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Original Research Article

by Naping Bao, Zhuofan Zhong, Jiahui Cai, Yan Jin, Wenjie Yang
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In the context of rural revitalization strategy, Hangzhou further promotes the empowerment of rural economic development by cultural industry. This paper takes several villages in Hangzhou as an example to investigate the development status of rural cultural industry, and draws relevant conclusions through descriptive statistical analysis. Subsequently, the construction effectiveness of the industry is studied, and a multi-valued Logistic regression model is used to establish a quantitative model of villagers' perceptions of the overall effectiveness of the rural cultural industries construction. When the age parameter is changed and the model is applied, it is obtained that the older the villagers are, the higher the recognition of the effectiveness of the rural cultural industries construction.

Original Research Article

by Lanjing Qi, Ailing Dai, Hongxuan Shi
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Quantitative investment can bring very large returns to investors and is increasingly popular among investors. Based on this, a quantitative trading model of averaging strategy is constructed for both gold and bitcoin products, and then the market risk model and trading frequency model based on multi-prediction model is constructed based on the optimization of the lagging loss that exists in the averaging strategy when the market is in a period of oscillation. The market risk and trading frequency are taken into account in the averaging model, and the trading ratio is dynamically changed to adapt to different market patterns on the basis of constant trading dates to achieve the optimization of the averaging strategy. The model integrates the impact of historical prices on the trading strategy. Here, the daily trading prices of gold and bitcoin from September 2016 to October 2021 are used as experimental data, and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the model.

Original Research Article

by Ming Liu
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Globalization process was interrupted by the pandemic. Is the pandemic the turning point from globalization to deglobalization? Comparative Advantage theory does not support this point. So what is the impact to globalization?

Original Research Article

by Lanlan Wang, Chang Feng, Xinyue Wang, Yikun Zhao
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This paper uses empirical research, literature analysis and comparative analysis to explore how to play the role of financial services in serving the real economy in the process of rural revitalization construction under the background of high-quality development pattern of domestic economy. With the strength of the government's macro-control, market innovation and social participation, green finance has unique advantages to realizing the prosperity of rural industries, environmental improvement and sustainable development of farmers.However, after investigation, we found that there is still a large development space in the current green finance system in: information and capital flow, publicity and education, policy system construction, talent training and other aspects.The purpose and significance of this paper is to explore the development outlet so as to more effectively play the service role of green finance in the process of rural revitalization construction.


Original Research Article

by Keyi Wang, Zitong Zhao
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At present, China's digital economy has entered a mature stage of development. This paper, relying on the real panel data of provinces and cities from 2016 to 2020, uses the fixed effect model and robust analysis to conduct empirical tests, enrich the statistical results and provide effective policy advice. The results show that digital economy plays a significant positive role in promoting rural economic development in China, and can effectively promote agricultural construction in digital infrastructure, digital technology and e-commerce development. The government has adopted digital governance to ensure coordinated development and revitalize rural development.

Original Research Article

by Naping Bao, Jiahui Cai, Yan Jin, Wenjie Yang, Zhuofan Zhong
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In the context of rural revitalization strategy, cultural industry as a pillar industry of national economy has great research value. This paper takes several villages in Hangzhou as an example, investigates villagers' satisfaction with the construction of local cultural industry in each village, constructs an evaluation structure of satisfaction with rural cultural industry, and uses hierarchical analysis to determine the weights and obtain a quantitative satisfaction evaluation system. This system is used to further analyze the satisfaction of villagers with different levels of education with the cultural industry in villages. Finally, the shortcomings of cultural industry construction are found and effective improvement measures are proposed to help rural revitalization.

Original Research Article

by Suyue Chen, Zhongming Ding
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By studying the impact of green credit issuance on the profitability of commercial banks, this paper uses the panel data of five domestic listed commercial banks from 2010 to 2020, and based on a fixed-effect model through empirical analysis, it is concluded that the implementation of green credit business will help improve the profitability of commercial banks. 1. Improve the incentive and guidance system for green credit; 2. Create an external environment conducive to the development of green credit by commercial banks; 3. Improve the internal mechanism for commercial banks to develop green credit; 4. Cultivate Professional green credit talents.

Original Research Article

by Jiahuan Fan
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Leisure agriculture is a win-win economic product. It not only meets the leisure spiritual needs of urban residents, but also improves the income level of rural residents. It is the compensation for agriculture due to the rapid economic development, high degree of industrialization and urbanization in China for decades. However, compared with the whole country, Zhoushan is extremely short of land resources due to the environment of island cities, while leisure agriculture is a new industry and its development is immature. In order to speed up the agricultural modernization of Zhoushan, build a new socialist countryside, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and improve the income level of farmers, leisure agriculture, as an important industry to promote the development of agriculture and rural areas, should be vigorously developed. However, Zhoushan leisure agriculture has some problems, such as low quality of operators and backward science and technology; Single resources and lack of funds; Narrow publicity channels and low popularity. This paper puts forward countermeasures on how to develop leisure agriculture, promote the construction of new countryside and solve relevant problems. At present, e-commerce should be developed and the government should provide support, mainly for the vigorous development of Zhoushan education, science and technology.

Original Research Article

by Shuyi Hou
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With the four sessions of the China International Import Expo successfully held in Shanghai, the exhibition industry in Shanghai has also been revitalized in the post-epidemic era. Based on the theory of Porter's "Diamond" model, the article studies the overall competitiveness of the city's exhibition industry by analyzing several aspects of production factors like demand conditions, related support industries, industrial strategies, structure and peer to peer competition, government and opportunities of Shanghai's exhibition industry. At present, Shanghai's exhibition industry has the problems of immature digital transformation and immature policies for the introduction of exhibition talents. Based on that, the article provides suggestions for the subsequent sustainable development of Shanghai's exhibition industry in response to these problems.

