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by Yungming Cheng
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In this paper, the classical bearing capacity problem and the logspiral transition zone are re-considered from a continuum plasticity approach as well as discrete element approach. In the discrete element approach, the bearing capacity problem is considered from the elastic stage, plastic stage to the final rupture stage. It is found that there are noticeable differences in the failure mechanism between the continuum and discontinuum analyses, and the well-known logspiral transition zone is also not apparent in both the discrete element approach, plasticity approach as well as the laboratory tests. With the increase in the friction angle of soil, the transition zone is becoming more like a wedge zone than a logspiral zone as found from the present study. 



by Mehmet Ali Çelik, Ali Ekber Gülersoy
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Today, the Earth’s land pattern can be examined by the detectors on satellite sensors periodically and the variations on these patterns can be detected in a short while. Monitoring of land cover changes and planning these lands effectively are the important issues for economic and ecological sustainability. In this study, the land cover changes of Suruç, Akcakale, Ceylanpinar and Harran plains have been investigated between 1985 and 2016. Accordingly, we utilized Landsat satellite images for three different dates of their summer recordings. Satellite images were classified by the segmentation process and supervised classification through Maximum Likelihood technique. The land use maps obtained from the analysis consist of four classes: dry farming, irrigated farming, grassland and settlement. In addition, accuracy assessment has been implemented on each classified map in order to assess the degree of robustness of our analysis. According to our results, we obtain 85% of overall accuracy where the Kappa value is about 80%. Our results show that significant changes occurred in the land cover of southern plains of Sanliurfa. These changes occurred in the form of transforming dry farming areas to irrigated farming areas in Akcakale and Ceylanpinar whereas irrigated farming were transforming to dry farming in Suruc, during the period of 1985 to 2016. 



by Rosita Hamidi, Bashir Yasir, Deva Ghosh
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Seismic attributes are proved to be powerful tools for studying geological features on seismic data. In Malaysian Basin, intense efforts starting from this decade in seismic data acquisition and processing have resulted in significant improvement in data quality and hence the success of attribute application. Depending on the method used to calculate the attribute as well as the structure’s characteristics, one attribute can be more convenient than others for the desired objectives. Here, the focus is on detecting faults and anticlines in Central Luconia, Sarawak Basin. Therefore, different attributes useful for this purpose have been examined and compared to select the optimum selection of the attributes for further study of the data.   Based on the results, different attributes provide different information for the same geological event. So, it is better to combine the outputs obtained from attributes that can identify the anomaly at the required resolution level.



by Rongliang Zhang1, Enpu Gong2, Guoku Wang3, Weiya Peng4
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After the exploration and research of Lateritic-Gibbsite bauxite for years in Guinea, based on factors such as paleoclimate, paleogeography and parent rocks, the laterization and bauxite mineralization process of lateritic gibbsite bauxite in Guinea were analyzed. The mineralization conditions and topography were favorable for the formation of bauxite deposits on the West Africa craton of NW Africa, especially in Guinea. Through chemical and phase analysis for mineralogy and petrology of different mining area in BOKE-SANGAREDI of Guinea, the mineralization characters of different minerals were analyzed. Due to the paleoclimate and paleogeographical conditions, the parent rocks were leached of certain major elements, such as Si, K, Na, Ca and Mg. However, some elements, such as Al, Fe, and Ti, became relatively concentrated. Based on composition analyses of the bauxite and surrounding rocks, the laterization and bauxite mineralization processes are evaluated in the Boke-Sangaredi area of Guinea.



by ABDUL SAMAD ABDUL RAHMAN 1, Juhaizad Ahmad 1, Norbaya Sidek 1, Norhazwani Md Zain 1, Mohd Ikmal Fazlan Rosli 1
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Nowadays, peoples are more concern about the environment impact assessment towards sustainable development. For that reason, this research is focusing on the effect of the usable daily cooking oils which easily thrown into the soil in the backyard. Furthermore, the stabilization of a foundation in a building mainly depends on the shear strength of soil especially when it’s been soaked into the water for a long period of time. Due to that, the mixing of oil with water in the soil may lead to reduction in shear strength and thus will lead to failure in a foundation of structures. A studied were carried out to investigate the effect of mixing samples with usable cooking oil with 3% and 5% into the laterite soil under the condition of unsoaked and soaked for 14 days using multistage triaxial consolidated drained test. From the results, it’s show that there is significant reduction in shear strength for control samples and with the mixing of 3% and 5% oil for unsoaked and soaked condition in 14 days. For control sample under unsoaked condition compare to the sample that mix with 3% and 5% of usable cooking oil under the same condition, about 6° of effective friction angle were deduced. Meanwhile for control sample that been soaking compare to 3% mixing, the shear strength was deduced about 6° and for 5% mixing, the shear strength was 9°. In the end, results show that reduction in shear strength will continuously decreased with the increase of the quantities of usable cooking oil and thus will reflect towards the failure of a foundation.