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Original Research Article

by Anyuan Zhong
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Economics is a practical course. By introducing experimental teaching methods into economics classroom, students’ participation in the classroom can be improved and the teaching effect can be improved. At present, the experimental teaching of economics mainly includes two methods: role playing and computer assistance, which respectively have the problems of high cost and high requirements for software and hardware environment, which limits the degree of integration of experimental teaching into economics classroom. In order to achieve a better integration of economics classroom, this paper designs a set of economics experiment teaching tools with low cost and high fl exibility, which has the characteristics of strong interactivity and multi-end access. Through this set of tools, economics teachers can carry out experimental teaching by means of parameter adjustment, evolution and parameter labeling, which has positive signifi cance for fully integrating experimental teaching in economics classroom and improving teaching eff ect.

Original Research Article

by Miaomiao Wang
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The construction of “everyone has responsibility, everyone is responsible, everyone enjoys the social governance community” is an important requirement put forward by the Party twenty Ten, is the key content of innovative social governance, but also provides the direction for urban community governance. Community governance is the smallest unit of national governance, promote community consultation, co-construction, co-governance and sharing, improve the quality of the social environment. This paper takes Foshan community Garden in Guangdong Province as an example. Through the concrete practice of Foshan community garden collaborative construction, it proposes that the top-down policy of “government overall planning -- residents leading -- community support -- social participation” and the interaction of bottom-up social forces can jointly promote the collaborative construction mechanism of community public space. In order to enhance the residents’ sense of belonging, identity, sense of acquisition and happiness of the community, promote the formation of a social governance community of consultation, co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and provide experience reference and decision-making reference for other urban communities to jointly build gardens.

Original Research Article

by Rui Fei
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Major public health emergencies will have a huge impact on China’s economic development, and the impact of three_x005fyear health events on the economy has been proved by this. As an important macro-control tool for the country to respond to public health emergencies, tax policy has unique advantages that other policies cannot replace. Based on the comprehensive analysis of China’s excellent tax experience and shortcomings in coping with major public health emergencies, this paper puts forward optimization suggestions on how to play the role of tax support under public health emergencies from three aspects: reforming and improving the intensity of preferential tax policies, comprehensively considering the policy eff ects, and following the principle of broad inclusiveness and balance.

Original Research Article

by Weiyuan Lu
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With the arrival of the information era and the continuous progress and development of enterprises of our country, more and more enterprises are beginning to pay attention to the data processing problems of the information age, the fi nancial sharing center has become a new focus of enterprise managers, its advantages are constantly discovered, the reasonable use of the fi nancial sharing center in the process of financial management, can greatly improve financial efficiency, The enterprise financial management level has been further improved. The current teaching content of fi nancial management is not enough to meet the needs of the actual enterprise fi nancial sharing center, and the teaching content is basically modern economics, which requires accounting teachers to experience the modern enterprise fi nancial management. In this paper, the author experiences the fi nancial management work content under the fi nancial sharing center through the personal practice of the enterprise, and with the help of enterprise experts, sorted out the professional ability to cultivate the fi nancial management work of the fi nancial sharing center, and combined with the hot social issues, integrate it into the daily course teaching, hoping to provide the education practitioners with the corresponding reference.

Original Research Article

by Guoli Zhou
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With the development of the current education system, vocational colleges are increasingly emphasizing the connection with cooperative enterprises. As the most eff ective teaching method, the integration of industry and education can expand students’ employment space, reduce employment diffi culties, and alleviate the employment pressure of vocational students. Vocational colleges need to construct teaching models based on the integration of industry and education from a long-term perspective to ensure teaching effectiveness and achieve the goal of vocational education for talent cultivation. Therefore, it is necessary for universities to strengthen the research and implementation of the long-term mechanism of the integrated teaching model of industry and education.

Original Research Article

by Xinli Yang, Yupeng Pu
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According to the characteristics of “Java Web Application Development” course and the problems encountered in daily teaching, this paper adopts the OBE teaching concept, “student-centered, output-oriented”, combined with the principle of “application as the main line, skill as the core”, reasonably plans the course teaching content, designs the teaching activities, and further promotes the students’ ability output. It has certain practical signifi cance to realize the goal of training compound skill talents.

Original Research Article

by Jiao Li, Yuan Yang, Zhangbiao Fan
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Test records are detailed records of the execution process of test cases. Eff ective management of test records can facilitate rapid tracking and tracing of the test execution and defects of each case. This paper introduces the process of optimizing test execution record management based on ALM innovation to achieve dual tracking control of test record “online” + “offl ine”, eff ectively reducing the execution time of testers, improving the timeliness of developers to locate and solve problems, and facilitating managers to quickly and effi ciently trace the test execution process.

Original Research Article

by Yiyu Deng
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Promoting the national reading work is an important way to build a booklike society. In the face of the growing demand for reading, the new technology based on artifi cial intelligence empowers reading, accelerates the transformation of intelligent reading content production, dissemination, consumption and other fi elds, and creates a new look of reading in the intelligent era. With the help of AI, the supply of intelligent reading content will be refi ned and refi ned, and create immersive communication for users in the three-dimensional and multi-dimensional intelligent reading scene. With the extension of intelligent reading form in the Internet of everything, the intelligent reading service market is increasingly multi-sided, and the personalized wisdom experience of users will be more in-depth, further realizing the construction of a new ecology of intelligent reading.

Original Research Article

by Yan Hu
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The quality of vocal performance skills determines the effect of the whole vocal performance. It plays an extremely important role in music art, which also puts forward higher requirements for teaching work. In vocal music performance, the performer should show his passion through expression and action, and integrate with the content of the work, so as to arouse the audience’s resonance. In the process of vocal performance, the performer should integrate his own understanding of the work and express it in his own way to present a good performance eff ect. Based on this, the article analyzes and studies the vocal performance skills and teaching, expounds the important role of vocal performance skills, and analyzes the vocal performance skills, on this basis, puts forward the teaching strategies of vocal performance skills in colleges and universities for reference.

Original Research Article

by Pu Li
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Grassroots teaching organizations play an important role in teaching management, promoting teaching research, improving teachers’ teaching ability and personnel training in colleges and universities. In the context of wisdom, colleges and universities around the core task of moral cultivation, to improve the quality of talent training as the key, to build a new form of online + offl ine, cross-professional, interdisc iplinary grass-roots teaching organization -- virtual teaching and research room. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the necessity and existing problems of the construction of virtual teaching and research rooms in colleges and universities, and puts forward suggestions on the construction path of virtual teaching and research rooms in colleges and universities under the background of wisdom.

