Erosion Risk Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing in Nurdağı/Gaziantep Province (Turkey)
In addition to all these, intensity of human activity resulting from increased population boosted pressure on the land. Also, improper use of land widens areas susceptible to erosion. Thus, erosion risk mapping of Nurdağı District is made up in order to bring to light the erosion risk in relation with settlement, Land Use Capability Classes (LUCC) and agriculture or planning studies in Nurdağı District. The risk map was created by using the Multi-criteria Decision-making Model and produced with GIS. In order to make up the map, certain parameters affecting erosion were used such as slope, landuse and intensity of vegetation. According to the analysis carried out to find out areas under high risk of erosion, 28 % of the study area was determined. In this context, local administrators should consider, during land use planning, these sites where the erosion risk is high-very high.
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