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Study on the Optimization of Meituan Take-Out Promotion Strategy

Jingyi Yu, Mei Ge


With the rapid development of Chinese take-out restaurant industry, consumers can order food through their cell phones to enjoy food without leaving home, and this convenience has made take-out ordering a favored consumption method for students and white-collar workers. When consumers choose a take-out platform to place orders, promotional offers are an important influencing factor. The study summarizes and classifies the 14 promotional strategies being used by Meituan , a leading company, and provide an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of the use of promotional strategies based on consumer behavior theory, concluding with suggestions for optimizing of the promotional strategies.


Meituan Take-Out; Optimization; Promotion Strategy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v7i6.7659