Original Research Article

by Donghua Shi
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Since the founding of New China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, a new modernization road, a Chinese-style modernization development road has been stepped out. Among them, using social work as a system setting and governance tool to participate in the solution of major national strategic issues is an important way for the Communist Party of China to govern the country. The relevant social work policy texts formulated and implemented by the state since the founding of the People’s Republic of China have “eff ectively enhanced the eff ectiveness of social work in participating in grassroots social governance, actively responded to the realistic requirements of social governance innovation, and played an irreplaceable fundamental role in ensuring basic people’s livelihood, providing basic social services and innovating grassroots social governance”. This paper places social work in the process of modernization, clarifi es the path, characteristics and logical mechanism of the Communist Party of China to promote Chinese-style modernization through social work, and analyzes the principal position, operating mechanism and laws of social work in the process of modernization.

Original Research Article

by Hui Xu
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In the background of today’s information age, the construction of intelligent teaching platform has become the main direction of education reform and development. Intelligent teaching platform can not only realize the sharing of teaching resources, but also provide teachers with more high-quality teaching methods, so that teachers can use the advantages of intelligent teaching platform to improve the quality of teaching, help students get better development. However, at present, many college teachers have problems with the application of intelligent teaching platform, which aff ects the reform and development of curriculum. Based on this, this paper studies the application of intelligent teaching platform in college English teaching, with the purpose of fi nding the right teaching strategy, so as to give full play to the advantages of intelligent teaching platform and help students get a better future.

Original Research Article

by Chunyan Yao, Zhiru Zhou
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Through research to understand the teaching status of domestic railway colleges: for example, some colleges of “cognitive urban rail transit vehicle driving” teaching is carried out in the train cab, because the train cab space is small, can only accommodate 4-5 people, and the executive mechanism in other parts of the vehicle, the teaching eff ect is aff ected to a certain extent. Therefore, the development of open structure, function close to the real urban rail equipment, will be well received by the relevant professional vocational colleges demand and welcome.

Original Research Article

by Dan Wang, Weian Wang
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Urban rail transit engineering is a multi-specialty, multi-role complex system engineering under multi-constraints, long period and large investment. BIM technology application has built an open platform for construction, collaborative design and analysis. On the basis of summarizing the current research and application deficiencies, the multi-professional and multi-CAD /CAE softwa re collaboration based on BIM, combined with the modern concept of green, intelligent and coordinated development, adopted new technology and new equipment, carried out innovative research from multiple aspects of intelligence, sponge ecology, energy saving and assembly design. In order to create a modern and intelligent urban rail transit yard process.

Original Research Article

by Chao Wang, DaoMing Wang
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From the perspective of integration of production and education, this paper studies the working status of interns in local vocational colleges in our country, analyzes the problems existing in the process of practice from various aspects, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the interns’ work satisfaction, hoping to provide some reference for the management mode of integration of production and education in vocational colleges and cooperation in running schools.

Original Research Article

by Huimin Nie, Feng Liang
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This paper mainly aims at two groups of domestic college students and foreign students studying in China, using Wechat and other new media and open question and answer interview method to conduct research, and collate and analyze the collected text materials. The research content is mainly carried out through two dimensions of individual understanding and self-cognition. The purpose is to provide psychological adjustment measures for the problems found in the investigation, provide certain help for the mental health development of college students, and also contribute to improving students’ ability to adapt to their living environment.

Original Research Article

by Fusheng Xu, Yuchen Jiang, Yuan Zeng
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In the modern society, the rapid development of all walks of life highlights the importance of human resource management. From the current situation, the traditional human resource management mode has been difficult to meet the needs of the current social development, it is urgent to explore a new management mode. Among them, big data technology can integrate information and data, which has unique advantages in promoting the development of Chinese enterprises, and its role in human resource management can not be ignored. However, how to eff ectively use big data to reform human resource management mode is still in the exploration stage, and there are still many limiting factors. Based on this, this paper explores the application of big data in human resource management, in order to provide valuable reference for the majority of colleagues.

Original Research Article

by Jindong Xia, Heping Yu, Xiaobing Fu, Chao Wang
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Nowadays, WSN and TCP/IP (V6) network interconnection has become one of the most popular research directions. First of all, this paper analyzes the main ways of interconnection, and then makes a brief analysis on the whole IP way, hoping to provide some valuable reference and reference for the majority of readers.

Original Research Article

by Liwei Shan, Wei Chen, Qi Wang, Hong Wang
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The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the implementation of the development plan of rural revitalization strategy, and emphasized the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, which need to establish a sound urban-rural integ ration development system mechanism and policy system, aimed at promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural development. It should be noted that the purpose of implementing the rural revitalization strategy is to eff ectively solve or link agriculture, rural and farmer problems, and then can promote agricultural development, agricultural prosperity. Based on this background, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, it is necessary to build a scientifi c and eff ective evaluation index system, which can be used as a basis to deploy various elements of rural revitalization. First, it can provide a basis for various departments to carry out rural revitalization management; second, it can conduct real-time monitoring and evaluation of rural areas, and then sum up successful experiences. Excavate the existing problems and propose corresponding solutions on this basis to provide reference basis and practical experience for subsequent studies related to rural revitalization.

Original Research Article

by Mingshu Lv
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Under the current strategic background of rural revitalization, how to promote the development of rural economy has become the responsibility of every rural government staff. For most villages, developing tourism is an effective measure to help them carry out rapid economic development. For most villages that do not have the advantage of good natural scenery, the creation of relevant landscape environment is the key to help them attract tourists. Based on this, how to eff ectively apply art design in the creation of rural landscape environment and realize the economic development of rural tourism has become the main task of most villages at present, and it is also the relevant content that teachers of art design can introduce in the teaching of relevant courses.

Original Research Article

by Mingshu Lv
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With the deepening of the reform of higher education, interdisciplinary integration has become the development trend of education in the new era, which also puts forward higher requirements for the teaching of environmental design in universities. Among them, environmental art design is a strong comprehensive discipline, it involves the content of multiple disciplines. Therefore, teachers should build an open teaching mode in teaching, and penetrate the concept of sustainable ecological design into teaching practice, so as to improve the quality of teaching. Based on this, this paper analyzes and researches the teaching reform of Landscape Design course for environmental design major under the perspective of interdisciplinary integration, expounds the characteristics of Landscape Design course for environmental art design major, and analyzes the signifi cance of teaching reform of Landscape Design course for environmental design major under interdisciplinary integration. To explore the shortcomings of the teaching of “Landscape Design” for environmental design major, and on this basis, put forward the teaching reform strategy of “Landscape Design” for environmental design major under the cross_x005fintegration of disciplines for reference.

