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by Yixian Li
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The research of marine biooligopeptides has been regarded as a dark horse in the field of resource exploitation due to the development of various technologies in recent years. Its appearance brings a visible development prospect to the basic research field of medical health cosmetics science. Starting with the basic research of marine polypeptides, this paper expounds the characteristics, operation mechanism and existing preparation methods of marine polypeptides.



by Guan Luo
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A large number of research data show that since the state approved the current situation of China’s geoscientists and the Chinese geologist database project in 1989, the construction of geoscientists has always been a key issue in China’s scientific field. In recent years, with the continuous improvement and optimization of comprehensive national strength, China has paid more attention to earth science research work, thus effectively promoting the construction of earth science talents. However, after a lot of practice, the researchers said that at present, there are still some deficiencies in the process of training and building geoscience talents in China, which greatly improved the level of geoscience research in China. In order to solve this problem, the researchers analyzed a large number of data, and put forward corresponding suggestions on the training of geoscience talents in China, aiming at further promoting the rational optimization of geoscience talents in China.


by Yuxi Liu
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In recent years, with the development of economy and the progress of society, the people’s thinking consciousness level has been continuously improved, thus effectively promoting the development and deepening of earth science research work. Researchers say that as one of the important basic disciplines, the number of disciplines involved in earth science is relatively complex, and among them, the contents studied by a large number of disciplines are closely related to human survival. Therefore, it is of great significance and value for the improvement and optimization of the earth’s ecological environment to effectively promote the rational implementation and deepening of the earth’s scientific research. In this study, by sorting out and analyzing a large number of data of geoscience research work at home and abroad, the researchers made an in-depth analysis and exploration of the key points of geoscience research work at home and abroad and the future development trend of geoscience research work, aiming at pointing out the direction for the development of geoscience research work in China, thus laying a good foundation and guarantee for improving and optimizing the comprehensive quality of geoscience research work.


by Wen Huang
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In recent years, with the continuous improvement and optimization of the level of science and technology, Virtual Reality (VR) technology has been widely used in our society and has received great attention from the people. Generally speaking, as one of the new science and technology, this technology can realize the reasonable simulation and reconstruction of reality by means of information technology, which is of great significance and value to the optimization of audience’s sensory experience. In the process of geoscience research, with the unremitting efforts of researchers, VR technology is combined with geoscience research, thus laying a solid foundation and guarantee for the promotion and optimization of the comprehensive level of geoscience research in China. In this study, the researchers systematically analyzed and discussed the application value and specific application of VR technology in geoscience research work, aiming to lay a solid foundation and guarantee for the promotion and optimization of the comprehensive level of geoscience research work in China.



by Qing Wu
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After a lot of analysis and exploration, the researchers said that at present, there are still some shortcomings in the process of developing the earth science talents training in Chinese universities, which leads to the relatively low level of the earth science talents training, which is not conducive to the cultivation and construction of the earth science talents, and has a very adverse impact on the development of China’s earth science field. To solve this problem, college teachers should actively change and innovate their teaching ideas, so as to effectively realize the transformation of earth science talents training mode, and lay a solid foundation and guarantee for the construction of earth science talents in China. In this paper, the development of geoscience talents education in colleges and universities in China at present is analyzed, and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward in combination with teaching practice, aiming at further realizing the cultivation of geoscience talents, thus delivering fresh blood for the development of geoscience in China.