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Study on the Influencing Factors of Purchasing Intention of Consumer Smart TV Members —— Taking Consumer Groups in Guizhou as an Example

Zifeng Li


In China, the operation of smart TV has fallen into a certain growth bottleneck, but the value-added service of smart TV occupies the increasing percentage of communication operators with an explosive growth rate, and the value-added service of smart TV has gradually become a new breakthrough point of smart TV and communication operators. Large communication operators around the world are actively facing this trend through transformation, and smart TV value-added services begin to show a good situation of steady and rapid development. Intelligent digital TV is still in the monopoly stage, and intelligent digital TV industry market opening is only a matter of time, in order to occupy position in the future possible competition, improve customer satisfaction and purchase intention, so as to improve the industry barriers, keep enterprise dominance in the future possible competition into smart TV system enterprise important task at present.


Smart TV; Member Value-Added Service; Purchase Intention

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v8i2.6981
