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Research on ECDSA-Based Signature Algorithm in Blockchain

Xinyu Wang


This paper mainly discusses the use of signature in the transaction process under the background of Bitcoin blockchain. At the beginning, the paper presents the way and principle of Bitcoin transaction. In order for receiver B to trust the source of the transaction, the message needs to be signed. ECDSA algorithm is applied to the signature in the process of transaction. Then it describes the introduction of ECDSA signature, the process of signature generation and verification, and the application of ECDSA in Bitcoin blockchain. Finally, the advantages of ECDSA are analysed. The weak random number problem of ECDSA still exists in the current blockchain development, which needs the attention of developers.


Blockchain; ECDSA Signature and Verification Bitcoin

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v4i2.1600
