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Original Research Article

by Wei Shen, Yao Hu
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The counselor is not only the guide and instructor of college students’ ideological and political, but also the instructor of their mental health. This article uses the self-compiled “university counselor development psychological counseling ability questionnaire” to Yibin university counselor development psychological counseling ability to investigate. The research finds that the developmental psychological counseling ability of the counselors in Yibin College is generally at a medium level, among which there are diff erences in gender and educational background, but there are signifi cant diff erences only in terms of service age and category. Colleges and universities should improve the developmental psychological counseling ability of college counselors from multiple angles to promote the long-term development of college education.

Original Research Article

by Wenjing Fu
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The cultivation of social work professionals in colleges and universities should have the cutting-edge development concept, keep up with the development of The Times, and explore the path of talents training with the integration of industry and university. In order to further explore the mode and path of training high-quality application-oriented talents with the integration of industry and university, this paper analyzes the localization curriculum reform, the construction of double teacher team, the establishment of production, university and research platform and the enhancement of students’ comprehensive quality and ability.

Original Research Article

by Haishan Zhang
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This paper investigates the impact and interventions of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology on the human mind, analyzing its pros and cons, and proposes corresponding suggestions and refl ections. The paper discusses the eff ects of BCI technology on the human mind, highlighting its positive impacts on enhancing individual well-being and mental states, as well as potential risks and challenges such as dependence, control, and alienation of the mind. It also suggests measures to mitigate these issues and offers philosophical refl ections.

Original Research Article

by Yang Liu, Yidan Qiao, Qinyang He
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In the dynamic landscape of the Hainan Free Trade Zone construction in China, escalating global competition underscores the imperative for enterprises to continually enhance their employees’ English profi ciency for seamless integration into the international market. Yet, organizations often grapple with challenges such as high training costs, time constraints, and reliance on singular materials and teaching methods during English training sessions. Drawing insights from the experiences of Hainan BA International Hospital, this paper proposes a set of strategies. By adopting these comprehensive approaches, enterprises can eff ectively optimize language training outcomes, thereby bolstering their international competitiveness. The implications of this study extend signifi cantly to the advancement of China’s Hainan Free Trade Zone and the enduring growth of enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Chao Liu
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In the upcoming development stage, our country will face new opportunities and challenges, leading to corresponding changes. This will also impact the mission and tasks of ideological and political work in our country’s universities. As we strive to build a modern socialist country comprehensively and achieve the second centenary goal, a strong sense of purpose and a favorable public opinion environment will be crucial support factors. Especially during this critical stage, the importance of effective ideological and political work in colleges and universities cannot be underestimated. It is imperative to maintain a high level of commitment, as “ideological and political work serves as the backbone of the institution’s eff orts. Party committees at all levels, educational departments, and school party organizations must fi rmly grasp this responsibility.” College counselors bear the weighty duty of not only fostering ethics and character but also safeguarding the nation’s ideological security.

Original Research Article

by Zitong Liao, Yichuan Zhang, Peixuan Guo, Hui Wang
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The paper used an online questionnaire to investigate the opinions of smart healthcare among medical and non-medical staff in China. Through the data collection and analysis, the paper will focus on whether smart medical platforms have demand and feasibility in the current market. Moreover, the author will give application suggestions and development prospect analysis of the smart medical platform base on the current situation of smart healthcare and society.

Original Research Article

by Zihan Lin
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Based on the review and research of Yunnan Welfare Foundation for the Disabled, this paper reveals the current fi nancial diffi culties faced by systematic public fundraising foundations from the aspects of organizational form, lack of charity concept in the whole society, low disposable income of the public, inadequate popularization of preferential tax policies, and lack of relevant talents, and puts forward suggestions on building a high-quality talent team and changing the fundraising method.

Original Research Article

by Yingqi Jiang, Junyi Zhou, Yufen Zhang
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Bali was selected as the case study site, and OTRs released on multiple OTA platforms through Octopus and other means of web crawlers were used as the main research data to study Chinese tourists’ emotional perceptions of Bali by using ROSTCM6, ROSTEA1.9.0.4 text analysis software, and the network big data text analysis method. The results of the study show that tourists’ emotional perception of Bali is more positive, less negative and mainly reflects high prices, crowdedness and poor experience. Therefore, it is recommended to further strengthen the construction of infrastructure, improve the service management level of the scenic area, and develop special tourism products so that tourists can get a better perceptual experience to improve the overall image of the scenic area.

Original Research Article

by ziying Lan, Hongwei Lin, Senrong Chen
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The national epidemic prevention and control adopted an open policy on December 7, 2022 The tourism market began to recover slowly, and after the epidemic prevention and control was released, consumers were aff e cted by the epidemic and changed slowly. The national epidemic prevention and control adopted an open policy on December 7, 2022 The tourism market began to recover slowly, and after the epidemic prevention and control was released, consumers were aff ected by the epidemic and changed slowly. Which direction will consumers’ travel intentions and preferences go? Based on the questionnaire data, this paper uses statistical method to study the infl uencing factors. Based on the questionnaire data, this paper uses statistical method to study the infl uencing factors of Guangzhou residents’ travel behaviour and preference after the release of epidemic prevention and control. Guangzhou residents are selected as the research objects to judge the overall travel preference trend of Guangzhou residents’ travel as intentional travel type and put forward corresponding travel preference trends. Guangzhou residents are selected as the research objects to judge the overall travel preference trend of Guangzhou residents’ travel as intentional travel type and put forward corresponding suggestions

Original Research Article

by Si Li, Yanfeng Chen
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With the continuous progress of social science and technology in our country, the wide application of typographic design in various fi elds has provided an important support role for social development and construction. In art design professional education in colleges and universities, as an important course type, “format design” is not only the key link of talent training, but also plays an important role in promoting the transformation of teaching achievements. Excellent layout design can not only enhance the a dded value of products, but also improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, colleges and universities should pay attention to the transformation of teaching results in the promotion of the course of Layout Design, promote students to adapt to the needs of future career development, deeply tap the value and potential of the course of Layout Design, and continuously improve and perfect the teaching mode to meet the urgent needs of the society for high-quality talents.

Original Research Article

by Man Yi
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This study focuses on the current employment situation and existing problems of foreign language graduates in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. Based on the current employment situation, through the overview of the employment si tuation and employment situation of vocational foreign language graduates, it is found that the graduates of this major are facing many employment challenges. Then, the paper discusses the factors and formation problems that aff ect the employment of foreign language graduates in vocational colleges from the perspectives of society, school restrictions and personal constraints. Finally, the paper puts forward some countermeasures to these problems, including reforming employment concept, strengthening vocational education and broadening employment channels, so as to improve the employment quality of vocational foreign language graduates.

