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Original Research Article

by Xiaohong Zhong
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the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has highlighted the need to implement the concept of Building Morality and cultivating people in education, and to promote the all-round development of students’ morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor. Therefore, how to eff ectively carry out moral education has become the main task of every head teacher, which is related to the growth of every student and the process of education reform in China. As an important part of China’s education system, secondary vocational education is the key way to cultivate grass-roots talents. Therefore, we should pay more attention to moral education in secondary vocational class management, and formulate reasonable moral education strategies according to the actual situation, so as to help secondary vocational students obtain better growth and development. This paper will focus on the practical research on how to effectively carry out moral education work for secondary vocational head teachers, hoping to provide good work direction and strategies for more secondary vocational head teachers, promote the eff ective development of moral education in China, and help students get a better future.

Original Research Article

by Yao Yao
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from the report of the 19th CPC National Congress on “implementing the healthy China strategy” to the report of the 20th CPC National Congress on “promoting the construction of a healthy China”, the country has always put the protection of people’s health in the strategic position of priority development. However, the problem of “diffi cult and expensive medical treatment” at the grass-roots level still needs to be solved. The most fundamental reason is the lack of grass-roots medical talents. Despite the repeated enrollment expansion of medical colleges and universities in China, The number of medical students is increasing, and the grass-roots rural areas and counties that need medical students most are still in short supply, compared with the saturated surplus of urban medical talents. How to promote medical students to settle down at the grass-roots level, ensure the implementation of the 2030 healthy China strategy, let there be many people on the road to national health, and relieve the pressure of social employment has become a practical problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Original Research Article

by Yi Cui
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with the continuous development of Internet technology, the channels for consumers to accept information are constantly enriched, which makes the information accessibility between buyers and sellers more and more high. In this context, tourism enterprises began to use marketing means to plan and carry out marketing activities to improve the popularity and sales of tourism projects and products, which prompted tourism enterprises to strengthen the demand for tourism marketing talents. As a place to deliver excellent tourism marketing professionals to the society, higher vocational colleges should pay attention to strengthening the construction of tourism marketing related courses, reasonably set talent training objectives and reform teaching methods in combination with the market demand information for relevant talents. Task driven teaching method is a student-centered teaching method, which can eff ectively improve the teaching practice and teaching eff ect. Based on this, this paper analyzes the application strategy of task driven teaching method in the teaching of tourism marketing major, in order to provide reference for educators.

Original Research Article

by Mingdong Yi
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With the deepening of the concept of modern education, the integration of production and education has become an important way to improve the quality of teaching and personnel training in colleges and universities. The mode of integration of industry and education can solve many problems existing in the development process of local colleges and universities, such as insuffi cient teachers, lagging training facilities, and the disconnection between curriculum construction and industry demand, so as to build a new format for the teaching of this major. Therefore, local colleges and universities should combine the actual situation of machinery majors to fi nd a scientifi c and reasonable integration mode of production and education. This paper analyzes the current situation of talent training and professional teaching of machinery majors in colleges and universities, and puts forward new strategies, such as innovating the integration mode of production and education, jointly building teaching resources between colleges and enterprises, optimizing training conditions between colleges and enterprises, strengthening teaching teams, and strengthening students’ comprehensive quality, It is expected to build a new pattern of efficient integration of production and education for machinery majors in local colleges and universities, and cultivate highquality, high-level and high-quality talents.

Original Research Article

by Qisheng Dou
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with the continuous development of Internet technology, hybrid teaching mode is gradually applied in computer application teaching, which can not only conform to the development trend of the times, but also eff ectively teach computer application technology to college students, and promote the overall teaching effect. In view of this, this article comprehensively explores the practice path of hybrid teaching method in computer application teaching, understands the concept and application advantages of hybrid teaching, analyzes the problems existing in the current computer application teaching in Colleges and universities, and combined with the actual situation, puts forward reasonable application countermeasures, so as to improve the overall teaching eff ect, cultivate more high-levelHigh quality computer application talents, but also for other related theoretical researchers to provide some reference.

Original Research Article

by Nan Lu
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under the background of the “Internet +” era, on the one hand, it is conducive to the upgrading of China’s education industry, on the other hand, it also highlights some problems existing in the professional ethics cultivation of university teachers in China. This paper fi rst briefl y expounds some practical situations faced by university teachers in the “Internet +” era, and then discusses the problems existing in the professional ethics cultivation of university teachers in the “Internet +” era. Finally, this paper explores the corresponding countermeasures.

