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Original Research Article

by Junfeng Li
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Our society is booming. On the one hand, all kinds of social contradictions are more prominent than before with the improvement of people’s material life. On the other hand, people’s democratic concept and democratic consciousness have been unprecedentedly released. Based on this, the bad behaviors related to people’s interests and the society have become a hot topic on the Internet. Especially in the past two years, the network public crisis has occurred frequently, which is a great challenge to China’s government management and government image.

Original Research Article

by Zhiping Zeng, Zhihui Zhu, Weidong Wang, Ping Lou, Bin Yan, Joseph Eleojo Victor
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The railway engineering laboratory is the basic place for teachers and students to conduct scientific experiments and experimental teaching. It is not only the main carrier of scientific research, knowledge innovation, and technological invention of railway engineering, the training of students' practical ability and innovation consciousness, but also a window for Central South University's railway engineering professional knowledge innovation technology to serve the society. With the development of the Railway Engineering Laboratory of Central South University, it is of great significance to change the safety monitoring work method of traditional railway engineering laboratories and improve work efficiency with the information technology.

Original Research Article

by Zhengke Liang
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This article summarizes some of the problems encountered by college counselors in the education and management of college students in the new era, analyzes and studies related theories of pedagogy and psychology, and proposes countermeasures for college counselors in the education and management of college students, with the goal of providing college students with better education and management. Assist in the successful development of education and management-related work.

Original Research Article

by Jianing Tang
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As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept across the world, lots of places, companies and services concerned with art have been seriously affected. Public art activities, such as art exhibitions, theaters, museums and other art institutions have been suspended. The world art industry is facing severe challenges. However, under the huge shadow brought by the epidemic, art still warms mankind with its unique charm and eternal power, pacifying people’s mood and the panic. Questions on what kind of artistic talents we should cultivate, what kind of artistic charm we should present, and what kind of art discipline we need to build, have been raised and discussed, while the social function and cultural value of art is highlighted.

Original Research Article

by Shengbo Wu
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This paper is an attempt to express the sustainable economy in the physical model. Through the analysis of SDGs goal's specific Target8.2, a sustainable economic development model under this scale is established. At the same time, the sustainable economic model has a certain predictive effect on how to achieve sustainable economic development.

Original Research Article

by Yuhao Gong
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Few companies have been able to perform very well for the healthcare services industry in 2018-2020, but Aier Eye Hospital Group (Aier) has been a standout performer in the sector. Analyzing Aier may explore why it has been able to maintain a good performance over a relatively simple period and what is worthwhile in comparison to other comparable companies.

Original Research Article

by Shangqing Zhang
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Human resource economic management is a management mode with strong applicability, which can provide more efficient and high-quality services for grassroots troops. At the same time for the development of human resources management. Human resource economic management can improve the level of human resource management of grassroots troops and promote the development of human resource work of grass-roots troops in a better direction. In view of the problems of human resource management of grassroots troops in the new era, this paper explores the countermeasures of human resource management of grassroots troops under the new economic environment.

Original Research Article

by Pu Zheng
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At present, major countries and regions attach great importance to the development of new energy technologies, and continue to increase investment. New energy technological innovation and destructive energy technology breakthroughs have become an important means of continuously changing global energy patterns, adopting global carbon and action. Transforming low-carbon, zero carbon energy, rebuilding the modern energy system, is a sustainable development goal of the United Nations, and it is an inevitable choice for global climate change to promote "green recovery" after the global economic disaster. As the only way to achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality, new energy and renewable energy will accelerate to become the mainstream of the energy system. This energy transformation will bring major innovation in energy knowledge and technical system, promote basic theory, technical chain and industry forms.

Original Research Article

by Xinlu Chen
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In class teaching, students are not only the object of education, but also the subject of learning. They are the center of the whole teaching activities as the educates. As educators, teachers mainly play the role of guiding students. But in classroom teaching, it relies more on students’ self-construction and self-effort. However, in the current educational environment, especially in primary school classroom education, the phenomenon of "marginal person" is prominent due to students' own factors and other objective factors, which has aroused a lot of attention from the public. This article mainly starts with the connotation, characteristics and performance of "marginal person" in primary school education, analyzes the reasons for its formation, and puts forward relevant transformation measures.

Original Research Article

by Hangyu Huang
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The principle of prudence plays an important role in the quality of accounting information and is widely used in accounting practice. But the principle of prudence also has some problems in practice. It is not advisable to be cautious enough or over, so it is very important to balance the principle of prudence and improve relevant laws and regulations, and strengthen the quality and professional ethics of enterprise managers.

Original Research Article

by Le Li, Xiaoli Lu, Yangyang Zhang
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This paper aims to explore contingency theories of Leadership and Trait theories of leadership more useful for Leaders in organisation. Leadership had two important principles; they are trait theories and contingency theory. This essay will focus on the contingency theories or trait theories in leadership and contingency theories, which is more useful for leaders in the organisation. Based on this paper research resulted the quality of leadership and leadership behaviour can promote leadership effectiveness by environmental factors influence. According to the evaluation of both Trait and Contingency theories, Contingency theories are more useful for an organisation to adopt. Trait theory is only used to define traits of the effective leader; however, contingency theories enable the leader to take situational factors and followers’ behaviour into account.

