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Study on Light Scattering Characteristics of Single Bubble

Linbo Yan, Jiansheng Zhang, Xueli Fang, Min Dong


The Mie scattering theory of a single bubble is used to solve the problems of different bubble radius scattering intensity distribution and scattering phase function distribution of bubbles at different refractive index of seawater in the paper.This paper systematically describes the single bubble Mie scattering theory, which provides experimental verification and data support for the single bubble Mie scattering theory, and also has important research significance for underwater laser communication and laser guidance of submarine wake.


He-Ne Laser; Wake Bubble; Mie Scattering; Scattering Phase Function; Polarized Light

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ag.v7i1.8828