Original Research Article

by Hongjing Wang
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Under the background of ideological and political curriculum, English teaching is constantly optimized and developed. How to make English subject better play its role in teaching ideological and political education is a problem that many teachers are thinking about. This paper summarizes the signifi cance of integrating curriculum thought and politics into the process of English teaching in higher vocational colleges, and then puts forward eff ective strategies for the reform of English teaching in higher vocational colleges based on curriculum thought and politics, in order to provide some references for deepening the reform of English curriculum thought and politics.

Original Research Article

by Li Gao, Xiaobing Chen, Junlin Qiu, Liqing Chen, Zhengwei Zhang
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In view of the diff erence between the training goals of students and the needs of enterprises in the software testing and quality assurance course, this paper puts forward the teaching reform o f software testing and quality assurance course by the integration model of school and enterprise. Based on the evaluation standards of software enterprises, this paper explores the teaching strategy design, syllabus planning and teaching content deployment, evaluates the effect of the school-enterprise integration mode through diversified assessment, so as to form a closed-loop management of the teaching and training mode, which is conducive to the continuous improvement of course teaching and meets the needs of enterprises for talents.

Original Research Article

by Qingling Gao
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According to the characteristics of the ordinary diff erential equation course and the learning needs of related disciplines, the necessity of adopting the online and offl ine mixed teaching mode becomes increasingly prominent. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of ordinary diff erential equation course, and In response to the problem, suggestions are given from three aspects, to adjust the course structure and to implement the mixed teaching, to change the classroom by science and technology and to arm the students with knowledge, to improve the evaluation system and to enhance students’ confidence. It is expected to simulate students’ interest in learning ordinary diff erential equation course and build an effi cient ordinary diff erential equation classroom.

Original Research Article

by Dong Gao
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The era of big data provides unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the innovative teaching of higher vocational sports. With the rapid development of information technology, big data technology has gradually become an important support for innovative teaching of higher vocational sports. In this constantly evolving era, higher vocational physical education needs to adapt to the changes of The Times, and actively explore a variety of new teaching models and methods to meet the ever-changing needs of students. At the same time, the application of big data technology also requires teachers to constantly explore and try, and constantly look for more effi cient methods in teaching practice to improve students’ learning eff ect and satisfaction. Therefore, in the era of big data, the innovative teaching thinking of higher vocational physical education has become an important issue that teachers and educators must seriously think and explore. Only through continuous study and practice can higher vocational physical education constantly adapt to the changes of The Times and achieve better teaching eff ect and teaching effi ciency.

Original Research Article

by Kang Wu, Jiajia Pei, Fei Hua, Zhou Ye
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The integration of Internet and environmental monitoring technology teaching is the reform and innovation of personnel training mode under the background of the new era, the demand and requirement for the training of environmental monitoring technology professionals, the new direction of the reform and development of environmental monitoring technology under the background of higher education informatization, and the fundamental reform of traditional education and teaching concepts, resources and evaluation. On the basis of a brief analysis of the background and signifi cance of the integration of environmental monitoring technology major teaching and Internet, this paper puts forward the implementation path of the teaching reform of environmental monitoring technology major in higher vocational colleges under the background of “Internet +” from four dimensions of curriculum system, teaching content, teaching mode and teaching evaluation, in order to meet the needs of professional personnel training and help the overall improvement of professional teaching quality.

Original Research Article

by Xue Yu
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With the proposed idea of ideological and political education in curriculum, ideological and political education is gradually integrated into all kinds of curriculum teaching, campus culture construction and student management, implementing the concept of "three whole education" and comprehensively improving the quality of education and teaching in colleges and universities. College counselors should integrate ideological and political education into the student management work, establish the student-oriented concept, and implement democratic management; Use new media to carry out ideological and political education, promote red culture, traditional culture and artisan spirit, and improve students' moral quality; Regularly organize class social welfare activities to enhance students' sense of social responsibility; To build a home-school co-education model, fully understand students' learning and living conditions, promote the healthy physical and mental development of post-00s college students, and improve the quality of student management.

Original Research Article

by Xueming Zhang
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Under the guidance of the concept of green energy, China’s economy is transitioning to low-carbon energy. In February 2021, The State Council issued the Outline of the National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning, which clearly points out that carbon dioxide emissions in the transportation sector should peak as soon as possible. Along with the construction of carbon neutrality goal, the new energy vehicle industry has received wide attention, and the new energy vehicle industry is of great signifi cance for realizing the “double carbon” goal. At present, the development of China’s new energy automobile industry has shown some obvious characteristics, according to the development data of the new energy automobile industry, we can also analyze the development trend of the new energy automobile industry. This paper explores the development of China’s new energy automobile industry under the background of carbon neutrality, analyzes the positive signifi cance of carbon neutrality for the development of new energy industry, and analyzes the characteristics and trend of the development of China’s new energy automobile industry under the background of carbon neutrality, hoping to provide some ideas for China’s carbon neutral target construction and the development of new energy automobile industry.

Original Research Article

by Miao Zhang
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With the acceleration of urbanization in China, people have higher and higher requirements for building safety, comfort and artistry. For building construction units, it is necessary to further optimize building space structure design and further improve building safety quality. Architectural designers should improve the acceptance system of building materials, strictly control the quality; Improve the welding process of building space structure, ensure the rigid space structure of scaff olding installation, and ensure the safety of building use; Do a good job of building structure calculation to ensure the safety of building construction; Strictly control the installation precision of steel structure, ensure the safety of building space structure, and comprehensively improve the quality of building engineering.

Original Research Article

by Hongyi Zhu
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Transportation enterprise is diff erent from other manufacturing enterprises, it is more like a kind of auxiliary enterprises, does not produce products themselves, but through the construction of roads and Bridges, the management of transportation industry, the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of several links organically connected together, so as to ensure that social production can be planned and safe production work. From the present point of view. Although the transportation industry has shown a booming state compared with previous years, the overall economic benefits are not ideal. Once the production of manpower, power and energy c onsumption is reduced, it is bound to confl ict with the current social transport demand. Combined with this point, this paper analyzes the status and influence of transportation enterprises in the national economy, and from improving the quality of enterprises, pull the transportation effi ciency; Inject scientifi c and technological energy, activate the transportation rate; The three aspects of combining social vehicles and integrating transportation resources are expounded.

