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Research on the Impact Mechanism of Online Shopping Satisfaction on Life Happiness under the Vision of Community Economy- -Based on the Demonstration in Chengdu City

Yueao Xu


China has entered an aging society,and population aging is not only a social problem that the party and the government attach great importance to,but also a research topic of great concern in the academic circles.With the development of the Internet in China,the popularity of smart phones and the change of consumption concept,the elderly groups have gradually developed into a new force of online shopping.Nowadays, e-commerce is also trying to break down the barriers of the complex operation of the elderly in the intelligent era by launching the family number and caring version,so as to achieve the purpose of building a"digital society for the elderly". Therefore, how to improve the online shopping satisfaction of the elderly groups and improve the economic benefits of enterprises is a problem of research value.


Happiness; Satisfaction; the Elderly Groups; Online Shopping

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v8i1.6191