Original Research Article

by Yingjie Zhou
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As an important infrastructure of agricultural production, farmland water conservancy projects play a vital role in improving crop yield, reducing agricultural production costs and promoting farmers’ income. Under the background of increasingly scarce water resources, effi cient water-saving irrigation is the inevitable trend of current farmland water conservancy projects, and it is also an important measure to ensure agricultural development and farmers get rich. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the types of effi cient water-saving irrigation technologies of farmland water conservancy projects, and then discusses the development ideas of effi cient water-saving irrigation of farmland water conservancy projects in combination with the actual development of China’s agriculture, in order to provide reference for the development of related work.

Original Research Article

by Wei He
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Digital media technology is a newly emerging major in recent years. The reform of its curriculum system, teaching content and school-enterprise cooperation mode are of great signifi cance to students’ employment and entrepreneurship. However, in the process of professional construction, some colleges and universities have problems such as lack of professional understanding, insuffi cient investment in teaching resources and weak teachers, which leads to slow professional construction and development. In view of these problems, this paper puts forward eff ective strategies for the construction of digital media technology major based on the school-enterprise cooperation model: building practice and training bases inside and outside the school that meet the needs of industries and enterprises; Based on the post ability, build the capability-based curriculum system; Reform the teaching mode of the course to meet the requirements of enterprises and students on skills, so as to train more excellent digital media professionals for the society.

Original Research Article

by Qian Liu, Guodong Yang
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This paper mainly analyzes the nature and mode of college students’ art association, explains how to guide the teaching and practice of art design subject by students’ own interest, and then studies and analyzes the management and operation mode of practical workshops in colleges and universities. To illustrate how to make students familiar with the social business operation mode and the response to the enterprise management structure in the workshops in colleges and universities to adapt to social practice, and at the same time improve students’ professional and social ability. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses how to set up art clubs and practical workshops to lead college students to improve their social cultivation and comprehensive quality as well as sustainable development learning ability.

Original Research Article

by Zhigang Yang
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Throughout the history of the development of literary criticism, it has been accompanied by the germination of literary works since the birth of literary works, and plays an important role in interpreting literary works and judging the trend of the trend. However, in the process of the development of literary criticism, its trend has gradually deviated, and there has been the problem of one_x005fsidedness interpretation, which is easy to lead readers into the misunderstanding. In the era of new media, reading has entered a new era, and the important position of literary criticism has become more and more prominent. Under this background, how contemporary literary critics can better play a bridge role between authors and readers and present the value and connotation of literary works to readers has become a problem worth thinking about. Based on this, this paper probes into the problems existing in modern and contemporary literary criticism and the countermeasures to improve them, hoping to provide valuable reference for promoting the healthy development of literary criticism.

Original Research Article

by Hui Yang
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“Intercultural Communication” belongs to the English language and literature major course, which is limited to elective courses. It takes into account the introduction and interpretation of both Chinese and English-speaking cultures, helps students deeply understand the connotation of the two cultures, gradually builds cultural confidence in the cross-cultural comparison, and cultivates students’ national pride. At the same time, through the comparative analysis of the two cultures under the same theme, students are guided to understand the similarities and diff erences between the two cultures, enhance the intercultural communication awareness, and cultivate the intercultural communication ability and critical thinking ability. Based on the actual situation of the author’s school and combined with the requirements of the country for higher education, this research focuses on creating a linkage mechanism between class and extracurricular in the construction of curriculum ideology and politics, and builds a trinity model of “the main battlefi eld in class, the assistance of homework after class and the assistance of extracurricular competition”. This study connects the fi rst class and the second class for the fi rst time, and realizes the extension and expansion of extra-curricular learning and practice to classroom teaching.

Original Research Article

by Yiying Xing
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First-class vocational and technical colleges and universities are higher than regional demonstration vocational and technical colleges and universities in the pursuit of excellence and development. The construction of fi rst-class vocational and technical colleges and universities is faced with such problems as unclear construction path, unclear educational goals, unproven economic strategies and weak international competitiveness. The construction path of fi rst-class vocational and technical colleges under the background of “double fi rst-class” : vigorously cultivate the school-running spirit of fi rst-class vocational and technical colleges, accurately locate the ecological goal of fi rst-class vocational and technical colleges, create high-end competitive brands of fi rst-class vocational and technical colleges and universities, and accurately achieve benchmarking results of fi rst-class vocational and technical colleges and universities.

Original Research Article

by Deqiang Gao, Lingyong Kong, Duoyi Liang, Kaihui Chen
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From the perspective of materialist dialectics, clarifying the relationship between classroom revolution and "three education" reform, helping teachers to deeply understand and promote the classroom revolution and "three education" reform, is the prerequisite for eff ectively promoting the high-quality development of education. Based on the law of contradiction, this study clarifi es the primary and secondary structure of classroom revolution and "three education" reform; Based on the law of quality tautometry, clarify the implementation sequence of classroom revolution and "three education" reform; Based on the negation law of negation, explore the future road of classroom revolution and "three religions" reform; Based on the viewpoint of content and form, it anchors the ultimate goal of classroom revolution and "three religions" reform.

Original Research Article

by Haijun Gong, Yang Liu, Jixiang Zhang, Pengfei Sun, Zhengyuan Gao
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In order to promote the cultivation of new engineering master talents, this paper summarizes some problems in the ideological and political work of domestic new engineering master courses, lists the defi ciencies in the system and practice level, and some measures for the ideological and political teaching and reform of domestic graduate courses, and analyzes its positive eff ects. Finally, it introduces some practices in the construction of curriculum ideological and political construction in the author’s unit. This article under the background of new engineering graduate courses ideological and political issues and the introduction of the domestic curriculum ideological and political construction experience and measures, as well as the author’s exploration of the curriculum ideological and political construction, for the domestic university graduate courses ideological and political construction provides a reference.

Original Research Article

by Haishan Zhang
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Artificial intelligence is one of the mainstream trends of future social development, and the development of artificial intelligence also brings social ethical issues. The 2017 Nobel Literature Prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro’s new work Clara and the Sun published in 2021 refl ects the ethical issues in the context of the development of artifi cial intelligence. It shows the ethical problems faced by family, friendship and love after the highly developed science and technology in human society. Through the work, the author reminds people to think about and face the loneliness, social inequality and ethical problems brought by scientifi c and technological progress. The author expresses his imagination and conception on the future of artifi cial intelligence fi eld and human-machine relationship through the image of Clara. This paper analyzes Clara and the Sun and other literary works from the perspective of ethics, hoping to fi nd the direction for the development of artifi cial intelligence under the guidance of ethics.

