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Research on the relationship between compensation incentive and performance management from the perspective of human resources

Xinyuan Yong


The article delves into the issue of the correlation between salary incentives and performance from the perspective of human resource management. Mainly analyze the role of salary incentives, the importance of performance management, and the impact of salary
incentives on performance. In practical applications, it is necessary to consider issues such as aligning salary design with performance goals,
formulating and implementing salary incentive strategies, and integrating performance evaluation with salary incentives.


Human resources; compensation; incentives; performance

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Included Database


[1] CEO Compensation and Company Performance. KJ Sigler.Business and Economics Journal,2011.

[2] New insights into executive compensation and firm performance. Giorgio Canarella;;Arman Gasparyan.Managerial Finance,2008.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v9i1.12040