Original Research Article

by Li Gong
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in the new era environment, colleges and universities should pay attention to moral education as the fundamental task of education. While imparting professional knowledge and skills, they should eff ectively implement the task of value guidance and cultural education, and cultivate students as new people of the era with comprehensive development. As a place to cultivate accounting professionals to the society, colleges and universities should not only cultivate students’ professional knowledge and personal skills through professional course teaching, but also develop students’ good quality through ideological and political education, so as to cultivate accounting students into compound talents with solid professional foundation and excellent accounting professional ethics and ideological quality. In this regard, accounting teachers should actively carry out the integration of Ideological and political education and accounting courses, give full play to the role of the main channel of accounting, eff ectively implement the ideological and political teaching task of the course, and promote the all-round development of students. Based on this, this paper analyzes the integration path of Ideological and political education and accounting courses in Colleges and universities, in order to provide reference for educators.

Original Research Article

by Xue Cai
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under the background of the Internet + big data era, the phenomenon of College Teachers’ immorality occurs frequently, which puts forward new challenges and requirements to the education industry and teachers. As the main undertaker of teaching and educating people, college teachers urgently need to improve their personal professional ethics in order to better do their own work and educate students. By analyzing the connotation of Internet + big data and professional ethics of higher education, this paper summarizes the challenges and problems faced by the professional ethics of contemporary higher education, and puts forward the path to improve the professional ethics of College Teachers in combination with the development of Internet and big data, so as to provide some reference for the development of China’s education and the construction of an education power.

Original Research Article

by Xue Cai
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at present, with the implementation of the rule of law and school management according to law, China’s legal education has made some progress, but there are still some problems. This paper analyzes the existing research on the rule of law in Colleges and universities, understands the current situation of the research on the rule of law in Colleges and universities, analyzes the problems of the rule of law in Colleges and universities combined with the characteristics of the rule of law in Colleges and universities in the new era, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, so as to improve the legal literacy of college teachers and students, strengthen the concept of the rule of law in Colleges and universities, and provide some reference for the rule of law education in Colleges and universities in the.

Original Research Article

by Pan Liao
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under the premise of grasping the characteristics of online learning of university environment, information cocoon room eff ect and amplifi cation of teachers’ words and deeds in the era of smart media, this paper identifi es the new connotation of University Teachers’ professional ethics cultivation in the era of smart media, including information literacy, media literacy and cyberspace moral cultivation, and sorts out the challenges faced by teachers’ professional ethics cultivation in the era of smart media, It puts forward that the era of intelligent media brings opportunities for the improvement of teachers’ professional ethics, and discusses the Cultivation Strategies of professional ethics.

Original Research Article

by Pan Liao
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with the rapid development of big data and new media technology in the e-commerce industry, it also puts forward the requirements of keeping pace with the times for the cultivation of e-commerce professionals. The traditional e-commerce professional courses are facing problems such as the lagging construction of the curriculum system, the relative lack of teaching resources, and the lack of practical teaching environment. This paper analyzes the school enterprise cooperation teaching reform mode of e-commerce Majors Based on OBE, It is proposed to formulate talent training plan through school enterprise cooperation, optimize the curriculum structure, innovate teaching methods, establish a shared teaching resource base, expand the training platform through school enterprise coordination, innovate the evaluation system, optimize the “teacher + enterprise mentor” teamAdhere to the teaching reform of “promoting construction through competition, adhering to the teaching mechanism of combining competition with training”, deepen professional construction, and improve the quality of e-commerce professionals.

Original Research Article

by Lixia Zhang, Hongying Jiang
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middle school students’ learning engagement will have a great impact on the quality of learning. The infl uencing factors of middle school students’ learning engagement will be affected by family relations, social factors, national policies and other aspects. Therefore, if we want to improve the degree of middle school students’ learning engagement, we should not only pay attention to the analysis of students’ factors, but also consider from the aspects of society, family, school and so on, so as to enhance the overall and systematic nature of education work, and make students more activeActively participate in knowledge learning and exploration to improve the eff ect of education. In view of this, this paper will analyze the infl uencing factors of middle school students’ learning engagement, and put forward some strategies for your reference.

Original Research Article

by Wei Zhu, Hanyi Dai, Zhangqi Zhu, , Peng Ye
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in 2022, in order to adapt to the rapid development of Tob customers’ businesses in the industry private network, 5g MEC, cloud network, dedicated line, IDC and dict, and meet the urgent needs of government and enterprise customers for products and services such as traffi c control, traffi c security and anomaly detection, network security situational awareness, network operation and maintenance, business performance assurance, service inspection and SLA evaluation in the park, edge cloud, government aff airs and other scenarios, Combined with the strategic deployment of “digital computing in the East and digital computing in the west”, the construction planning of edge cloud, the promotion of new technologies and business application scenarios of computing network, enterprise customers have more clear and strong requirements for cloud SLA service guarantee and security level guarantee based on computing network. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an endogenous security protection mechanism, strengthen the new security protection capability based on traffi c and the security scheduling capability that moves with the computing network, and ensure that the network infrastructure is safe and controllable.