Original Research Article

by Wenjie Ren
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At the moment China is in the Internet technology development period and reforms, all kinds of potential social contradictions will explode at any time. Under the payment of various factors, the public emergencies are extremely easy to spread through the Internet platform to form a network public opinion. Despite the sudden public event network public opinion can reflect social relations and public opinion to promote social progress, it cannot be made by its development. Therefore, governance for sudden public events has become an important topic that China has to face. By consulting, organizing and analyzing the literature and related typical cases, based on governance theory, the problems in China's sudden public event network public opinion governance have been analyzed, and corresponding countermeasures are proposed.

Original Research Article

by Yinghua Su
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Rothman’s three models of community organization include locality development, social planning and social action. These three models are the important approaches to community work and have their own characteristics. And this paper will focus on social planning model. Because social planning focuses more on solving substantive problems, it is very suitable to use in many social situations.

Original Research Article

by Xinying Wang
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With the rapid development of the Internet, global economic integration and the transformation of China's political, economic and social development, there are a series of problems to be solved in all aspects of development, and the accumulation of these problems makes the public crisis from the abnormal state to the normal state. So for the treatment of these public crises, relying on the power of the government alone is not enough to have a great effect, so we need to broaden our thinking and use the power of other public organizations and citizens. This paper discusses the path analysis of collaborative governance of public crisis with citizens as the main body. Through the improvement of the concept of citizens, the construction of various systems and the application of technology, we can better play the important role of citizen participation.

Original Research Article

by Yuchao Wang
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Eastern Communications Corporation is a state-controlled listed company in the field of Information Technology in Zhejiang Province. The article uses the Harvard analysis framework to study and analyze the factors that affect its financial performance and the main problems, and finally puts forward some development suggestions based on the results of the analysis.

Original Research Article

by Le Yu
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As a form of carrying the history of our country, ancient towns and ancient towns are of great significance to the history of modern people's science popularization. However, with the development of modern cultural tourism industry, more and more ancient towns and ancient towns have been destroyed in their elegant style, resulting in the loss of many historical deposits. Taking the ancient city of Huizhou as an example, this paper discusses the influence of cultural tourism development on the ancient city. Through data search, field visit, comparative analysis and other methods, this paper explores the reasons for its formation and puts forward some targeted measures, so as to finally achieve the role of rational use of the ancient city relics.

Original Research Article

by Kai Zhang
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With the completion of the task of poverty alleviation, it is necessary to focus on how to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, avoid the poverty-stricken people falling into poverty again, improve the sustainable livelihood ability and enhance the livelihood capital reserves in rural areas. This paper will select Yunlong County as the research site, using the definition of livelihood capital of sustainable livelihood framework to construct the evaluation index system of livelihood capital of poverty-stricken farmers in Shengli Village of Yunlong County. Combined with the statistical analysis results of questionnaire data, the livelihood capital status of poverty-stricken farmers in Shengli Village of Yunlong County is evaluated and measured, and the main livelihood difficulties faced by poverty-stricken farmers in Shengli Village are found. Combined with the local actual situation of Shengli Village of Yunlong County and the feedback of poverty-stricken farmers, the reasons behind the difficulties are excavated. It is necessary to choose strategies for poverty alleviation farmers in poor mountainous areas to improve their sustainable livelihoods, fully consolidate the excellent achievements of poverty alleviation, provide support conditions for the organic connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and further ensure the sustainable livelihood development of poverty alleviation farmers in mountainous areas.

Original Research Article

by Xin Li
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CPC's ideological and political work innovation under the background of Marxism sinicization is the development lifeline of ideological and political work in the new era. Strengthening the ideological and political work innovation is closely related to CPC and the country’s ideological work and the country’s ideological cohesion.

Original Research Article

by Xingzuo Fan
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What is eternal in the universe is change. The existence of traditional public service departments benefits from historical economic systems and social contexts. With the spread of globalization and the application of new technologies. After the 1980s management crisis, administrative reforms featuring new public management come into existence. However, the suffering and adverse responses in the reform process have often motivated people to think about whether there are a single best model and its application to the world. However, the success criteria of the model of a public entity are its ability to perform well and efficiently in the local area, and the economic conditions, political environment, history and humanities of different countries around the world is different. Meanwhile, a stable legal scheme and high-quality civil servants in developed countries offer a strong base for reforms, whereas developing countries do not have those requisites. Therefore, a single best model can be applied around the world means that this model has to be tailored to different situations around the world. It's complicated, but there can be found some key features of the good model.

Original Research Article

by Xingzuo Fan
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Since the administrative reform of government departments in the 1980s, public management has emerged in a new way. Since the 2008 financial crisis, in the light of fiscal austerity, how to plan and coordinate the budget within government departments has had a significant effect on the budgeting performance of the whole sector.