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Study on the influence mechanism of online shopping platform FMCG brand marketing on consumers’ purchase intention in Chengdu-taking M enterprise as an example

Zichao Zhou, Rapassa Roung-onnam


The value of online shopping platform is first of all its important video communication value. Compared with the previous text and
picture communication, video communication can produce a wider angle, better interaction and deeper effect. M enterprise brand was estab_x005flished in 1997, which is a tea brand that started from a stall and focused on “sinking the market”. At first, he entered the market with a low
price and affordable attitude, and fought a price war in the milk tea industry in deus ex. Enterprises should plan the marketing mode of online
shopping platform from a big marketing perspective. In order to bring goods, it is also necessary to spread the brand first, and help the brand
to achieve better delivery effect through the amplification of content communication. Therefore, this paper takes M enterprise as a specific
case to explore the influence mechanism of brand marketing of FMCG on consumers’ purchase intention.


purchase intention; Brand marketing of FMCG; Cognitive attitude; Brand elements

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v9i1.12064