Original Research Article

by Qisheng Dou
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In the information age, the application of computer technology is more and more extensive. It is an important content of higher vocational education to train students’ computer skills and promote the collaborative development of students’ professional quality and vocational ability. Higher vocational computer teaching should be updated with the development of The Times and the needs of society. In this regard, with employment as the guidance and background, this paper analyzes the necessity of the reform of computer teaching in higher vocational colleges and several important principles that should be followed, points out the main problems existing in the current computer teaching in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward effective optimization strategies, hoping to provide some effective suggestions for promoting the reform of computer teaching in higher vocational colleges.

Original Research Article

by Ying Wang
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Senior high school is an important period for the connection and training of higher education and basic education. It is a key stage for students to form their world outlook, outlook on life and values. In the high school stage, students should not only learn knowledge and master skills, but also start to know themselves and plan for the future of life. Under the background of the new college entrance examination, students have more choices in learning methods, learning contents and college entrance examination subjects. In order to enable students to successfully complete their high school studies, they should choose suitable subjects for college entrance examination preparation, choose college majors according to their interests, and then start their career and build a beautiful life journey. Career planning education has become increasingly important.

Original Research Article

by Junli Shen
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With the progress of The times, the social demand for talents is constantly changing. In this process, college English teaching is also facing new challenges and opportunities. In order to meet these challenges and opportunities and realize the eff ective connection between talent training and the needs of social development, it is necessary to aim at the four talents training goals of “knowledge transfer, cultural inheritance, value guidance and ability cultivation”, build a “four-in-one”mode of college English teaching and promote the all_x005fround development of students. This paper begins with the connotation of ideological and political education and its application value in college English courses, and discusses the construction path of this model, aiming at providing references for peers.

Original Research Article

by Wenjun Song
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With the global economy entering the post-epidemic era, the volatility of the stock market has become an important focus of investors, policymakers and scholars. By using the GARCH model, the volatility of the glo bal stock market is studied in depth, and its dynamic characteristics and main infl uencing factors are revealed. Studies have shown that macroeconomic environment, policy factors and market psychology factors all have an important impact on stock market volatility. The rapid recovery of the economy, the adjustment of monetary policy, the government’s response measures, as well as investors’ expectations, risk acceptance, group behavior and mood swings may all cause large fl uctuations in the stock market. This research helps to improve the understanding of stock market volatility and provides valuable reference for investors and policy makers.

Original Research Article

by Yikun Chen
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Intelligent investment adviser is also known as the robot investment adviser, its main function is according to the actual situation of users, according to their actual needs, to provide them with the best investment plan, so as to achieve intelligent wealth management. Intelligent investment adviser originated in the United States, when the establishment of two considerable scale of intelligent investment advisory companies, through tracking stocks and fixed income, so as to provide automated investment services for the majority of users, to achieve wealth management automation and digitalization. With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, especially the continuous development of big data technology and artificial intelligence technology, a large number of investment companies have been transformed, and began to adopt the operation mode driven by emerging technologies such as big data technology and artifi cial intelligence technology, transforming traditional automated investment into more advanced intelligent investment, so as to obtain more effi cient wealth management eff ects. In this regard, this article based on artifi cial intelligence and big data technology of commodity futures intelligent advisory brief analysis, hoping to provide readers with some valuable reference and reference.

Original Research Article

by Siwei Xie
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In the process of the development of higher education, the application of information technology has gradually become an inevitable trend. This paper mainly focuses on the background of Internet +, exploring the optimization path of ideological and political education work in colleges and universities, and analyzing the actual expansion of teaching content and teaching eff ectiveness, so as to meet the needs of ideological and political education work in the development of information technology and achieve the improvement of classroom teaching quality. With the support of the information platform, ideological and political education in colleges and universities should attach importance to improving teachers’ professional ability, perfecting various teaching activities, and strengthening students’ value guidance with the help of the network information platform.

Original Research Article

by Dong Wang, Manyi Gu
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Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper probes into the internal logic, value implication and optimization path of China’s public service system construction from the perspective of national fi tness. The internal logic is divided into historical logic and practical logic, and the development history and actual situation of the public service system are expounded. Value implication: an important way to realize the strategy of national h ealth; Eff ective measures to narrow the regional development gap; And measures to improve people’s way of life. Optimization path: Digitization helps build a high-quality public service system; Integrating the development concept of the new era into the construction of the public service system; The development of a public service system has been promoted through the cooperation of multiple entities in supply.

Original Research Article

by Jun Li, Zhendong Li
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The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the use of foreign direct investment (FDI) to promote its economic development, and agriculture is a key industry utilizing FDI. In the context of the continuous optimization of the business environment for foreign investors in China, FDI in the agriculture sector tends to be small scale, from a relatively small number of stable sources, concentrated in the eastern region and focused on specific projects. This article summarizes the current situation and characteristics of foreign direct investment in China’s modern agriculture sector, and provides a reference for foreign investors and relevant policy makers.

Original Research Article

by Limin Zhang
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The 20th National Congress pointed out that in the future, rural revitalization will still be comprehensively promoted, and the revitalization of industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations in rural development will be solidly promoted. Language is the basis of economy, culture and talent revitalization. While helping farmers master the national common language, dialect records are also an important part of protecting and inheriting local culture. This study investigates, records, experiments and analyzes the dialect tones of 3 districts, 5 counties and 1 city in Qujing area by means of experimental phonetics, and obtains the characteristics of the dialect tones of Qujing area. On the one hand, it puts forward theoretical support and suggestions from the aspects of the promotion and pronunciation of Putonghua, on the other hand, objectively records the characteristics of local dialects, and puts forward suggestions and opinions on the protection and inheritance of the dialect culture of Qujing area.

Original Research Article

by Chunyan Li, Shihai Chen
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The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly puts forward that it is necessary to promote the realization of basic old-age services for all the elderly, including old-age services for the rural elderly groups, and how to let the rural elderly enjoy their old age should be the focus of the whole society and the country. With the gradual failure of the traditional family pension model, community pension services are gradually rising, but the current rural community pension services there are insuffi cient supply, service quality is not high, lack of professional training and other problems, urgent need to solve and improve. In this regard, this paper puts forward specifi c countermeasures from three dimensions: strengthening the supply of community elderly care service, improving the quality of community elderly care service, and training professional elderly care service talents, so as to help rural elderly groups improve their happiness of old-age care.

