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2424-8401 (Print)

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Finance and Market is expected to provide an international platform for academic researchers and practitioners and policy makers from different background, who engage in the theoretical and empirical research of financial markets and derivatives. It is a high quality, peer-reviewed journal dedicates to serve as the primary source highlighting on original research that cover conceptual and applied issue that relating with trading strategy for investment, organizational theory, optimal order placement strategies, and analyses of short and long run horizon price behaviour.

  • Econometrics
  • Statistics-Economic Theory
  • Finance & Banking
  • International Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Securities Trading & Pricing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Risk Factor
  • Financial Crisis
  • Payment System
  • Loans
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Emotional Finance
  • Global Banking System
  • Public Finance
Universe Scientific Publishing Welcomes Cooperation

  Vol 9, No 5 (2024)


Full Issue

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Table of Contents

Original Research Article

by Wanchen Guo
15 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
In view of the risk of electricity price fluctuation in power enterprises under typhoon weather, a single risk management method is insufficient. Based on the Japanese JEPX market data from 2018 to 2023, the PSO-LSSVM model is proposed to combine insurance and weather derivatives to form a comprehensive hedging strategy, which significantly improves the risk management effect compared with a single means. The insurance hedging effect is increased by 10%, and the weather derivatives strategy effect is increased by 25%. These findings provide an efficient and comprehensive solution to the risk of electricity price fluctuation for power enterprises, and enrich the practical strategy of risk management in power market.

Original Research Article

by Huanna Liu, Ratneswary Rasiah, Xin Wang
8 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
This research examines the relationship between financial ratios such as profitability, leverage, liquidity and stock returns. A sample of 943 manufacturing corporations listed on the Chinese stock market was selected. The financial data from 2008 to 2022 was sourced from the CSMAR database. The signalling theory was employed as the underpinning theory. The analysis involves the utilization of three separate panel multiple regression models to examine the influence of predictors on the stock returns, encompassing pooled ordinary least squares (pooled OLS), the fixed effects model, and the random effects model. The data analysis involved various diagnostic tests including the Breush-Pagan test, Hausman test, Modified Wald Test, Lagram- Mutiplier Test, and the Robust test. The study found that return on assets, return on equity, and earnings per share have a positive and significant effect on stock returns, whereas net profit margin, debt-to-equity ratio and current ratio have a negative effect. The study outlines some policy recommendations.

Original Research Article

by Rong Gu, Rapassa Roung-onnam
13 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
Since entering the information society, people’s lifestyle has gradually changed. In the education industry, great changes have taken place in the teaching mode, from the traditional classroom mode to the online classroom mode, which has changed the disadvantages that the previous teaching will be affected by time, region and educational resources, resulting in different teaching effects. The online education entrepreneurial projects and swarming entrepreneurial companies everywhere have made the competition in the online education market more and more fierce. The accumulation and competition of original users, and the exploration and improvement of business models are problems that cannot be ignored in the development of many online education service providers.

Original Research Article

by Xinyuan Wang
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Fiscal decentralization refers to the transfer of certain fiscal powers and responsibilities from the central government to local governments, granting local governments greater autonomy in fiscal revenue and expenditure, budget management, and tax policy. This paper explores the impact of fiscal decentralization on regional economic development, analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, and proposes suggestions for further optimizing the fiscal decentralization system. Through a review and analysis of relevant literature, this paper finds that fiscal decentralization plays an important role in promoting regional economic development, optimizing resource allocation, and improving the quality of public services. However, it also faces challenges such as regional development imbalances and increased management difficulties. To achieve more balanced regional economic development, it is necessary to further improve the fiscal decentralization system and strengthen coordination and cooperation between the central and local governments.

Original Research Article

by Qingwen Wang
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With the acceleration of globalization, cross-border e-commerce has become an important part of international trade. The application of big data analysis technology in cross-border e-commerce provides enterprises with more accurate decision support and improves operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By analyzing the application status of big data in cross-border e-commerce,this paper discusses the application of big data analysis technology in customer portrait,personalized recommendation,supply chain optimization,risk control and other aspects, and puts forward relevant strategic suggestions,in order to provide reference for the development of cross-border e-commerce enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Wenlong Jiang, Rapassa Roung-onnam
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Under the background of green economy, with the enhancement of public awareness of environmental protection, more and more consumers choose to buy new energy vehicles. This paper analyzes the customer satisfaction of new energy vehicles from the consumer’s point of view, and studies the customer satisfaction by combining the experience of using new energy vehicles with those around us, such as attitude, policy factors and product factors.

Original Research Article

by Zhiguang Li, Rapassa Roung-onnam
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While paying attention to the quality of life, the silver-aged people prefer to choose a healthy tourism form, and pursue a tourism form that integrates entertainment, health and knowledge. Under the dual trend of social aging and pursuing a healthy life for the people, kangyang tourism, as a new tourism project under the background of healthy aging, is loved by the silver-aged people and widely concerned by all walks of life.