Original Research Article

by Qiaoling Li
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College English listening teaching is an indispensable part of foreign language teaching. The research in this fi eld has great signifi cance and enlightenment for both college students’ listening learning and teachers’ teaching. Based on CiteSpace and CNKI, this paper analyzes 201 eff ective analysis samples related to college English listening teaching research in the past fi ve years, discusses the current research status in this fi eld and presents the research hotspots and frontiers in this fi eld, in order to better understand the development trend of this academic fi eld. And further promote the development of academic research in this fi eld.

Original Research Article

by Qinqin Zhu
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The information age has changed the way of teaching of architectural engineering in higher vocational colleges. The popularization and application of various information technologies make teaching resources more abundant and teaching methods more diversifi ed, and promote the eff ective improvement of teaching effi ciency and quality. Teachers need to explore the new path of the deep combination of information technology and construction engineering education, in order to improve the quality of training and better respond to the needs of talents in the fi eld of construction. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the infl uence of information technology on the teaching of architectural engineering in higher vocational colleges, and then studies the teaching reform path of architectural engineering in higher vocational colleges in the information age combined with the author’s practical experience, in order to provide references for colleagues.

Original Research Article

by Yunshan Deng
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With the further advancement of vocational education, curriculum ideological and political education has become the focus of education work, which also puts forward higher requirements for secondary vocational nursing curriculum ideological and political teaching. In the secondary vocational nursing course teaching, the ideological concept of moral education is helpful to build a pattern of “three full education”, imperceptibly enhance the moral quality of students, and form a good professional quality and moral standards. Based on this, the article analyzes and researches the ideological and political reform and practice of the curriculum of nursing major in secondary vocational schools, expounds the concept and background of the curriculum ideological and political reform, analyzes the importance and necessity of implementing the curriculum ideological and political reform of nursing major, explores the principles of the curriculum ideological and political reform of nursing major in secondary vocational schools, and puts forward the path of ideological and political reform of nursing major in secondary vocational schools for reference.

Original Research Article

by Conghua Kang
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College literature education plays a very important role for college students. After entering the new era, the emergence of Internet technology has a great impact on the literature education in colleges and universities, and expands the development space of literature education. Now the Internet has basically achieved full coverage, and the mode of literature education in colleges and universities has also undergone a more obvious change. From the perspective of c urrent literature education, there are still some problems that need to be solved, which requires colleges and universities to start from this and work out eff ective countermeasures to make up for students’ lack of classic reading. This paper will take “Internet +” as the background, to explore the literature education in colleges and universities, respectively to discuss the existing problems and development countermeasures, in order to improve the level of literature education.

Original Research Article

by Jike Pei
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This paper aims to study and discuss the importance of class management in secondary vocational education, analysis of the current situation, strategies and practical cases. By literature analysis, case study and other methods, this paper expounds the defi nition, objectives, tasks and basic principles of class management in secondary vocational education, and deeply analyzes the factors and main problems aff ecting class management in secondary vocational education. The strategies and measures of class management in secondary vocational education are put forward from four aspects: establishing scientifi c and reasonable class rules and regulations, strengthening classroom teaching management, attaching importance to students’ mental health education and strengthening home-school cooperation. At the same time, combined with the practical case analysis and summary, reveals the eff ect and enlightenment in the specifi c practice process, and the future research direction is prospected.

Original Research Article

by Xiaojuan Li
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The rapid development of the Internet era, makes the social changes more and more great, people’s life changes a lot, the past lifestyle and living habits are gradually no longer adapt to this era, the previous way of learning is also gradually changed with the changes of The Times. With the rapid development of information technology, the society needs more innovative talents and applied talents. As an important place of learning, the main goal of colleges and universities is to cultivate innovative talents and comprehensive talents. In order to adapt to the changes of The Times, the teaching mode should also actively keep up with the pace of The Times, combined with the rapid development of the Internet era, change the previous teaching methods, explore more teaching modes. This paper probes into what kind of teaching mode colleges and universities should adopt in the Internet era.

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by Jianqiang Tan
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With the digital transformation of education, the combination of online and offl ine teaching has shown strong development potential, and has been paid more and more attention by educators. Blended teaching integrates two teaching modes online and offl ine to create a digital interactive classroom learning atmosphere for students. E-commerce courses cover all aspects and fi elds of e-commerce, involving e-commerce overview, e-commerce operation, electronic transactions and payment and other aspects of knowledge, with strong operability and practicability. In the teaching of e-commerce courses, follow the action-oriented teaching concept, give full play to the advantages of hybrid teaching, and integrate the advantages of online and offl ine teaching modes. It can eff ectively improve the depth of students’ learning, thus promoting the innovative development of e-commerce education.

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by Xuezi Han
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With the full implementation of the Information-Based Education 2.0 Action Plan, the application of information-based technology in modern education continues to spread, and has become an important approach to improve the teaching quality and provide educational resources. In college English teaching, teachers should also give full play to the advantages of information teaching means, not only to deeply explore the application of information resources, but also to master the application of multimedia equipment and Internet platform in order to promote the innovation and development of modern English education. This paper analyzes the values and principles of information technology in college English teaching, and further puts forward the application and measures of information technology in college English teaching.

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by Xue Chen
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To achieve comprehensive rural revitalization, industrial revitalization is the key. Based on the actual development of rural agriculture in Guizhou, we put forward the development of digital economy and improve the modernization level of economy and trade. We will improve government policy guidance and increase business confi dence in investment. Purify the network ecological environment and stimulate the endogenous power of agricultural industry. Promote the branding of Guizhou agricultural products trade, and help the road of rural revitalization.

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by Xin Gong
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This paper collects students’ compositions from two levels of university English tiered teaching A,B, in an attempt to examine the syntactic complexity of students’ writing in terms of several dimensional indicators, such as the length of linguistic output, the number of subordinate structures, the number of parallel structures and the complexity of phrases, etc. The results show that the higher the level of English profi ciency, the higher the syntactic complexity of students; and comparing the writing of native speakers and Chinese learners’, the results show that the syntactic complexity of Chinese learners diff ers signifi cantly in terms of linguistic output, the use of specifi c phrases, and the overall structure of the sentences.

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by Jian Chen
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In order to promote the conformal development of higher education and further improve the quality of talent training, this paper proposes an interdisciplinary practical teaching model based on engineering projects, which mainly takes engineering projects as the core and explores interdisciplinary teaching model in the subject groups involved in the project. The implementation of the project has a reference role in cultivating students’ interdisciplinary skills and interdisciplinary thinking, enhancing students’ overall development and creativity, and can provide ideas and accumulate experience for the construction of related disciplines and teaching reform.

