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The Effect of Housing Market on Macroeconomy in the Post-Pandemic Period

Yuanze Gao


Many economists believe that homebuyers today are in a better place relative to 2008 (Alcynna Lloyd, 2022). If it doesn’t look like the housing bubble in 2008, what is going on in today’s housing market? Houses serve as a necessity for people’s daily lives, however, fewer families can make home purchases through their accrued savings, and most families choose to take loans for purchasing (Levitin and Wachter, 2020). People depend on mortgages to make home purchases and government needs the mortgages to promote homeownership (John C. Weicher, 1994). Through this paper, I will look into the housing and housing finance market to find their relationship with the macroeconomy and propose possible solutions for the housing market.


Housing Market; Macroeconomics; Post-Pandemic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v7i4.6333
