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The influence of cross-cultural management of transnational companies on international trade cooperation

Ran Du


This paper discusses the cross-cultural management of multinational corporations and its impact on international trade cooperation.
Cross-cultural management is a strategy that improves the communication and understanding between multinational companies and their
partners, optimizes the global supply chain management, and improves the market adaptability and competitive advantage of multinational
companies. Specifically, cross-cultural management can improve language and communication skills, understanding and respect for cultural
differences, promote cross-cultural supply chain work together, improve the efficiency of global resource allocation, improve market sensitiv_x005fity, innovative products and services to meet the needs of different cultures, and establish and maintain cross-cultural brand image, to achieve
these goals.


cross-cultural management; multinational companies; international trade cooperation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v9i1.12039