Original Research Article

by Shuo Liu
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with the development of social economy, the demand for interdisciplinary talents in the new era has gradually increased, and the barriers between subject teaching have been broken, which also puts forward deeper requirements for junior high school English homework design. As an indispensable part of teaching activities, homework has important value in subject teaching. Teachers should optimize the design scheme of junior high school English interdisciplinary homework, provide theoretical guidance for interdisciplinary integration practice, and provide support for scientifi c junior high school English homework design. Based on this, this paper analyzes and studies the design and implementation of junior high school English interdisciplinary homework from the perspective of curriculum, expounds the connotation and characteristics of English interdisciplinary homework design, analyzes the basic principles of junior high school English interdisciplinary homework design, and puts forward the basic ideas of interdisciplinary homework design for reference.

Original Research Article

by Jianguo Sun
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information technology teaching is one of the important achievements in the process of exploring diversifi ed teaching in secondary vocational schools. Its application in fi nance and economics majors can transform abstract fi nancial professional knowledge into concrete and intuitive content, and has a positive impact on improving the quality of talent training. However, as far as the current classroom teaching effi ciency of Finance and economics majors is concerned, teachers need to further optimize the work, make full use of the role of information-based teaching methods in the effi cient aggregation of professional knowledge, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and autonomy of students’ thinking. Based on this, this paper explores the practical strategies of information-based teaching for fi nance and Economics Majors in secondary vocational schools, hoping to give full play to the advantages of information-based teaching methods and improve the teaching quality of Finance and Economics Majors in the process of building an effi cient classroom.

Original Research Article

by Yiwen Sheng
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This paper analyzes the current situation of the spread of Xiang embroidery culture from the carrier, media and object of the spread of Xiang embroidery culture. At the same time, it explores and studies how to carry out more eff ective inheritance and development of Xiang embroidery culture in contemporary society.

Original Research Article

by Guiqin Zhong, Jiaming Han, Man Zeng
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verbal interaction is the most eff ective way of interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. The i mproved Flanders interaction analysis system (iFIAS), which is suitable for the Chinese discipline, is used to eff ectively analyze the verbal interaction between teachers and students in classroom teaching. This study selects three high-quality Chinese classes in Lhasa junior high school. The results show that: the Chinese class in junior high school has the characteristics of harmonious classroom atmosphere, diversifi ed learning methods and good cultural value; There are also some shortcomings, such as teachers’ classroom questioning is mainly closed questions, students’ awareness of active questioning is weak, and teachers’ and students’ multimedia classroom use is single. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention to classroom questioning, students should enhance the awareness of active questioning, and teachers and students should further develop the function of multimedia classroom.

Original Research Article

by Fangda Zhu
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under the background of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the strong promotion of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the eff orts to create world-class universities, and the Internet big data, colleges and universities should stand in the forefront of the times, and the traditional mode, method and mechanism of educational administration will undergo profound changes. The academic s ecretary plays an important role in the teaching management system of colleges and universities, aff ecting the teaching order and teaching quality of a school. But for a long time, the educational Secretary has been troubled by various factors, and now it is in the key stage of higher vocational education reform. The new situation puts forward higher requirements for the post of educational secretary.

Original Research Article

by Yan Yang
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with the deepening of education and teaching reform, preschool education teachers gradually realize the important value of education modernization and Internet + for teaching. In this context, in the teaching practice of music courses for preschool education majors, teachers should actively promote the integration of internet teaching resources into classroom teaching, give full play to the advantages of network teaching resources, improve the shortcomings of previous teaching, and then realize the improvement of students’ learning quality. Based on this, this paper will focus on the music course teaching of preschool education under the background of Internet +.

Original Research Article

by Ying Li, Jicheng Li, ,Jianling Qin, Smirnova Irina
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by analyzing the connotation of humanism, this paper sorts out the internal unity between humanism and curriculum ideological and political education, vocational education and historical materialism, analyzes the problems existing in the cultivation of Ideological and political talents in Higher Vocational Colleges from the perspective of humanism, and combs and constructs the ideological and political goal framework of talent cultivation in higher vocational colleges. Finally, based on the three elements of teachers, courses and students, the specifi c implementation path of Ideological and political talents training in higher vocational colleges is given.

Original Research Article

by Lin Liu
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in the new era, higher education continues to deepen reform, and many colleges and universities are innovating teaching management methods in order to simplify and improve this complex and heavy work. However, there are still some schools that fail to recognize the importance of teaching innovation management in Colleges and universities, and are diffi cult to start and implement in the process of innovative management methods. Based on this, this paper takes the reform of teaching management in Colleges and Universities under the cultivation of professional ability as the argument, analyzes the necessity of the reform of teaching management in Colleges and universities, and puts forward some feasible suggestions, hoping to provide more references for front-line education and teaching.

