary Emission/co is mainly derived from soil source, biomass burning and coal burning/zn is mainly originated from Vehicle primary emission, soil source and biomass burning/cu was mainly derived from metal smelting and as is from coal Burning/and vehicle primary emission and metal smelting were the dominate contributor to Pb and Cd. In the hazy days, the elements from anthropogenic sources were more accumulated than those from crust sources. The trace elements from crust