Original Research Article

by Lin Li
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With the continuous advancement of economic development in the new era, blue economy and blue fi nance have become the focus of attention. Blue economy refers to the economic activities related to the sea, which occupies an important position in the world. With the gradual depletion of Marine resources and the increasingly serious environmental pollution, blue fi nance has attracted wide attention as an important means to support and promote the sustainable development of blue economy. The research of this paper will explore the development path and mode of blue fi nance in the new era, which is of great signifi cance for promoting the sustainable and healthy development of China’s Marine economy and building a sustainable blue fi nancial system. At the same time, this study will also provide reference for theoretical research and practical application in related fi elds.

Original Research Article

by Daichao Cheng, Ling Long
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Public crisis events have the characteristics of sudden, unknown and destructive, which pose a great threat to people’s physical and mental health and test the level of emergency response system construction. As the provider of social services and the participant of social affairs, social work needs to build an effective emergency system from the aspects of emergency plan, emergency system, emergency action, emergency guarantee, emergency support, etc., and improve the professionalism of social work’s intervention in public crisis events.

Original Research Article

by Sujie Wei
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In recent years, Sino-Russian cross-border e-commerce trade has developed rapidly. This article analyzes the development status of Sino-Russian cross-border e-commerce, explores the cross-border e-commerce transaction scale, cross-border e-commerce platform, the main mode of cross-border e-commerce trade, and the payment method of cross-border e-commerce trade. It points out that the logistics channel of cross-border e-commerce is single, the delivery time is long and the cost is high; The laws and regulations of cross_x005fborder e-commerce in China and Russia are not perfect; Lack of cross-border e-commerce professionals; Platform management is not standardized; China and Russia cross-border e-commerce commodity structure is unreasonable, the article fi nally put forward suggestions.

Original Research Article

by Jian Li
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With the current social progress and development, the importance of fi xed assets management in colleges and universities has become increasingly prominent. As a crucial part of fi xed assets management in colleges and universities, asset inventory is gradually excavated and utilized in practice to build a perfect working mode of asset management. In view of this, this paper will start from the necessity of asset inventory work, through the analysis of the problems existing in the fi xed assets management of colleges and universities in the new era, and put forward management strategies based on asset inventory, in order to provide reference for the implementation and optimization of fi xed assets management in colleges and universities.

Original Research Article

by Yueying Hao
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This paper comprehensively discusses the historical development, current status and future challenges of French manufacturing industry, taking Valeo Company as a case for in-depth analysis. First, the paper reviews the rise and heyday of the French manufacturing industry, focusing on the transformation and challenges faced in recent decades, including factors such as increased global competition, technological change, socio-economic and policy environment. Secondly, the thesis analyzes the development of Valeo, its position and competitiveness in the global market, as well as the main challenges it faces and the strategies to cope with them. Finally, the paper discusses the future prospects and transformation strategies of the French manufacturing industry, including innovation to adapt to the global market, the shift to service - and technology-driven manufacturing, and the role of the government and enterprises in this process.

Original Research Article

by Jiawen Fu
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In order to eff ectively promote the hospitality management curriculum reform and strengthen the training of professional talents, teachers should focus on the hospitality management skills competition, promote the teaching activities to promote learning, and effectively improve students’ professional skills. Teaching reform is an important way to promote the development of professional connotation and improve the quality of teaching. Teachers should combine the hospitality management skills competition to promote teaching reform, improve students’ ability to apply knowledge to solve practical problems, develop students’ teamwork ability, guide students to establish correct ideas and cultivate students’ professional quality. Based on this, this paper analyzes the teaching reform strategies of hospitality management courses under the mode of promoting learning through competition, in order to provide references for educators.

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by Yaping Lou
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This study is based on the dynamic assessment theory system of college English writing research, mainly using the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis research methods. In the qualitative analysis, the author mainly analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional assessment model and the implementation steps of the dynamic assessment system. In the quantitative analysis, the author mainly analyzes the student’s achievement. The result analysis shows that the students’ performance has been improved after teaching, which preliminarily proves that the dynamic evaluation system adopted in this study is an eff ective evaluation method.

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by Kailin Zhang, Yunbo Liu
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With the continuous development of the globalization economy, big data and the popularization of new information technology, our country all walks of life have been increasing the demand for fi nancial talent, and also have higher requirements for the quality of fi nancial talent. In this context, through the analysis of the problems existing in the present economic and fi nancial course teaching and put forward the corresponding reform methods and suggestions, the university economy and fi nance reasonably respond to the changing trend of social demand, help improve the quality of domestic economy and fi nancial talent.

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by Huanchen Li
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With the support of the rural revitalization policy, the cultural revitalization work in rural areas radiates more vitality. The protection and innovation of intangible cultural heritage in rural areas is an important part of the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage, which needs to be paid more attention. Therefore, rural areas should strengthen the development of intangible cultural heritage protection projects, train more talents, and promote the development of cultural industry in rural areas.

Original Research Article

by Jie Yang, Simei Lu, Siru Guo
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Psychological survey of freshmen has become a routine work in Chinese colleges and universities. It is also an important part of mental health education. Psychological interview is an important auxiliary means of psychological survey. At present, there is no standardized process and model of psychological interview, and there are still some problems in the way of work. Based on this, this paper combs and discusses the practical experience of the current work, and discusses the specifi c operations in the process in detail, in order to provide guidance and reference for the development of the psychological survey of freshmen in other universities.

Original Research Article

by Qi Xu, Wanheng Wang, Yunyun Ni
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With the development of The Times, the fi nancial management mode of enterprises should be further optimized, managers should actively introduce new management mode, management content, in order to help enterprises to further improve the quality of fi nancial management. In the era of digital economy, by introducing information technology and other means into fi nancial management, it can effectively enrich the content of financial management and broaden the management path, which will greatly promote the long_x005fterm development of enterprises. In view of this, this paper will analyze the fi nancial management transformation of enterprises under the background of digital economy, and give corresponding countermeasures for the problems existing in enterprises, in order to meet the needs of the current development of digital economy.

