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Snacks Business Environment Development Study Analysis

Xiaohui Gao


The competitive situation and business environment faced by the development of the snack industry are changing at any time, which has led to the market segmentation and industrial structure adjustment of the potato chip industry at present. This paper uses PEST analysis theory to investigate Peerless's potato chip industry chain and product operation, and makes a detailed analysis of Peerless's current product revenue decline, customer base loss and potential market loss. The conclusion is that Peerless should first clarify its accurate market positioning and subdivide its product trajectory to catch up with the current market trend. In addition, in terms of the company's operation strategy, Peerless's main goal is to develop the correct company development strategy based on professional marketing information.


Accurate Positioning; Market Segment; Market Trends; PEST Analysis. Introduction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v8i2.6784