Original Research Article

by Yuanyuan Li, Shuxin Sun
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case teaching method is a new teaching method in the landscape design course of private colleges and universities. This method can improve students’ practical ability and deepen students’ understanding and mastery of knowledge and skills of landscape design. Focusing on the teaching problems of landscape design course in private colleges, this paper mainly introduces the application prospect, existing problems and Countermeasures of case teaching method, in order to provide reference for the application of case teaching in other design courses.

Original Research Article

by Xuefei Gui
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with the development of information technology, China’s smart tourist attractions have become the core project of tourism construction, which also puts forward higher requirements for the development of the industry in the industrial chain. Among them, hotel management should comply with the needs of the development of the times, improve the degree of intelligence, adjust and change the management mode, and cultivate hotel management talents that meet the objectives. Based on this, this paper analyzes and studies the optimization of the cultivation of applied talents of hotel management in Colleges and Universities under the development of intelligence, for reference.

Original Research Article

by Tongzhou Li
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with the rapid development of information technology, most secondary vocational schools gradually began to build smart campus on the basis of digital campus, and the use of Internet technology, Internet of things technology and other new technologies to build smart campus can provide more convenience for campus management, teaching activities and learning activities. Therefore, under the background of vocational education reform, secondary vocational schools should integrate the concept of “smart campus” into campus construction, so as to ensure that schools can cultivate applied talents needed by the industry, and then promote the sustainable development of society. Based on this, this paper analyzes the research and practice of the construction of smart campus application system in secondary vocational schools for reference.

Original Research Article

by Tianyu Lu
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government invested construction projects can eff ectively promote the development of social economy. In order to promote the construction of people’s livelihood and the comprehensive development of the national economy, the investment scale of the Chinese government in infrastructure construction continues to increase, and its social and economic benefi ts are increasingly obvious. Because government investment projects are generally important and related to people’s livelihood and national economic development, the demand of government investment departments or construction units for investment control and management at all stages is increasing. Therefore, the whole process cost consulting service arises at the historic moment. Based on years of project practice experience, This paper focuses on the general idea and key and diffi cult points of the cost consulting service of government invested construction projects, so as to provide reference for relevant consulting services.

Original Research Article

by Xiqing Chen
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under the background of the Internet + era, the information construction of vocational education has become an important direction for the progress and development of vocational education, which is also an important measure to improve the overall education and teaching level of secondary vocational schools. However, due to the late start and development of vocational education informatization construction in China, and the related theoretical and practical research is not rich and in-depth, this hinders the pace of secondary vocational school education informatization construction to a certain extent. In view of this, it is necessary for this paper to carry out indepth exploration and practice around the problems and Countermeasures in the construction of educational informatization in secondary vocational schools, hoping to truly provide benefi cial references for the construction and application of educational informatization in all secondary vocational schools in China, and ultimately contribute to the overall improvement of the level of Vocational Education in China.

Original Research Article

by Saihang Hao, Jie Zhang, Junhui Yan
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aesthetic education is the process of training learners to correctly understand, love and create beauty. It is an indispensable part of comprehensive quality education. Actively exploring the aesthetic education evaluation system of modern vocational colleges in China and gradually improving the aesthetic education evaluation system of vocational colleges are the new requirements of the party and the state for the aesthetic education of Vocational Colleges in the new period. This topic expounds the current situation and problems of aesthetic education evaluation in higher vocational colleges, obtains the key words of aesthetic education evaluation through questionnaire survey, and constructs the evaluation system around the four core qualities of aesthetic interest and performance, aesthetic knowledge and skills, aesthetic ability and innovation, aesthetic personality and development, so that students can change their aesthetic education cognition, form aesthetic education consciousness, and cultivate aesthetic education emotion, Ultimately promote the development of students’ aesthetic personality.

Original Research Article

by Yi Liu, Qin Yu
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Based on the analysis of the current teaching situation of the course of clothing structure design, combined with the learning characteristics of higher vocational students and the working needs of enterprises, this paper explores the integration of three-dimensional cutting and drawing principle knowledge into the course content of clothing structure design, and carries out the teaching method of “teaching by doing”, so as to cultivate the students’ thinking ability from plane to three-dimensional transformation, the fl exible application ability of drawing principleThe problem-based reasoning ability can provide reference for the education and teaching of the course of clothing structure design in higher vocational colleges.