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by Jia Du
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Once adapted to local conditions and suitable for our country, the new teaching paradigm of PADD classes has been widely adopted by colleges and universities across various disciplines.Given the extant issues in English instruction at higher vocational institutions, this paper proposes a "block-based dual text" approach to teaching English and delineates its specifi c implementation within such contexts, thereby offering novel insights for enhancing English pedagogy at vocational colleges and even advancing foreign language education reform across China.

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by Xiaomei Li
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In the context of digitalization and new technologies, China’s higher education has entered a new era of comprehensive quality improvement and innovation, requiring the enhancement of students’ deep learning capabilities. This paper, through the application of the OBE teaching concept and the use of the BOPPPS teaching model, constructs a new classroom for the Corporate Finance course. Teaching practice shows that the OBE-BOPPPS teaching model helps to solve problems in the teaching process, improves the quality of teachers’ teaching, enhances students’ learning eff ects, and promotes the reform of traditional classroom teaching.

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by Zhaoxia Zhou
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In recent years, the trend of China's real estate industry has gradually stabilized from its previous overheating, and the risks that come with it have become increasingly apparent. From the current situation, domestic real estate enterprises have a very high demand for funds, and at the same time, due to factors such as limited purchasing, they are facing enormous pressure in terms of capital turnover, which undoubtedly puts greater risk on the company's fi nances. Financial risk control is becoming increasingly important for the operation of enterprises. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainable development of enterprises, it is necessary to have a reasonable fi nancial risk control plan in place. This article takes ZZ Group as an example to delve into the fi nancial risks faced by enterprises during their operation, and based on data analysis, fi nd reasonable processing methods to propose some suggestions for controlling fi nancial risks in real estate enterprises. The research in this article has certain reference signifi cance for the fi nancial risk control of similar real estate enterprises.

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by Zhou Hao, Na Zhang
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With the rapid development of China’s social economy, the outbound investment of China’s enterprises continues to grow. At the same time, various problems begin to emerge, such as the lack of environmental awareness of enterprises, improper handling of labor relations, investment interests are not protected and other problems, which seriously aff ect the overall image of China’s outbound investment, and even reduce the competitiveness of enterprises, and ultimately limit the healthy and long-term development of enterprises. In order to eff ectively solv e the above problems, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of corporate social responsibility of China’s overseas-investment enterprises, so as to ensure the experience of income at the same time, can fulfi ll the social responsibility, in order to expand the scope of China’s investment publicity and enhance its infl uence, and ultimately promote the long-term development of China’s overseas investment enterprises.

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by Na Zhang, Zhou Hao
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A hospital is a public service organization whose duty is to provide high quality and safe medical services to patients. Among them, material procurement is not only an important part of hospital management, but also the basic guarantee to ensure the quality of medical services, carrying out material procurement internal audit work has practical signifi cance. Based on this, this paper combined with the problems existing in the internal audit of hospital material procurement and the author’s practical experience to put forward the corresponding improvement measures, aiming at providing reference for the eff ective development of related work.

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by Junqiao Li
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“Internet +” is a relatively advanced modern technology, which plays an immeasurable role in promoting the reform and development of modern education. But based on the background of “Internet +” times, our country’s university teaching management mode has taken a great transformation, the management mode has also realized the innovation and optimization, which not only greatly improves the school teaching management level, but also comprehensively promotes the modern university teaching management reform and development process. And in order to better adapt to the development trend of the “Internet +” era, it is necessary to actively explore the new path of integration of Internet technology and college teaching management, and form a relatively complete set of teaching management modes. Therefore, this paper briefl y expounds the connotation of “Internet + education”, and analyzes the current situation of university teaching management in the “Internet +” era and the construction path of innovative mode, for reference only.

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by Yujing Wang, Meiqian Wan, Yulin Shao
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Vocational college students generally face the double pressure of study and employment, as well as psychological problems such as identity. In order to understand these problems and help them solve, we need to carry out psychological investigation and analysis, understand the students’ psychological state and problems, through strengthening vocational skills training, provide psychological counseling services, strengthen ideological and political education and other ways to help vocational students relieve psychological pressure, improve the comprehensive quality and competitiveness. In this paper, Jiangxi M vocational and Technical College as an example, in the ideological and political education, guide students to correctly understand their identity, cultivate their self-confi dence and self-esteem, improve their comprehensive quality and competitiveness. I t provides practical guidance for the implementation of ideological and political education for higher vocational students more accurately.

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by Meihui Yu
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This paper introduces the concept of landscape sense ecology into edible landscape design, shows the significance of landscape sense ecology concept to edible landscape, puts forward the design principle of edible landscape from the perspective of landscape sense ecology concept, and puts forward the edible landscape design strategy from three aspects of planting design, perception design and better design, and further integrates landscape sense ecology concept with edible landscape design. To provide reference for the design of edible landscape.

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by Min Kou
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The concept of cultural and tourism integration provides a new direction for the marketing of tourism e-commerce enterprises. Taking e-commerce technology, tourism enterprises have stepped into the road of rapid development. The promotion of tourism e-commerce enterprises under the background of cultural and tourism integration is not without crisis. Although many e-commerce enterprises have invested a lot of fi nancial resources in publicity, they still cannot avoid the constraints of diffi culties. In order to break the dilemma, based on the background of cultural and tourism integration, the author discusses how to optimize the promotion of tourism e-commerce enterprises for reference.

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by Donglan Zhang, Chihan Chen
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In recent years, virtual reality technology has been widely used in architecture, home decoration design and other fi elds. The project team combined the current situation and problems in the fi eld of building decoration and decoration, the use of VR technology, 3D modeling technology and real-time rendering technology, designed and developed a virtual home improvement system. This paper takes this system as the background, combined with the college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship project, analyzes and introduces the whole process of college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship activities, aiming to provide reference and reference value for the same type of activities and projects, and stimulate college students’ entrepreneurial spirit, cultivate innovation ability and practical ability

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by Yu Zhang
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As the main component of market economy, the development of enterprise is related to the prosperity of social economy. And for enterprises, want to get long-term development, it is necessary to have suffi cient funds and invest in adapting to the development strategy of enterprises, in order to expand the scale of enterprises, to solve business problems. However, at present, many enterprises have fi nancing diffi culties, which makes some enterprises with good prospects shut down or be acquired because of insuffi cient funds. Based on this, how to eff ectively innovate the fi nancing path of enterprises and promote the eff ective development of market economy has become the main problem at present. Starting from the concept of green fi nance, this paper analyzes the current phenomenon of enterprise fi nancing diffi culties, so as to fi nd the appropriate fi nancing channels and provide a modest force for social and economic development.

