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International Marketing & Customers strategy of Always

Xiaoyu Bei


This report analyses the strategy adopted by P&G’s sanitary towel brand Always in the global market. It highlights Always in its respective marketplaces whilst also including sub-brand Whisper in the marketplace of India and the challenges which existed before and during entry. In order to adapt to the different markets, Always demonstrated its positive intentions through a sustained marketing campaign, bold packaging design and name. A wide range of product categories and constant product innovation made alway sufficient to gain a position in different markets.  Always has enjoyed financial success alongside positive growth as well. This report provides a multi-dimensional analysis of the strategy that Always has adopted and how it has achieved its position as market leader in the industry. The report also concludes with recommendations for Always in terms of corporate social responsibility.


Market; Strategy; P&G; Always; Whisper; Sanitary; India; Women; Girl

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v8i1.7873