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by Mengyi Zhao
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The rural revitalization strategy is a rural development strategy clearly put forward by the Party in the report of the 19th National Congress, aiming to promote the development of agricultural industry and rural economic prosperity. In order to achieve this goal, all agriculture-related colleges and universities should undertake the teaching responsibility of transporting high-quality and high-skilled talents for rural development and agricultural production. Based on this requirement, it is necessary for agriculture-related colleges and universities to actively carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education in addition to completing basic teaching tasks, and take this opportunity to stimulate students’ innovation awareness and exercise their entrepreneurial ability, laying a solid foundation for their follow_x005fup agricultural development, and ultimately promoting the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. In view of this, this paper carries out research based on the author’s practical teaching experience, which needs to analyze the logic and dilemma of the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in agriculture-related colleges and universities under the background of rural revitalization, and put forward specifi c countermeasures on this basis.

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by Xin Zhao, Ye Zhou
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The central government issued the Opinions on Deepening the reform of the construction of modern vocational education System, proposing to make the national vocational education smart education platform bigger and stronger, build the professional teaching resource database of vocational education, expand the sharing of high-quality resources, and promote the reform of education teaching and evaluation methods. As a special modern service industry, the fi nancial industry is the core force to promote the high-quality development of the national economy, and also an important force to promote the integration of modern service industry and strategic emerging industries. The fi nancial service and management major of vocational colleges is responsible for cultivating high-quality composite professionals with solid fi nancial theory and profi cient business ability for banking, securities, insurance and other fi nancial service industries. This paper starts from the necessity of the construction of the teaching resource database of fi nance specialty, discusses the methods and ways of the construction of the teaching resource database, and strives to fi nd a scientifi c, reasonable and practical construction plan.

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by Yunyun Ni, Xiang Yu, Qi Xu
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Under the current background of digital economy, strengthening digital construction has become the internal driving force for the development of many industries. In order to adapt to the development of The Times, the manufacturing industry needs to seize the opportunity to explore a new development path, so as to promote industrial development and obtain more economic benefi ts. However, while the digital economy brings development opportunities to the manufacturing industry, it also faces challenges in terms of capacity and investment. Relevant enterprises need to base themselves on reality, focus on the development of science and technology, promote the application of digital technology, pay attention to the construction of new digital infrastructure, and provide eff ective guarantees in terms of technology, talent and resources.

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by Yunbo Liu, Kailin Zhang
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Promoting the development of regional economy has become an important driving force of national economic development. Although the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has made some progress at this stage, there are still some problems in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. This paper will focus on the development status of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration to the process of the development of some problems and countermeasures and suggestions.

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by Zhenye Zhu
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This paper studies the innovative path of integrating curriculum ideology and politics into the course of functional materials and devices. The importance and necessity of integrating ideological and political thinking into the course of functional materials and devices are discussed by analyzing the internal relations between the course of ideological and political thinking and the course of functional materials and devices. At the same time, this paper also puts forward the concrete innovation path, including optimizing the course content, innovating the teaching method, strengthening the practice link, improving the quality of teachers and so on. Through the implementation of these measures, the goal of curriculum ideology and politics can be better realized, and excellent talents with social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability can be cultivated.

Original Research Article

by Guomin He
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Human resources as the key factor in our country’s resources system, in the process of modernization construction, human resources play a key role in international competition. The construction of human resource development and management mechanism in colleges and universities has an important infl uence on the whole college operation work, colleges and universities have to improve the effi ciency of human resource management, play the human resource value, and actively meet the new challenges and opportunities that appear in the college reform process, are one of the important works in colleges and universities. In the work of human resources development and management of college teachers, colleges and universities should innovate working methods to lay a solid foundation for the optimal utilization of human resources.

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by Zaorong Ye, Yuanling Huang
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This paper uses the methods of induction and analysis to sort out the problems existing in the teaching of orienteering courses in colleges and universities, and puts forward a “three-type” digital physical education teaching mode relying on the development and integration of digital teaching resources, the application of digital teaching means and the construction of digital sports scenes.

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by Ming Hu, Binbin Chen
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based on the theory of OBE (Outcome based Education), this paper deeply analyzes the status quo and problems of informatization construction of tourism courses in higher vocational colleges, and through the practice and research of “Custom travel Butler Practice” course of customized travel management and service. This paper discusses the establishment of information classifi cation training objectives, the construction of curriculum system under the background of information technology, the construction of resource base and the optimization strategy of information training links of higher vocational tourism professional courses based on the OBE concept, which provides useful reference and practical guidance for the information construction of higher vocational tourism professional.

Original Research Article

by Feng Qin, Li Zhang, Chunxia Zhang, Ming Liu
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As an important part of the discipline of Chinese medicine, TCM surgery should pay attention to the development of curriculum ideology and politics while cultivating the professional quality of medical students. The curriculum ideology and politics will run through moral education in the discipline teaching, not only help students to improve the discipline quality, but also guide students to form a correct outlook on life and values. In this context, this paper will deeply explore the necessity of carrying out curriculum ideology and politics in the teaching of traditional Chinese surgery, and discuss with specifi c teaching strategies, in order to provide new ideas and methods for the development of traditional Chinese surgery teaching.

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by Cuihua Liang
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In order to solve the problem of the disconnect between the teaching and practice of compensation management courses, this paper carries out a blended teaching reform of compensation management courses based on the ADDIE model, with students as the center, fully implementing the integration of theory and practice, and the integration of ideological and political education into the curriculum. Adhering to the fi ve key stages of the ADDIE model, the “four mixes and one integration” of online and offl ine mixing, theoretical and case mixing, knowledge and practice mixing, simulation and reality mixing, and the integration of ideological and political education and subject teaching are adopted. The “three-stage implementation” of pre-class introduction, in-class explanation and practice, and post-class expansion is carried out to help students achieve the transformation from knowledge to ability, cultivate qualifi ed application-oriented talents with positive values, and meet the needs of society

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by Xin Chen, Ming Sun, Yuan Sang
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With the proposed fundamental task of “moral cultivation”, ideological and political education in colleges and universities has ushered in a new opportunity for reform. In this context, in order to eff ectively cultivate students’ ideological and political literacy, help them establish correct ideological concepts and value cognition, in addition to actively carry out ideological and political courses, colleges and universities should actively build a collaborative education mechanism, the ideological and political education and professional teaching integration, in the training of students’ professional literacy at the same time, ideological and political education for students, help them establish correct thoughts and cognition, In order to promote the all-round development of students. In this paper, the material forming and control engineering teaching and curriculum ideological and political integration is analyzed, hoping to provide readers with some valuable reference and reference.