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by Yun Xu, Yuan Sun
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With the promotion of education reform in full swing, although the reform of physical education has achieved certain results, there are still some defi ciencies that need to be improved. And “curriculum thinking and politics” as a new curriculum view, not only eff ectively improve the shortcomings of physical education curriculum, improve the teaching quality of physical education curriculum, but also carry out the basic task of virtue and people, and then cultivate the era of new talents needed by society. In this regard, this paper fi rst expounds the value of the ideological and political integration construction of the physical education course in Lianyungang school, then analyzes the challenges faced in the integration construction, and fi nally puts forward the promotion strategy of the ideological and political integration construction of the physical education course in Lianyungang school.

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by Yimao Fu, Yawen Ren, Yamin Zhang, Bo Wang
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There are many problems in clinical teaching, such as limited vision, not careful observation, not intuitive learning and diffi cult to guarantee the eff ect. And 3D printing based on 3D digital image acquisition, 3D modeling can print realistic clinical teaching AIDS, and convenient customization, low cost, can eff ectively alleviate the contradiction of insuffi cient medical cadavers, assist clinical teaching.

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by Lihong Cao
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With the rapid development of digital technology, the media environment has undergone tremendous changes. As an internationally renowned media, The Washington Post has an important infl uence on the reshaping of China’s national image. The purpose of this paper is to explore the reshaping of China’s national image by the media innovation of The Washington Post in the digital age, in order to provide new ideas and methods for the reshaping of China’s national image.

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by DuoDuo Wang, BoHui Song
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With the advent of the era of artifi cial intelligence, especially the emergence of ChatGPT, the trend of AI-generated works entering the fi eld of copyright law cannot be avoided, and it is necessary to protect the copyright of AI-generated works. Based on China’s national conditions, this paper composes the views of Chinese scholars on the recognition, attribution subject and protection mode of AI generated works, and considers that AI generated works are recognized as works, the attribution subject adopts eclecticism, and the protection mode introduces the all-round protection of specialized blockchain technology, aiming at exploring the development path of copyright fi eld of AI generated works.

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by YanLi Ma, Xiang Zhou
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“Principles of Management” is a fundamental course with strong theoretical and practical elements. In line with the application-oriented talent development requirements of Hai Du College at Qingdao Agricultural University, this paper introduces a teaching approach that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience through a virtual-real integration, under the background of promoting ideology and politics education. The aim is to achieve a seamless integration of theory and practice. Through this approach, students not only acquire necessary management knowledge but also possess professional skills and a sense of civic responsibility.

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by Min Li
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China’s economy is in a new era of transformation from high-speed development to high-quality development, and the demand for high-quality skilled talents is increasing. However, the reality is that the talent quality of vocational college graduates does not match the employment needs of enterprises well enough, so vocational colleges cannot provide strong talent support for economic transformation. Based on this, the paper built a test question bank based on post competency to guide teachers to pay attention to the coordinated development of students’ knowledge, skill and potential in the teaching process to improve students’ comprehensive ability and post competency and the quality of talent training, and to fi t the enterprise employment needs. So as to provide valuable reference for vocational colleges to optimize talent evaluation criteria and improve talent training level.

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by Zili Wang, Na Li
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UAV technology has made great progress in recent years, which undoubtedly changes the working methods of various fi eld work and greatly reduces the time and intensity of fi eld work. Engineering surveying work runs through all stages of the whole engineering construction, engineering surveying fi eld work lasts a long time, the intensity is large, the traditional measurement method data collection density is limited, can not directly reflect the original terrain features. The development of UAV aerial survey technology undoubtedly provides an optimal solution for this problem at present. The jobs of civil engineering students in vocational colleges are mainly technicians in the construction line, and measurement skills are one of the most important vocational skills. If the latest measurement new technical skills are eff ectively integrated into classroom teaching, they can eff ectively cope with most of the measurement scenarios in construction in the future work, and enhance their professional competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to eff ectively integrate the UAV measurement technology into the teaching of non-surveying and mapping major with limited class hours.

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by Yu Sun
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Under the new normal situation, our country’s foreign trade begins to enter the new transformation period. Traditional foreign trade enterprises are facing the great transition and upgrade pressure. Under the domestic great circulation main body and the domestic and international double circulation system, the traditional foreign trade enterprises must explore a new development path, then seek a new development path through industrial transformation or technological upgrading methods, in order to obtain better development opportunities. This paper analyzes the diffi culties faced by traditional foreign trade enterprises, puts forward the development opportunities of traditional foreign trade enterprises under the background of the new era, and then summarizes the strategy and path of transformation and upgrading of traditional foreign trade enterprises.

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by Zhaoxia Zhang
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In 2016, the state put forward the “four new”, that is, new medicine, new arts, new engineering and new agricultural concepts. “New liberal arts”, as one of the four new, has gradually become the guidelines for the construction of liberal arts majors in domestic colleges and universities, to cultivate high-quality and h igh-quality talents for social development and national construction. Leaders and teachers of higher vocational colleges need to be fully aware of the importance of the integrated development of disciplines in the new era. In order to further improve the quality of talent cultivation, teachers need to put forward the ways and paths of the construction of new liberal arts on the basis of grasping the connotation of new liberal arts, and conduct in-depth research on the overall ideas, basic objectives and curriculum system of the talent training program. In order to fully guarantee the smooth implementation of high-quality talent training in higher vocational colleges, and eff ectively promote the process of new liberal arts construction. How to build a high-quality talent training model based on the new liberal arts vision is an important issue that teachers need to solve at present. This paper will carry out an in-depth exploration around this issue.

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by Yujun Cao, Xiaoming Ma, Ruijuan Lin
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The application of big data in the teaching quality evaluation system of colleges and universities is to eff ectively enhance the level of teaching quality and show the high effi ciency, real-time and intelligent teaching quality evaluation. This paper mainly analyzes the application characteristics of big data in the multidimensional teaching quality evaluation of colleges and universities, carefully explores the problems existing in the application of big data in the multidimensional teaching quality evaluation system of colleges and universities, and fi nally puts forward the application strategy of enhancing big data in the multidimensional classroom teaching evaluation system of colleges and universities.

