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Biological Adsorption Method to Enhance the Degradation of PET Plastic in the Environment

Ailun Wang, Shan Dong


Plastics have provided many conveniences in our lives, but they also pose a serious threat to the ecological environment. Poly
(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is one of the most abundant synthetic polymers produced and is accumulating in the environment at an alarming rate as discarded packaging and textiles. Recently, a study found that the PET-degrading enzyme (PETase) contained in the bacterium
Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6 can hydrolyze PET, but the enzyme activity is relatively low. In the enzymatic degradation process of PET, the
spatial distance between PET plastic and PETase plays a crucial role in the functioning of PETase. This study used the SpyTag-SpyCatcher
system and enhanced biofilm to shorten the distance between PETase and PET plastic. Through p-NP analysis, we found that shortening the
distance between the enzyme and the substrate can improve the degradation efficiency of PETase. The engineered bacteria achieved effective
degradation of PET by optimizing the adsorption and degradation processes in the PETase enzymatic reaction.


PET Plastic; Biofilm; PETase

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ag.v8i2.13360