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by Sanhong Liu, Haibin Luo
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As one of the most iconic traditional national sports activities in China, wushu contains rich and profound history and culture and strong national spirit. With the passage of time, more and more colleges and universities began to incorporate martial arts into physical education compulsory or optional courses, its importance needs no elaboration. In spite of this, there are still some problems in the existing teaching practice. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the importance of establishing martial arts courses in colleges and universities and related aspects (such as building publicity platforms, setting up multi-textbook content, etc.) to identify and solve these problems, so as to provide valuable guidance for the eff ective implementation and scientifi c management of martial arts courses in colleges and universities.

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by Haipeng Luo
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With the acceleration of globalization and the development of medical information technology, the demand for international medical language services in the context of digitalization is constantly increasing. This paper analyzes the demand for international medical language services, explores the cultivation of international medical language service talents in the context of digitalization, and puts forward corresponding suggestions.

Original Research Article

by Qian Li, Chunlong Yue, Bo Peng, Shuo Wang
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With the rapid development of science and technology, robot technology has become an important part of today’s world. Since the birth of the fi rst robot in the late 1950s, robot technology has been developing rapidly, becoming an important symbol to measure the level of science and technology of a country and the modernization and informationization of the national economy. At the same time, with the continuous development of robot technology, its application in the fi eld of education has gradually been paid attention to. Especially in applied undergraduate colleges and universities, robot education has become a new way of education, which is of great signifi cance for improving students’ practical ability and innovative spirit. This paper will discuss the implementation status of robot education in applied undergraduate colleges and universities, in order to provide reference for the development of related fi elds.

Original Research Article

by Yungang Wei
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In order to adapt to the current development trend of education and teaching reform, each school should actively carry out the construction of industrial college, of which Taishan University Tourism School is actively building cultural tourism industry college, aiming to integrate the resources of colleges and enterprises to integrate culture and tourism teaching to achieve collaborative education, so that it can not only improve the teaching quality of cultural tourism, but also promote the construction of new liberal arts. Based on the limitations of various practical factors, there are many problems in the process of implementing collaborative education in the College of Cultural and Tourism Industry, which limits the development of colleges and students to a certain extent. In view of this, this paper makes an in-depth discussion based on the author’s teaching experience. It fi rst analyzes the research background and signifi cance of the collaborative education mechanism of the College of Industry, then analyzes the existing problems in the collaborative education mechanism under the background of the new liberal arts, and analyzes the construction principles of the collaborative education mechanism. Finally, it can put forward specifi c innovation paths, aiming at contributing to the construction of the college and economic development.

Original Research Article

by Caixia Yu
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Under the background of new liberal arts, British and American literature as a subject with deep humanistic concern, its “curriculum ideology and politics” construction not only bears the mission of cultivating professional quality, but also shoulders the responsibility of cultivating students’ ideological and political quality. The purpose of this study is to explore the path of the construction of “curriculum thought and politics” in British and American literature, through the organic combination of teaching syllabus, course content, teaching mode and evaluation mode, and clearly adhere to the moral cultivation of people, student-oriented, so that professional goals and ideological and political education goals in the curriculum system integration, to provide a feasible reference for the British and American literature education in the new liberal arts era.

Original Research Article

by Fugang Liu
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With the development of computer technology, the library of higher vocational colleges is facing the reform. Providing personalized and intelligent service and optimizing user experience has become the mainstream trend of the development of higher vocational college library. Higher vocational college libraries need to strengthen the exploration of library information reform, with the help of computer technology, promote library database construction, intelligent management, to provide users with more accurate literature information services, for higher vocational college teaching and scientifi c research to provide information support. This paper explores the application of computer technology in the management of library in higher vocational colleges, analyzes some problems existing in the information construction of library in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward targeted reform measures, hoping to provide some useful references for the development of library management in higher vocational colleges.

Original Research Article

by Shanshan Liu, Shan Lu
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With the deepening of education reform, the teaching work of new media marketing should be further optimized. Teachers should actively introduce new education concepts and teaching methods, so as to better arouse students’ interest, strengthen their understanding and application of the knowledge, and improve the education eff ect. As a popular educational concept at present, the integration of production and education can greatly enrich the content of new media marketing teaching work, broaden the path of education, and greatly promote the comprehensive development of students. In view of this, this article will analyze the application of the integration of production and education in the teaching of new media marketing, and put forward some strategies for your colleagues’ reference.

Original Research Article

by Shan Lu, Shanshan Liu
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With the continuous development of information technology, we have stepped into the era of big data. The wide application of big data technology is also promoting the reform and development of vocational education, especially with the development of the education information 2.0 action plan, big data technology has been widely used in the education and teaching of higher vocational colleges, which also provides new opportunities for the reform and innovation of the teaching mode of “post course competition certificate” for accounting majors in higher vocational colleges. This paper studies the reform path of the teaching mode of “Post course Competition Certifi cate” for higher vocational accounting major based on big data technology, hoping to provide some references for teachers and jointly contribute to the improvement of the training quality of accounting professionals in higher vocational colleges.

Original Research Article

by Xiaozhu Mou
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With the rapid development of social Internet technology and artifi cial intelligence technology, the demand for high-quality digital graphic information processing technical personnel is also increasing. But at present, there are still some problems and challenges in the course setting, teaching mode and teacher accomplishment of some digital graphic information processing technology majors. The “1+X” certifi cate system and the document certifi cate integration mode have created new opportunities for the teaching reform of digital graphic information processing technology major. Based on this, this paper will analyze the implementation status of the “document and certifi cate integration” mode of digital graphic information processing technology major under the “1+X” certifi cate system, and put forward implementation strategies, in order to promote the new development of digital graphic information processing technology education and teaching.

Original Research Article

by Wenxuan Cai
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Transportation comes fi rst in economic development. This paper fi rst analyzes the outline of Internet of Things technology and intelligent transportation system, puts forward the application mode of “Internet of Things + transportation”, analyzes the advantages and challenges of Internet of Things technology in intelligent transportation, and gives preliminary development suggestions from three aspects of technological innovation, policy management and international exchange, showing the new kinetic energy of China’s intelligent transportation.

Original Research Article

by Shuang Shang
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With the gradual opening of the securities market, the competition between securities companies is becoming increasingly fi erce under the infl uence of many factors, which makes many securities companies face problems such as the loss of original customers and the decline of market share. From the current situation, relying on reducing the commission has been unable to achieve the purpose of improving market share, we need to fi nd new ideas in customer management. Therefore, the future development of securities companies should focus on improving customer relationship management and helping customers realize wealth appreciation, which is the key to their own market competition. Based on this, this paper probes into the optimization of securities customer relationship management strategies, hoping to provide valuable references for promoting the healthy and stable development of securities companies.