Original Research Article

by Shiyue Ji, Jiayi Xie
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in order to better implement the pilot work of the 1+x vocational skill level certifi cate, relying on the development of the new energy vehicle industry in the region, taking the current popular major in Secondary Vocational Colleges -- new energy vehicle application and maintenance major as an example, by reconstructing the curriculum system of new energy vehicle major, Explore the establishment method to solve the corresponding relationship between professional curriculum system and vocational skill level certifi cate.

Original Research Article

by Zijun Zhao
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Cultivating morality is the foundation of education and the core task in the process of talent cultivation in Colleges and universities. In order to implement moral education, it is necessary to strengthen the ideological and political education of all courses in Colleges and universities. Under the background of “Internet + education”, the deep integration of information technology and education and teaching is the general trend. Therefore, the organic integration of smart education and ideological and political education has become the current trend of the development of education in Colleges and universities. The online and offl ine hybrid education mode is the main way to realize smart education and ideological and political education, which is conducive to the cultivation of smart talents with “political and Ideological Education, professional quality training, and professional technical skills improvement”.

Original Research Article

by Chuanfang Zhang
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In the context of China’s current vigorous development of electric vehicles, China ranks first in the world in terms of production and sales of electric vehicles. While electric vehicles can effectively reduce the country’s foreign oil dependence, they can also play the energy storage attribute of electric vehicles and further participate in regulating the electric load. Moreover, as the number of electric vehicles increases, their role as mobile energy storage will play an increasingly large role in regulating the charging and discharging of the power grid. The country has introduced a number of energy storage promotion policies in the past two years, and from a long-term perspective, electric vehicles as mobile energy storage will reduce the overall cost of electricity storage, and have greater fl exibility and lower cost advantages compared to other energy storage methods.

Original Research Article

by Huijuan Ren, Wei Xie
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as an important part of the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, revolutionary culture is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. The integration of revolutionary culture into the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities in the new era can better play an important role in moral education in Colleges and universities. This paper explores the path of integrating revolutionary culture into Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities in the new era from four aspects: fi rst, deepen teaching reform and improve the teaching quality of Ideological and political courses; The second is to create a red atmosphere and build a characteristic campus cultural environment; Third, skillfully use the network platform to promote the innovation and inheritance of revolutionary culture.

Original Research Article

by Lei Zhou
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from the perspective of new media, modern educational concepts and technologies are widely used. Many front-line educators have made innovations and practices in actual teaching, and have obtained preliminary work experience, as well as some achievements in related fi elds. Of course, the application of new media is also a double-edged sword, which brings many challenges to the ideological and political teaching. How to overcome the problem of adaptation to the transformation of educational ideas and how to expand new ideas to improve the eff ectiveness of education are urgently needed to be solved. The transformation of educational philosophy, the seriousness of school spirit and the expansion of extracurricular knowledge can play a role in promoting to varying degrees. Based on new media technology and platform, the reform of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities can promote the modernization and informatization development of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities. In view of this, this paper discusses the problems and implementation path of the innovation and development of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities from the perspective of new media, hoping to provide more theoretical reference and reference for related education and teaching practice.

Original Research Article

by Lian Liu
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the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made it clear that “safeguard the rights and interests of the people according to law, safeguard social fairness and justice”, comprehensively promote the strategy of governing the country according to law, and realize good governance of the country. As an important mechanism for the “third” distribution of social resources, charitable foundations make up for the failure of the government and the market through poverty alleviation, resolve the contradictions between the state and society, and contribute to the harmony and stability of the economy and society. The vigorous advocacy and development of charitable foundations refl ect the spirit of the decision of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, which is the essential requirement of democracy and the rule of law and the concrete embodiment of fairness and justice. Therefore, the study of the fi nancial health and governance of charitable foundations has certain theoretical and practical signifi cance.

Original Research Article

by Liqiang Yan
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happy physical education is a concept of physical education teaching. It starts from the needs of lifelong physical education and personal development, and takes emotion as the starting point to carry out sound personality education and physical education for students. The concept of happy sports regards highlighting the intrinsic fun of sports as the goal of teaching. It emphasizes that happy learning experience should be run through the whole teaching process, so as to make students love sports, develop personality and form a positive and optimistic sports spirit. In the “Happy Sports”, the most refl ected happiness is sports games. It is a special sports activity with sports action as the basic content, games as the main form, and the main purpose of enhancing students’ physique.

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by Yu Wang
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as an important development strategy of higher education, the construction of new engineering courses has pointed out the direction for the construction of the development mechanism of colleges and universities. However, under the background of the new engineering construction, the development mechanism of university teachers is facing severe challenges, which is caused by the imperfect introduction mechanism and unreasonable reward mechanism. Actively exploring the diversifi ed evaluation mechanism is an inexhaustible driving force to promote the innovation and development of the current development mechanism of university teachers.