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by Yue Li
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Oral English, as an important part of Graduate English teaching, can increase the weight for graduate students’ better employment and development. The improvement of oral English teaching is inseparable from the construction of resource bank. This paper discusses the sig nifi cance of the construction of oral English resource bank, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures in view of some current situations and problems in order to improve Graduate English teaching and make postgraduate students tell Chinese stories well in English with a cultivation of their patriotic sentiment, and enhance their self-confi dence and self-reliance.

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by Dan Yang, Kai Zhong, Xiujun Zheng, Boneng Zhang
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In view of the upgrading of Zhanjiang City of Guangdong Province to a sub-provincial city and the urgent problem of training skilled talents in the economic development center of West Guangdong, this paper aims to help Zhanjiang develop its advantageous industrial clusters by benchmaking Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; “One heart and three rings”, to promote the localization of skilled personnel training; Taking the regional skills training and research center as the starting point, improving the on-the_x005fjob skills training system as the core from three aspects, this paper deeply thinks about the ways of training skilled talents in Zhanjiang vice-provincial city and puts forward corresponding countermeasures, providing reference for government decision-making and relevant practitioners.

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by Jiongen Xiao, Yiyang Lu, Xiaosha He
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At present, the teaching mode of management business intelligence in colleges and universities needs to be reformed. This paper aims at the theoretical basis and existing problems of business intelligence, carries out practical innovation of reform, and puts forward suggestions to add impetus to promote the development of business intelligence reform.

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by Chundong Feng
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With the continuous development of social economy, the construction industry has also been rapid development, at the same time, people are paying more and more attention to how to apply energy saving and insulation, environmental protection of these new building materials. Therefore, in the modern building design, the application of new building materials is an indispensable core content, not only to promote the continuous development of the construction industry, but also to ecological environment and social economy can achieve common development. In this regard, this paper will analyze the energy saving and thermal insulation and environmental protection of new building materials, in order to provide reference and reference for other researchers.

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by Huaguo Tang, Dan Lin, Shu Cheng, Keran Liu
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In the 100 years of great changes, to further deepen the international science and technology cooperation and exchange work, continue to deepen the initiative to promote independent innovation research, and make full use of international science and technology innovation resources is an eff ective means to cope with global challenges. With the signing and coming into force of RCEP, it will promote the investment and trade facilitation of the countries in the agreement, and also bring new opportunities to China’s international science and technology innovation cooperation. It has provided a strong external circular environment and high-level economic and trade rules to support the construction of China’s new development pattern, enabling China to accelerate its production cooperation and trade fl ow with the international market, and promote domestic circular development with a more smooth upstream and downstream relationship of global industries. This paper takes the science and technology innovation cooperation between Sichuan Province and ASEAN countries under the RCEP framework as the research object, and proposes countermeasures and suggestions for deepening the science and technology innovation cooperation between Sichuan Province and ASEAN countries by sorting out and analyzing the main problems faced by the cooperation between Sichuan and ASEAN countries in the new era.

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by Bai Yang, Rui Zhou
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In the traditional accounting professional teaching, the classroom is mainly taught by teachers, and the end of the semester is used to test the learning results of students. However, this kind of traditional classroom teaching mode is diffi cult to meet the general trend of higher education informatization and accounting international certifi cation. Therefore, colleges and universities have carried out the teaching reform of accounting major, in order to improve the teaching content, and cultivate accounting professionals with international vision. In the process of English teaching, Chinese education experts put forward the POA theoretical method according to the national conditions. When the method was initially proposed, it mainly targets the problems exposed in foreign language learning. This paper will discuss how to apply this theory to the construction of the bilingual teaching system of accounting majors, hoping to contribute to the reform of professional teaching.

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by Mengxi Lin
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With the continuous development of globalization, cross-border e-commerce, as a new form of foreign trade development, has been rapidly developed in recent years under the infl uence of globalization. Therefore, the social market for cross-border e-commerce talent demand is growing. However, judging from the current training status of cross-border e-commerce talents in higher vocational colleges, there is a mismatch between them and the actual demand of social industries for cross-border e-commerce talents, which is mainly manifested in three aspects: knowledge, skills and quality. Therefore, it is necessary for major higher vocational colleges to actively explore a more scientifi c and eff ective new mode of training cross-border e-commerce talents, so as to improve the adaptability of cross-border e-commerce talents to industrial development. Based on this, this paper mainly carries out relevant research on the training mode of cross_x005fborder e-commerce cross-border compound talents in higher vocational colleges based on school-enterprise cooperation, for reference only

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by Bixuan Zhao
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In the perspective of new media, the channels for educators to obtain resources are increasingly diversifi ed, and learners can quickly understand the new ideas, new culture and new information in society. The ways, contents and approaches of ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges are facing new challenges and opportunities. Based on the vision of new media, combined with contemporary students’ ideological characteristics, Internet use preferences, psychological development needs, this paper expounds the characteristics of higher vocational ideological and political education, and from the ideological and political education means, educational resources, educational channels from three aspects, analysis of higher vocational ideological and political education innovation opportunities. And put forward innovative paths such as screening high-quality ideological and political resources, expanding micro-practice carriers, clarifying educational goals of The Times, and building a matrix of ideological and political education, so as to give full play to the role of new media in promoting the reform of ideological and political education and improve the eff ectiveness of ideological and political education.

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by Tao Li, Hui Wang
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The development of education informatization in the digital environment has become the trend and direction of the development of the current education fi eld. The construction of provincial fi rst-class curriculum is an important strategy for the development of higher education. The sharing and utilization of curriculum resources play an important role in improving the teaching quality and students’ comprehensive quality. In view of the construction and management of the provincial fi rst-class course resource sharing database under the digital environment, the institutional system framework of “fi ve-party linkage” is designed, the unifi ed system framework and data and interface standards of the resource database are constructed, and the “dynamic tracking mechanism of resource learning” and “dynamic quality assessment system of multiple resources” are established. To realize the tracking and systematic monitoring, evaluation and feedback of resource quality, so as to improve the sharing and utilization effi ciency of course resources and promote the development of education informatization.

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by Lin Lv, Guangyun Fan
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Inorganic non-metal is a non-metallic element oxide, carbide, nitride, silicate and aluminate and other substances composed of materials, with high melting point, high hardness, corrosion resistance, wear resistance characteristics, and has good electrical conductivity, heat insulation and light transmission, has been widely used in the fi elds of architecture, ceramic art, aerospace and mobile communication. With the rapid development of modern industrial civilization, modern inorganic non-metallic material refi ning technology continues to improve, people continue to research and develop new inorganic non-metallic materials, research and development of new glass, to meet the needs of construction, electrical and electronic industry development; Improve the traditional ceramic art, research and development of high-performance ceramics, to promote the development of aerospace and electronic industries; Research and development of artifi cial crystals to meet the development needs of high-tech industries, and further improve the development and production technology of modern inorganic non-metallic materials in China.