Original Research Article

by Yan Liu, Jianghao Li, Guannan Lei
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In September 2014, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang proposed "Mass Entrepreneurship and Mass Innovation" at the Summer Davos Forum. The rapid development of small and micro enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) has become a new engine driving China's economic growth. However, when the total amount of social funds is limited, large-scale financing platforms will have a strong "crowding-out" on SMEs, and financing difficulties have become a key problem hindering innovation and entrepreneurship of SMEs. By analyzing the current situation of inclusive finance in China, this paper draws on the experience of the USA and Bangladesh in helping SMEs to finance and start their own businesses through inclusive finance, so as to provide feasible suggestions for the innovation of SMEs in China.

Original Research Article

by Yining Ma
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Foreign exchange and foreign exchange transactions are relatively unfamiliar to domestic enterprises and individuals. However, with the integration of global economy, the development of international trade and international financial market has become more and more important. Foreign exchange transactions and exchange rate fluctuations have a greater impact on economic benefits, and the foreign exchange market has become pivotal to the economic development of a country. As a teenager living in the 21st century, it is very necessary for future development to understand and master certain knowledge of foreign exchange trading and risk control.

Original Research Article

by Long Wang
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The comprehensive implementation and implementation of urbanization development strategy cannot be separated from the support of rural revitalization. In order to further improve the quality of people's lives, solve the problem of rural living environment of the existing environmental governance, the main content of this article is to analyze the current revitalization in the country under the background of the current situation of rural living environment improvement, further improvement and optimization strategies are proposed according to the status quo, for our country to carry out the rural residential environment renovation work to provide the reference and reference.

Original Research Article

by Xinli Wang
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The increasingly serious environmental problems have caused wide public concern. As the main source of industrial pollution, enterprises are responsible for environmental pollution and resource waste. Internalization of environmental cost is an effective means for enterprises to take environmental responsibility, reduce pollution emission and realize sustainable development. This paper mainly summarizes the research on the impact of environmental regulation on the internalization of environmental cost in enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Li Xie
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With the development of economy, the scale of university funds has grown rapidly, which has a strong practical significance for the research of university fund management.University fund management faces many problems, in order to improve the level of university capital management, reduce the risk of capital management, from the university capital internal control system, strengthen the optimization management of capital account, improve capital budget performance management, strengthen the financial information construction strategy analysis, hope to provide reference for capital management in colleges and universities.

Original Research Article

by Jiahui Yang
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As a new business form produced by the perfect combination of tourism and e-commerce, online tourism has shown a rapid development momentum in recent years. In recent years, the transaction scale of China's online tourism market has increased sharply. This explosive growth rate has made online tourism a remarkable industry and had a great impact on people's tourism consumption habits and ways. However, with the rapid development of China's online tourism industry, the industry is also full of great challenges such as price war and difficult tourism operation supervision. Firstly, by introducing the relevant knowledge background, this paper shows the convenient experience brought by "online tourism management" from the advantages and related applications of online tourism management, points out the relevant regulatory difficulties, and explores the Countermeasures for the relevant regulatory difficulties from the regulatory difficulties.

Original Research Article

by Tianyuan Xie
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This paper aimed to identify how the oligopoly firms’ market shares related to the profit stand ability. I selected firms from oil industry, which is widely recognized as oligopoly market, as an example and see if higher market share will stabilized firms profits in the face of oil price shock in 2020, caused by both global pandemic Russia–Saudi Arabia oil price war. I found that in the long-run, the firm’s market share is negatively correlated with firms’ profit volatilities. However, large firms’ profits fluctuates more in this price shock compared to small firms’ profits. Reasons might be small firms from my samples are more from OPEC countries which are less impacted by this price shock. Also, the price shock prices brought more business uncertainties for big oil companies than for small ones in both stock prices and other factors. This account for higher profit fluctuation for the large oil firms.


Original Research Article

by Rong Zhao
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As an important part of the ancient Silk Road, the economic and trade exchanges between Central Asian countries and China have been strengthened unprecedentedly under the background of new development initiatives. Adjacent to the northwest of Central Asia and China, and an important part outside the Silk Road, Uzbekistan is located in the center of Central Asia, with many neighboring countries communicating with each other, so it is called an important node of the extension of the New Silk Road, a major measure to improve the level of economic cooperation between China and Uzbekistan, and a program to enhance political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural exchanges and coordination and cooperation in bilateral and multilateral fields between China and Uzbekistan. From the perspective of "Silk Road Economic Belt", the economic cooperation between China and Uzbekistan has made remarkable achievements, but at the same time, the problems are outstanding. Uzbekistan's authoritarian politics, weak rule of law and non-traditional security have restricted the in-depth development of economic cooperation between China and Uzbekistan. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the strategic partnership between China and Uzbekistan, deepen cooperation in economy, trade, logistics and finance, and deepen the platform construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.


Original Research Article

by Chunli Deng
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At present, the eco-tourism model of sustainable development based on unique regional environments and customs and customs is booming. This model aims to achieve local environmental protection and economic development, and relies on the country's ecological development concept of vigorously promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and the specific eco-tourism development model is discussed. Through the analysis of the current development status of ecotourism, this paper puts forward several suggestions on the business model of ecotourism, hoping to provide theoretical reference for the construction of ecotourism.