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by Manrong He
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The world is in a situation of great change unprecedented in a century, and it is of great significance to cultivate new talents of the era. Colleges and universities, as an important position for cultivating talents, are particularly necessary to explore the model of cultivating new talents of the era. Based on the “Understanding of China”education plan of Yunnan University,this paper explores the mechanism of education from the four stages of “Comprehension” ,”Consideration”, “Practice” and “Argumentation”. In order to establish a new model of circular education through these four stages, it will provide a reference for the development of new talent cultivation paths in the college era.

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by Shiqin Zhang
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with the advent of the information age, Internet technology is widely used in various fi elds of society, especially in the fi eld of education. For colleges and universities, paying attention to the informatization in the process of teaching management can further improve the quality of talent training and create a good environment for college students’ learning and life. However, at present, there are still many problems in the process of implementing teaching management informatization in Colleges and universities. Therefore, colleges and teachers need to take eff ective measures to strengthen teaching management informatization to promote the development of higher education based on reality and the current situation of teaching informatization construction. This paper studies the development of teaching management informatization in Colleges and Universities under the background of “Internet +”, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures combined with years of teaching management at the grass-roots level in Colleges and universities.

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by Lingjun Ma
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culture is the spiritual pillar of a nation’s development. It is an important task for China’s cultural construction in the new era to unswervingly develop the advanced socialist culture, and innovate on the basis of carrying forward the traditional culture. Hehuang culture is famous for folk stories and red culture. It was born in the Qinghai River Basin in China and occupies an important position in the historical inheritance and future development of Qinghai. The study of the connotation characteristics, ideology and protection path of Hehuang culture is helpful to the modernization development of Hehuang culture, and how to do well in the inheritance and innovation of Hehuang culture is an important topic in front of cultural construction workers

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by Zhunan Wu
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This paper uses DMADV and inquiry-based teaching methods to explore the teaching practice mode of high-quality talent training, and establishes a demand-oriented and customized teaching practice project model for cultivating high-quality talents. By analyzing the new requirements of industrial upgrading and economic progress for quality management and engineering management talents, precise training goals, professional design course teaching, and teaching practice projects closely linked to practical ability requirements, highquality management talents with “solid theoretical knowledge, strong practical ability and professional practical experience” are designed

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by Wen Xia
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Sword dance in China is one of the important branches of classical dance, and freehand body rhyme is an important part of body rhyme, which can fully display the creative soul and unique cultural connotation of classical dance in China, and will also have a farreaching impact on the inheritance and development of classical dance in China. Therefore, in the process of training freehand body rhyme, some colleges and universities will focus on interpreting its unique form and expression, and organically integrate the form and dance charm. This article will focus on the inheritance and development of freehand body rhyme in classical Chinese sword dance.

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by Ting Zhu, Hui Wang
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Language and culture themselves have a complementary relationship and are closely linked. Therefore, Korean teachers should try to integrate cultural education when teaching, so as to improve the quality of teaching and allow students to better enter the context and strengthen their knowledge understanding. This article mainly describes the signifi cance of cultural education penetration in Korean language teaching, discusses the methods of infiltration, and expresses some personal views and opinions on matters that need attention.

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by Hui Wang, Ting Zhu
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Korean learners need to build a good foundation of language knowledge and cultural cognition in language learning. Therefore, in the cultivation of Korean language talents in colleges and universities, it is necessary to pay attention to the introduction of cross-cultural education, teach students language knowledge, and do a good job in cross-cultural education guidance. In practice, there are still many problems in cross-cultural education in Korean language teaching, including education, learning awareness, and actual teaching and learning problems. In order to ensure the eff ectiveness of cross-cultural education, it is necessary to pay attention to the research of educational principles and select reasonable educational measures according to the principles of cross-cultural education introduction. Based on this, this article explores it in order to provide a reference for educators.

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by Hui Wang, Yalan He
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an important function of human communication, language education has attracted much attention, in view of the fact that China is facing an increasingly fi erce international competition environment, focusing on the learning of cultural knowledge is an important choice to adapt to the development of the times. In the process of international exchanges, it is necessary to consider the diff erences in the corresponding cultural backgrounds of diff erent countries, at this stage the domestic Korean language teaching has been well developed, cross-cultural education in the fi eld of Korean language teaching plays an increasingly obvious role, so this paper mainly focuses on the implementation path of cross-cultural education in colleges and universities Korean language teaching analysis, the purpose is to eliminate the integration of cross-cultural education, lead students to learn Korean while understanding the cultural background of the corresponding language country, in order to accurately grasp the cultural diff erences. Lay a solid foundation for in-depth exchanges.

