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The Effects Of Phosphorus Addition On Growth Of Tropical Coastal Plantations

Yingxu Fan, Ru Yan, Mingfeng Li, Zhiwei Qiao, Qian Wu*


The tropical forest productivity is limited by P. Casuarina equisetifolia has been widely established along nutrient-impoverished
coasts and plays a role in resisting wind and erosion. To assess how phosphorus may affect the growth of coastal shelter plantations, we conducted a P gradient experiment in a young C. equisetifolia plantation with three treatments: 100 kg P ha-1 addition (P100), 50 kg P ha-1 addition (P50), and controls (CK). We measured soil properties and plant growth. Plant growth were not affected by the P gradient. Our results indicate C. equisetifolia plantation can sequestrate a large amount of C in biomass on poor soils compared with other ecosystems. Based on the
widespread of C. equisetifolia on tropical and subtropical coasts, we suggest that C. equisetifolia shelter plantation could be a nature-based
solution for climate change mitigation for its high C sequestration rate.


P Limitation; Casuarina Equisetifolia; Biomass

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ag.v8i2.13359