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by Rongshan Gan, Mei Huang
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Delving into the strategy of defining responsibility boundaries and its effects on teachers’ mental health is of immense practical relevance. Enhancing the clarity of educational objectives, understanding the role of teachers, eff ectively allocating educational resources, ensuring the safeguarding of teachers’ rights, amplifying mental health education, and uplifting the degree of collaboration between home and school are all integral steps in defining these boundaries. This will in turn advance the quality of education. Clear responsibility boundaries can lessen teachers’ mental strain, elevate their job satisfaction, foster their personal development, optimize the quality of education, and nurture superior talent.

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by Lu Liu
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Student management is an important part of college education work, college students have the characteristics of ideological activity, in the digital network era, the positive guidance to young students, so that they establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view is particularly important, ideological and political education work is the core of student management work, for students to do a good job has a very important role. This paper takes college student management as the starting point, analyzes the integration of ideological and political education, and fi nds out the eff ective path of the integration of the two, in order to improve the quality of college student management.

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by Wenhao Liu
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In the context of "three comprehensive education", the education of college students through social organizations has great practical signifi cance for promoting their comprehensive growth and success. In the process of exploring and developing the path of educating students through student organizations, universities should adhere to the concept of full staff , comprehensive, and full process education, complete the integration of various resources inside and outside the school, improve the top-level design of the organization structure of the organization, achieve collaborative and comprehensive education, and achieve sustainable development of the education of students through the organization of the organization.

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by Zhuyu Wang, Xiaoling Xu, Lu Zhang, Zhiwu Hou, Zhe Hu
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Private colleges and universities occupy an important position in higher education system in our country, and it is also an important position to carry out ideological and political work and provide ideological guarantee. The construction of “curriculum ideological and polit ical” teaching system provides a strong support for private schools to carry out teaching activities and train students with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty and labor, which has important practical signifi cance. This paper briefl y introduces the importance of carrying out “curriculum thinking and politics” in private colleges and universities and the necessity of promoting the construction of “curriculum thinking and politics” teaching system, and provides the optimization path of promoting “curriculum thinking and politics” teaching system in private colleges and universities according to their characteristics.

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by Weihua Wu
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Innovation and entrepreneurship is the current trend and requirements of the country and universities. In order to strengthen the training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, this paper starts with the existing problems of college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship, combines the theory of positive psychology, and discusses the stra tegies and mechanisms of innovation and entrepreneurship education from the perspective of psychological capital, in order to provide useful reference for the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities.

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by Kang Wang
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In the Abhidharma texts, the term self-nature (svabāva) is described as the basis of the actual existence of dharmas. This paper seeks to compare the self-nature of the Sarvāstivāda and Mūlamadhyamakakārikā of Nāgārjuna. There is no arising and ceasing of self-nature in the Sarvāstivāda, but only the function of arising and ceasing. In contrast, Mūlamadhyamakakārikā assumes that a description of self-nature should have a concept, and the concept as a name should be extinguished. One of the arguments of the Sarvāstivāda for the actual existence of self-nature is that there is perception (*buddhi). The attachment to conceptualization in Nāgārjuna’s doctrine is not limited to language or thought but covers all directed cognitive activities. My hypothesis is that there is a diff erence in scope between the self-nature rejected by Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and the Sarvāstivāda’s self-nature that is neither arising nor ceasing; moreover, from the epistemological point of view, the self-nature rejected by Mūlamadhyamakakārikā is the self-nature that is perceived by the Sarvāstivāda.

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by Jiarui Li
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With the accelerated urbanization, the proportion of migrant children in cities is increasing, and the problem of educational inclusion of migrant children is becoming more and more prominent. This paper takes mobile children in X elementary school in Nanjing as the research object, uses ecosystem theory as the analytical perspective, elaborates on the educational inclusion problems of mobile children from three levels: micro, meso, and macro, analyzes the causes of the problems, and finally proposes coping strategies to improve the educational inclusion of mobile children.

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by Qun Wang
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This paper aims to examine the relationship between business consulting and service innovation (knowledge management and strategy development) in UK SMEs. Specifically, exploring the underlying factors that influence such a relationship to help both consulting firms and SMEs improve collaboration efficiency and maximize the positive impact on innovation consulting projects. Quantitative method and Qualitative method are designed to collect the data in this paper. The analysis shows that the consultancy has a positive infl uence on service innovation in SMEs. Furthermore, the related factors that aff ect the results of innovation consulting projects and potential solutions for consulting fi rms and SMEs are also provided.

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by Qingqing Zhang, Anni Hu, Bohan Liu, Jiayue Zhou, Penghan Wang
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Since the 20th century, China’s aging rate has accelerated. In the past 20 years, the number of elderly population has doubled and the proportion has increased. China is about to enter an aging society . At present, China’s population type has entered the elderly type. The pace of China’s aging is accelerating, and the pressure on social pensions is gradually increasing . In order to further improve China’s sustainable development , population aging has become one of the social problems that cannot be ignored . China attaches great importance to and actively solves the problem of population aging, actively develops the cause of population aging , and initially forms a work layout for the development of the cause of aging under the leadership of the government, the participation of the whole people, and the care of the society . This article aims to conduct a brief research and analysis on the characteristics of China’s population and the country’s establishment of a smart pension model for the elderly .

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by Anni Hu, Qingqing Zhang, Jianan Sui, Chen Yang, Yun Ge
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China’s rural areas are vast, and the process of rural fi nancial development is relatively slow. Opportunities and challenges coexist in the development process. In addition, it also faces problems such as unreasonable structure, inaccurate service, and uncontrollable interests. This paper aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by my country’s rural fi nancial development under the rural revitalization strategy, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. The study found that commercial banks and other fi nancial institutions need to actively undertake social responsibilities and seize the opportunities of the times. Provide fi nancial services for farmers, promote and support the construction of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and the strategy of rural revitalization.

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by YanLi Ma, Xiang Zhou
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“Principles of Management” is a fundamental course with strong theoretical and practical elements. In line with the application-oriented talent development requirements of Hai Du College at Qingdao Agricultural University, this paper introduces a teaching approach that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience through a virtual-real integration, under the background of promoting ideology and politics education. The aim is to achieve a seamless integration of theory and practice. Through this approach, students not only acquire necessary management knowledge but also possess professional skills and a sense of civic responsibility.