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The Effect of Online Negative Graphic Evaluation on College Students' Travel Intention: A Moderated Mediation Model

Kang Wu


College students are active in the tourism market, but there is still a lack of in-depth scientific explanation of the psychological mechanism of their willingness to travel. Objective: Based on the SOR theory model, the influence of negative graphic evaluation on college students' travel intention was discussed. Methods: A total of 868 college students were surveyed using the Network Negative Graphic Evaluation Scale, Perceived Risk Scale and Travel Willingness Scale. The results showed that: (1) the negative graphic evaluation of the network significantly positively affected the perceived risk and negatively affected the willingness of college students to travel, and the perceived risk significantly negatively affected the willingness of college students to travel; (2) perceived risk plays a part-mediating role between negative online graphic evaluation and college students' willingness to travel; (3) Gender can regulate the first half of the path of "negative graphic evaluation on the Internet→ perceived risk→ college students' willingness to travel". Specifically, compared with boys, the more negative graphic evaluations on the Internet, the greater the perceived risk of girls.


Negative Graphic Evaluation on the Internet; Gender; Risk Perception; Willingness to Travel; College Students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v8i2.6971