Original Research Article

by Yalan He, Hui Wang
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The learning of language subjects is inseparable from the knowledge of the corresponding cultural background, so in the process of Korean language teaching in colleges and universities, we should actively introduce the relevant paths of cross-cultural education, relying on the learning of cultural background knowledge to enrich students' cognition of Korean language, strengthen students' ability to use Korean, of course, the use of cross-cultural education, for the cross-cultural teaching ability of teachers in the major and the corresponding teaching mode are put forward new requirements.

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by Yang Gao
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The second language acquisition theory has a certain enlightenment eff ect on English teaching. Teaching is divided into two aspects: teaching and learning. From the perspective of student acquisition, American linguist Krashen (1981) proposed a complete set of second language acquisition models, which provided reference for foreign language teaching. Its theory is based on fi ve hypotheses: input, emotional fi ltering, acquisition mechanism and output. Among them, the aff ective fi lter hypothesis was originally proposed by Dulay and Burt, mainly to explain the infl uence of aff ective factors on foreign language learning. Krashen developed this theory, which he described as many aff ective variables as possible that contribute to second language acquisition. Teachers can take various teaching methods to reduce the emotional fi lters of students in teaching, just like making visitors feel ease at home, so as to maximize students’ enthusiasm for learning and improve teaching eff ects.

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by Ying Wang, Boyan Zhou, Songtao Wang
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the single chip microcomputer application course is a professional core course of electronic related majors in higher vocational colleges, which is highly comprehensive and practical. In the process of MCU application teaching, the task driven method is taken as the guidance to reform the traditional classroom teaching mode. Through this course, students can understand the application of MCU, master the design and development principle of MCU, cultivate students’ practical ability and innovation ability, and improve students’ professional quality of loving their jobs and keeping improving. Based on the actual task as the main line, this paper puts forward the reform scheme from the three aspects of curriculum design, practical operation and curriculum assessment, in order to cultivate the applied talents needed by enterprises.

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by Ling Fu
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the rural library is an important spiritual position to promote the revitalization of rural culture, and the extension of service is an important premise for the rural library to give full play to its role. However, from the perspective of the actual extension of the rural library, the understanding and attention of the service extension of the rural library are still insuffi cient. In this case, the concept, method and content of rural library service extension are not enough, which aff ects the eff ectiveness of Rural Library and subsequent development. In the process of the construction of the extended service of the rural library, we should explore the extension and expansion of the service content and methods from the aspects of concept transformation, precision service, digital construction and so on, so as to lay a certain foundation for the rural library to play its due role in the revitalization of rural culture.

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by Sufang Sun
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the basic way of Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and universities is classroom teaching. As a smart teaching tool, rain classroom has gradually become a new fi eld of classroom teaching because it meets the needs of eff ective interaction between teachers and students. This paper explores the necessity and organizational construction of interactive teaching of Ideological and political course in Colleges and Universities under the fi eld of rain classroom, explores the implementation eff ect, and puts forward countermeasures, so as to promote the reconstruction of interactive teaching mode between teachers and students under the new situation and fi eld.

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by Liang Yin, Donghua Xiao
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from the perspective of “double fi rst-class”, the teaching work of various specialties in Colleges and universities is facing new opportunities and challenges. Colleges and universities need to do a good job in the construction of teachers’ team and actively respond to the new forms of the development of higher education. Through in-depth research, colleges and universities generally agree that building a “double qualifi ed” teaching team with excellent quality, innovative spirit and vitality has very important practical signifi cance for colleges and universities to achieve the double fi rst-class strategic goal. Based on this, this paper explores the cultivation strategy of “double qualifi ed” teachers in Colleges and universities from the perspective of double fi rst-class, in order to promote the development of college teachers.

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by Shanshan Cao
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in the context of today’s global energy crisis and low-carbon economic development, green development has become the theme of today’s economic development, and new energy vehicle enterprises just fi t this development concept because of their “low-carbon and energy-saving” characteristics. As one of China’s strategic emerging industries, new energy vehicle enterprises can improve China’s energy structure and promote the transformation and upgrading of energy. In addition, the development of new energy vehicle enterprises can promote the promotion of green low-carbon products, guide green consumption, increase fiscal revenue, expand employment, and promote economic development. Based on the core competitiveness theory, this paper believes that the core competitiveness of new energy vehicles lies in its production capacity, innovation ability, fi nancial strength, marketing ability and management ability. It further studies the serious diffi culties faced by the current new energy vehicle industry in the process of cultivation and development, and puts forward China’s unique new energy vehicle industry development strategy and countermeasures, We hope to better promote the high-quality green development of China’s new energy vehicle industry.

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by Peiyu Wang
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as an important channel to cultivate morality, associations play an important role in the educational function of colleges and universities. However, in the process of practical operation, due to the lack of guidance of advanced concepts, the eff ect of education is often unsatisfactory. From the perspective of concept construction, the author analyzes the shortcomings of current college community education, and explores eff ective ways to improve the eff ectiveness of community education.

