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Comparison and Enlightenment of Financial Technology Regulatory Models in Hong Kong and Taiwan

Huashan Lai


Fintech has realized the deep integration of finance and technology, represents the future direction of financial development, but also brings new challenges to financial regulation. The fintech regulation in Hong Kong SAR is deeply influenced by the concept of financial liberalization and gives inclusive development space to financial institutions and technology companies, which is reflected in the "market-oriented" fintech regulation model. On the other hand, emphasizes the core position of administrative departments in fintech supervision, and builds an "administration-oriented" fintech supervision mode through the composite way of "development planning + institution construction". The mainland (mainland) can learn from relevant experience, focus on the balance between encouraging financial innovation and preventing financial risks in fintech regulation, implement a separate regulatory sandbox mechanism, and vigorously strengthen the application of regulatory technology.


Financial Technology; Hong Kong and Taiwan; Supervision Mode; Regulatory Sandbox

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Included Database


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The financial sector financial high continuous innovation "into the development of financial technology, financial supervision and regulation department in Taiwan area, Available from: https:// www.fsc.gov.tw/ch/home.jsp?id=96&parentpath=0&mcustomize =news_view.jsp&dataserno =202109280004&dtable=New, Access on: December 4, 2022.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v8i2.8546
