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Strategies for mitigating risks in the global apparel supply chain

Lujie Wang*, Yue Hou


Purpose—This study aims to prioritize the vulnerabilities in the apparel supply chain and mitigate them by identifying the most
significant threats and developing appropriate responses.
Design/methodology - This study will use literature reviews to pinpoint supply chain risks and solutions in the apparel industry.
Findings - The study emphasizes the need for flexible and adaptable supply chain structures and highlights the importance of proactive
and reactive risk management strategies in building resilient supply chains.
Research limitations - This study explored existing literature, which may limit empirical data. Further research is needed to develop
predictive models that integrate real-time data for enhanced risk management.
Practical implications - The study provides practical insights for apparel businesses to improve their risk management capabilities and
prepare for supply chain disruptions and operational risks.
Originality/value - This study concentrates on apparel supply chain risks and provides strategies for risk mitigation. It highlights the
need for adaptable and resilient supply chains facing global disruptions, offering insights for industry practitioners and policymakers.


Supply Chain Management, Apparel Industry, Risk Mitigation Strategy, Supply Chain Disruption, Operational Risks

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v9i4.13098