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by Ruixue Tian, Liang Li
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with the rapid development of modern information technology, online teaching has become increasingly popular and its advantages have gradually become prominent. However, with the passage of time and the deepening of teaching, online teaching has also begun to expose problems and challenges that cannot be ignored. This paper analyzes the current situation of online teaching through investigation, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures, and puts forward new requirements for schools, teachers, students and parents, in order to provide some reference for the gradual improvement of online teaching quality.

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by Zhenxuan Su
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“Shenshou”, a popular word in the Internet language environment, has the typical characteristics of noun can serve as the subject,object,attribute and headword. Under the Internet context, “shenshou” has expanded a new meaning category to refer to “primary and secondary school students or children”, which has the semantic features of [+people] [±males] [-adults] and the characteristics of innovation and popularity.The formation of “shenshou” is mainly infl uenced by social and personal discourse expression, and its use has not been extended to all fi elds of society, so its productivity is not high.

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by Yueying Qian
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in the current context of quality education, moral education has become the focus of many teachers, and the full implementation of moral education is also the requirement of the education department for the specifi c work of the school. In addition, at present, there is no teaching material to further promote moral education, so at this stage, relying on subject teaching is an important way to implement moral education. Among them, the art course is an important position for the goal of moral education in schools. Teachers have a positive impact on students’ comprehensive and diversifi ed development by tapping the potential ideological and political education elements and values in teaching. This paper analyzes the Moral Education Infi ltration Strategy in junior high school art teaching, and puts forward the corresponding views.

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by Lintong Chen, Ling Xu
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logistics cost has an important impact on the return of recycling logistics, and lower recycling logistics cost can achieve higher economic and social benefi ts. This paper combines the activity-based costing method with the extension innovation method, uses the activity-based costing method to analyze the logistics operation of a recycling sorting center, decomposes the operation process, establishes the operation center, determines the cost driver, analyzes the cost incompatibility through the extension innovation method, and after establishing the corresponding primitive model, carries out the expansion analysis and divergence analysis to screen the feasible cost control strategy, And calculate the correlation degree and select the optimal logistics cost strategy. On the basis of using activity-based costing for cost analysis, combined with the extension innovation method to fi nd and optimize the cost control strategy, it is more intuitive and operable. Through correlation analysis, enterprises can quantify the expected benefi ts of diff erent cost control strategies according to their own needs, and help recycling logistics enterprises make scientifi c decisions.

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by Hui Ma
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from the perspective of “great ideological and political education”, actively promoting the construction of the school’s three complete education mode can promote the development of curriculum ideological and political work, enhance the value of Ideological and political education, and guide the formation of the collaborative education and education mode of the whole staff . Colleges and universities should jointly practice in all fields and the whole process of higher education, adhere to education oriented and moral education first, strengthen all-round and all-round education, promote the construction of the overall ideological and political pattern, and ensure the smooth development of the exploration of the “three complete” education mode.

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by Xiaohuang Huang
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the construction of scientific research management system plays a decisive role in the development of the connotation of vocational colleges. In the development of vocational colleges, we should coordinate the relationship between teaching management and scientific research management, practice the teaching centered Scientific Research concept, build a scientific and perfect scientific research management system, and improve the scientifi c research ability of vocational colleges. Based on the background of the new era, this paper deeply analyzes how to reasonably construct the scientifi c research management system of vocational colleges, improve the core competitiveness, and strengthen the management mode of high quality, high effi ciency and characteristics.

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by Qiaoyu Qin, Jieying Wei, Chunying Luo
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Based on the McKinsey 7S model and the subject construction of the Affi liated Hospital of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities as the research object, The contents of seven elements, namely strategy, structure, systems, staff , skills, style and shared values, are analyzed respectively. This paper analyzes the practice of the hospital discipline construction in the aspect of 7S elements, and further discusses the eff ective ways of the hospital discipline construction, so as to provide reference for the similar hospital discipline construction.

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by Tingting Wei
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with the increasingly frequent economic and cultural exchanges in various countries around the world, publicity translation has become an important media for China’s foreign publicity, and also an important window for countries around the world to understand China in depth. At present, in the context of promoting the development of Chinese culture to go out, the standard of foreign publicity translation talents is also gradually improving, which also puts forward new challenges for English translation teaching in Colleges and universities in China. At present, the traditional teaching mode of “talk, comment and practice” is still followed in the foreign publicity translation class in Colleges and universities in China, and students lack the training of critical thinking ability and the ability to refl ect on translation skills. In view of this, this paper focuses on the current situation of College English publicity translation teaching, and puts forward the innovative new mode of translation teaching, hoping to improve the quality of publicity translation talent training.