Original Research Article

by Xiangguang Zhao
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In the fast-paced era of continuous technological advancement, innovation is crucial for firms to enhance productivity, enter new markets, and maintain a competitive edge. Innovation involves a multifaceted process that includes improving production methods, upgrading technology, and modernizing organizational management. Academically, innovation has been studied extensively, from Schumpeter’s early 20th-century theories to modern perspectives that view it as a dynamic, non-linear process. The OECD highlights innovation as a comprehensive activity encompassing product, process, and paradigm changes. A case study of Netflix illustrates disruptive innovation, transitioning from a DVD rental service to a global streaming giant through technological advancements and a consumer-centric approach. Additionally, the emergence of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in the Web 3.0 era represents a significant shift in organizational models, emphasizing decentralized governance and community-driven decision-making.

Original Research Article

by Yong-Ming Zhang*
7 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
The rise of e-commerce has profoundly impacted business administration. It drives the digital and intelligent development of business management, expands market space for enterprises, and presents new challenges to operations management and customer service. In response to the changes brought by e-commerce, enterprises need to enhance their information technology and e-commerce capabilities, improve e-commerce security management systems, and innovate service models to enhance customer experience. Implementing these strategies will help enterprises better adapt to the development of the e-commerce era, achieve continuous business growth, and constantly elevate their brand.

Original Research Article

by Shuo Wang
8 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
With the development of the Internet of Things economy and continuous innovation in science and technology, new energy smart street light systems have emerged, and large companies such as Huawei, Lenovo, and Haier have successively laid out in the smart light pole market. This article analyzes domestic smart street lamps and proposes the construction of a new energy smart street lamp business model based on Internet of Things technology, providing practical and feasible business model suggestions for the development of the domestic smart street lamp industry.

Original Research Article

by Xinxin Shi
8 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
With the rapid development of high and new technology industry, high-tech industry and its industry have become the engine of economic and social development, and also an important symbol to measure the strength of a country. The high quality development of hightech industry is of great significance to drive the vigorous development of economy. With the gradual strengthening of the role of high-tech enterprises in economic growth, the problems of insufficient funds and financing efficiency have become increasingly obvious, which seriously hinder their development. With the implementation of Belt and Road policy, will the financing efficiency of high-tech enterprises be improved? Based on the financing data of 24 innovative listed enterprises along the Belt and Road provinces for 5 years, this paper will analyze this problem and put forward countermeasures and suggestions.

Original Research Article

by Haipei Huang
9 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
In recent years, with the deepening of the integration of global financial markets, the rapid development of financial technology and the continuous evolution of regulatory policies, the insurance asset management industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. At the same time, the ups and downs of the financial cycle are also testing the risk management ability of the insurance asset management industry. From the perspective of financial cycle, this paper deeply analyzes the impact of financial cycle on the insurance asset management industry, and then explores its transformation and development path.

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Finance and Market is expected to provide an international platform for academic researchers and practitioners and policy makers from different background, who engage in the theoretical and empirical research of financial markets and derivatives. It is a high quality, peer-reviewed journal dedicates to serve as the primary source highlighting on original research that cover conceptual and applied issue that relating with trading strategy for investment, organizational theory, optimal order placement strategies, and analyses of short and long run horizon price behaviour.

  • Econometrics
  • Statistics-Economic Theory
  • Finance & Banking
  • International Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Securities Trading & Pricing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Risk Factor
  • Financial Crisis
  • Payment System
  • Loans
  • Behavioral finance
  • Emotional finance
  • Global Banking System


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Journal's announcement:

To further expand the readership and accelerate the development of this journal, the publisher’s committees decided to jointly organize a Chinese version

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News: Putin says Russia must diversify currencies it uses in international trade

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Moscow needed to diversify the foreign currencies it used in international trade and not solely rely on the U.S. dollar for such transactions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a session of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia September 12, 2018. Sergei Bobylyov/TASS Host Photo Agency/Pool via REUTERS

The Russian central bank has been increasing the share of gold and Chinese yuan in its coffers amid risks of more U.S. sanctions that could target Russia’s ability to trade globally.

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News: Sterling down on report of potential leadership challenge to May

LONDON (Reuters) - Sterling fell on Wednesday after reports of a potential leadership challenge to Prime Minister Theresa May and as realism set in about how far there remains to go before Britain can agree a Brexit trade deal.

UK pound coins plunge into water in this illustration picture, October 26, 2017. Picture taken October 26, 2017. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

The pound fell a quarter of a percent to as low as $1.2994 against the dollar after the BBC reported a group of about 50 lawmakers in May’s government had met to discuss how and when they could force her out of her job.

These lawmakers have condemned May’s plans for Britain to remain in a free trade zone for goods with the EU after it leaves the bloc in March, 2019.


The pound later recovered to trade flat at $1.3028, while against the euro the British currency was largely unmoved, at 89.010 pence per euro.

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