Original Research Article

by Yan Gong, Fei Shi, Quan Li, Liang Wang
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Based on the analysis of the teaching strategy of “Preliminary Architecture” course in colleges and universities, this paper first introduces the goal, content and the actual situation of learners of the course. Then, it discusses the concept and requirements of application-oriented talent training. Finally, it puts forward innovative strategies from three perspectives: student-centered explanation courses and discussion activities, group cooperation to explore topics or projects, and the introduction of information technology to expand curriculum resources. Through the analysis of this paper, the purpose is to help college teachers better design the course of “Preliminary Architecture” and train more application-oriented talents in line with the needs of the construction industry.

Original Research Article

by Huijie Liu, Xiaohong Liu
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In the development and education of application-oriented colleges and universities, cultivating outstanding talents with innovative spirit and entrepreneurial practice ability is its important goal, and also helps to meet the demand for high-quality talents in diff erent fi elds of society. Therefore, in order to give full play to the educational functions of application-oriented colleges and universities, it is necessary to actively integrate the concept of “special creative integration” into the education of application-oriented colleges and universities, so as to promote the improvement of the personnel training level based on the concept of “special creative integration” and gradually improve the personnel training model of application-oriented colleges and universities, so as to provide continuous compound talents transportation for the development of various social fields in our country. Therefore, this paper takes Changchun Guanghua University as an example to analyze the diffi culties in the construction of application-oriented colleges and universities, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures to introduce jade.

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by Wenyan Guo
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In the era of artificial intelligence today, the logistics industry is facing great opportunities and challenges. With the rapid development of science and technology, the modern logistics management model is evolving rapidly. The introduction of artifi cial intelligence technology has injected new vitality into the logistics industry, making the traditional logistics management mode glow more intelligent, effi cient and sustainable. The following will deeply study the innovative ways of modern logistics management mode in the era of artifi cial intelligence, and explore how to promote the sustainable development of logistics industry through the application of intelligent technology

Original Research Article

by Ping Yan, Chengyu Gan, Ying Zhang
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Driven by the digital economy, the development of manufacturing industry has undergone fi ve changes. Input has shifted from factor driven to data driven, output from product centered to user experience centered, industry connection from industry association to enterprise community, industrial ecology from competition and cooperation to mutual benefi t and win-win, management structure from hierarchical structure to grid organization. Based on this environment, researchers in the fi eld of manufacturing need to explore the practical path of high-quality development of manufacturing industry under the support of digital economy, and fi nally give full play to the enabling value of digital economy.

Original Research Article

by Yan Yang, Shuangquan Lin, Xin Feng, Congping Wu
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With the rapid development of society and the continuous transformation and upgrading of economy, the training mode of applied talents in universities is in urgent need of reform. This paper discusses the importance and role of base co-construction, talent co_x005feducation and achievement sharing in the reform of applied talents training mode in colleges and universities. By establishing off -campus practice education base, strengthening practice teaching and promoting cooperation between industry, university and research, the innovation and development of applied talents training mode in colleges and universities can be promoted, and more excellent applied talents can be provided for social and economic development.

Original Research Article

by Xinyue Zhang
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Under the background of “mass innovation and mass entrepreneurship”, secondary vocational schools explore a new path to train students’ “double innovation” ability, and the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship psychology is an important factor that determines students’ innovation and entrepreneurship, and it is also one of the problems that secondary vocational schools need to solve urgently. Although the cultivation of students’ innovation and entrepreneurship psychological quality has been carried out for a period of time, there are still problems to be solved. Therefore, this paper takes Nantong Health High Vocational School as an example to explore the eff ective ways and methods to cultivate the psychological quality of innovation and entrepreneurship of secondary vocational students, aiming at improving the social adaptability of secondary vocational students, increasing the training amount of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and helping secondary vocational students realize their self-value.

Original Research Article

by Lei Su
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This paper analyzes the relationship among error management climate and taking charge. Based on the theory of planned behavior and self-determination theory, the study constructs management strategies to stimulate taking charge from the error tolerance mechanism and training approach. The hotels should embed the error tolerance mechanism into the human resource management system, build the supportive organization climate and improve an error management ability training plan aimed to stimulate employees’ taking charge.

Original Research Article

by Guangfeng Zhang, Linyu Zhang
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In the context of global economic integration, improving the quality of English talent training has become one of the most important topics for college English teachers. In the practice of reform, college English teaching has made some progress and innovation, but there are still many problems, which aff ect the fi nal eff ect of talent training. By applying the output-oriented method to college English classes, teachers can explore specific teaching plans and how to effectively improve students’ comprehensive English ability from the training goals. It can be said that the output-oriented teaching method is an advanced student-centered teaching method which is conducive to improving the quality of English talents training. Based on this, this paper probes into the reform practice of college English teaching under the output-oriented method, hoping to provide valuable reference for colleagues.

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by Haiyan Zhang, Liren Zou
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The principle of cloud computing is a required course for network engineering major in cloud computing. It is of great significance for students to cultivate their interest in cloud computing and commit themselves to the development of cloud computing. Clarify the course positioning, dig the course ideological and political elements, the course ideological and political throughout the course of theoretical teaching, practice links, the second class, the patriotic enthusiasm of students, craftsman spirit, teamwork and other spirit formation has an important leading role, to achieve the students “knowledge, ability, quality” all-round training, and fi nally through the education results to explain the teaching eff ect.

Original Research Article

by Jing Xie
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With the rapid development of Internet technology, the traditional English teaching model in primary schools can no longer meet the English learning needs of contemporary students. In primary school English teaching, the eff ective combination of information technology and teaching activities can not only improve the quality of primary school English teaching, but also help to cultivate students’ core English literacy. Based on this, this paper starts from the importance of the integration of information technology and primary school English teaching, analyzes the current situation of the integration of information technology and primary school English teaching, and puts forward the implementation path of integration, in order to promote the deep integration of information technology and primary school English teaching.

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by Weihua Wang
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Since the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China has been accelerating the transformation from a major country in education to a strong country in education. The digital transformation of education is an important way to promote the developmen t of education in China, and the digital competence of teachers is a key factor aff ecting the digital transformation of education. Teachers of vocational education, as the key to cultivating technical and skilled talents, empower students by enhancing their digital competence to promote the development of their abilities. By analyzing European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators(DigCompEdu)[1], and comparing the framework of “Teacher Digital Literacy” in China[2], combined with the development characteristics of vocational education, this study explores the digital competence framework of vocational education teachers and provides optimization strategies for improving teachers’ digital competence in the context of digital transformation in education.

