Relationship Between the Landuse and Land Capability Classification in Adıyaman Province (TURKEY)
Remote Sensing and the Geographical Information Systems with their advantages of spatial, spectral and temporal availability and manipulation of data. In this study, the land cover changes of Adıyaman have been investigated between 1988 and 2018. This study analyses land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes in Adıyaman Province, Turkey. Landsat satellite images, which provide constant retrospective data, were used in our study to determine temporal and spatial change. The image classified with the “ISODATA method” consisted of 180 classes at first step. According to the findings Adıyaman city, rapidly growing like the other cities of Turkey, while covering an area of 500 km² in 1988, expanded to an area of 4600 km² in 2018.
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