Original Research Article

by Anqi Dou, Xiaojing Huang, Dan Jin
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Education is the key engine of social development, and education and training enterprises play a vital role in modern society. As the core resources of education and training enterprises, talents can enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises. As a key way to improve employees’ professional quality and stimulate their potential, training plays a primary role in empowering employees and cultivating talents in the business community. However, China’s education and training enterprises are faced with a series of challenges such as insuffi cient funds and imperfect management system, which leads to imperfect and unsystematic and scientifi c staff training, and also aff ects the cultivation of talents, which is not conducive to the long-term sustainable development of enterprises. This paper aims to study the problems faced by education and training enterprises in the fi eld of training, and deeply discuss how to optimize training management in order to establish an eff ective personnel training mechanism, so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.

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by Shuang He
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Under the background of “Internet +”, the management mode of higher vocational education is experiencing unprecedented change and innovation. With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has penetrated into all aspects of our lives, and has brought many new opportunities for higher vocational education management. In the field of teaching, “Internet +” breaks the geographical boundary and physical boundary, making the construction of virtual platform another main front of learning; In the fi eld of scientifi c research, “Internet Plus” helps to share knowledge and information, break through new models and technologies, guide trans_x005fregional and industrial economic development, and realize the modernization of education, teaching and management. In view of this, this paper discusses the reform and innovation strategy of higher vocational education management mode under the background of “Internet +”, hoping to provide more reference for front-line educators.

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by Ziqian Yang
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The school is not only an important place for the implementation of education, but also the main place for students to study. With the continuous reform and innovation of the management system of higher vocational colleges, the educational management mode guided by the concept of humanism has gradually become the mainstream. Under the guidance of the concept of humanism, school administrators need to take students and teachers as the main body of management, let them participate in the process of management of self-education, self-development and self-improvement, in order to fully refl ect the main role of all teachers and students of the school and teachers. In this regard, this paper, guided by the concept of humanism, mainly analyzes and researches the application of this concept in the education management of higher vocational students, hoping to provide some reference for your peers.

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by Haijing Shi
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Teacher development in colleges and universities is the independent development and self-improvement of teachers. This paper fi rstly analyzes the current situation of teacher development in local private colleges and universities, then sums up the diffi culties faced by teachers’ development, and fi nally provides specifi c and eff ective teacher development paths, hoping to help teachers’ development.

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by Xu Li
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With the advancement of the new round of curriculum reform in China, schools at all levels pay more and more attention to the organic integration of information technology and classroom teaching. Now, education informatization has become an inevitable development trend of China’s education and teaching reform. Under this background, chemistry teachers in high school should conform to the development of the social times, strengthen the reform of their own teaching methods, pay attention to the use of information technology to promote the teaching reform, in order to better serve the cultivation and all-round development of students’ discipline literacy. Based on this, this paper briefl y expounds the advantages and practical strategies of the integration of information technology and senior high school chemistry teaching, aiming at further promoting the deep integration of information technology and senior high school chemistry.

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by Sirui Chen, Xinghua Ge, Yuyang Ying, Jiaming Zhu
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With the continuous introduction of strong support for the development of assembly building guidelines and related policies, assembly building has become an important trend of China’s construction industry development and innovation, it should not only pay attention to engineering quality and work effi ciency, but also pursue to reduce artifi cial dependence, and achieve the goals and eff ects of energy saving and emission reduction. However, there is no good synergy between the traditional construction mode and the assembly-type building system, which requires the introduction of intelligent construction methods and technologies, in order to further improve the level of assembly-type buildings, and promote its long-term development.

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by Suqin Ouyang
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The rise of the metaverse presents new opportunities and challenges for college students’ career planning. Under the concept of the metaverse, college students’ career planning will show the following trends: immersive construction of career scenarios, intelligent guidance of career experience, and continuous generation of multi-dimensional data. Therefore, it is important to focus on the following development paths: returning to the real world, strengthening interdisciplinary integration, and promoting co-construction and sharing.

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by Xiaobo Gao
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Traditional stomatology education mainly relies on fi eld operation, clinical practice and teacher explanation, but due to the limited teaching resources and certain limitations of teaching itself, many students can not get enough practice opportunities. Traditional education methods have been unable to meet the needs of training modern stomatology talents. Teachers need to accelerate the innovation of ideas and methods in the fi eld of stomatology education to provide students with a better learning fi eld. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the development of virtual simulation technology teaching and its application advantages in stomatology education, and then discusses its application strategies based on teaching practice experience, in order to provide references for peers.

Original Research Article

by Qian Li
In the foreign language ideological and political education of police colleges, the Yellow River culture can be integrated into the course of Police English to realize the ideological and political education goals of students. The introduction of Yellow River culture facilitates students’ understanding and identifi cation with the values of traditional Chinese culture, and cultivate their patriotism and sense of responsibility. By learning the history, geography and humanities of the Yellow River, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the importance of the Yellow River and the urgency to protect its ecology. Meanwhile, stories and poems concerning the Yellow River culture can be employed in teaching to stimulate students’ interest in learning, and guide them to combine what they have learned with practical work to improve their comprehensive competence.

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by Yan Xing
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In recent years, with the sustained and rapid development of social economy, the safety situation of enterprises in our country is extremely severe. In order to solve this problem, many enterprises begin to widely use information technology to improve the safety management level. For example, the big data technology is applied to the enterprise safety production early warning system, through the data collection and mining technology, the traditional analysis results are not accurate and the prediction eff ect is satisfactory to solve the problem, which greatly improves the ability of enterprise safety early warning. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the importance of enterprise safety production and the existing problems of enterprise safety production, and on this basis expounds the application path of information technology in enterprise safety production, for reference only.

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by Yu Long
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This paper uses the micro survey data to study the degree of teachers’ psychological pressure in the stage of compulsory education in China, and constructs a hierarchical ordered dependent variable logistic regression model to explore the infl uencing factors, by introducing the control variables at school level to further explore the influencing factors of inter school differences on teachers’ psychological pressure. The results show that the heterogeneity of teachers’ psychological pressure at the school level is much higher than that at the provincial level, and it accounts for about 13% of the total variance; school environmental factors and teachers’ own factors, have a signifi cant impact on teachers’ psychological pressure.