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Original Research Article

by Yong Chen
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Classroom teaching is one of the main positions of talent cultivation, classroom teaching quality is an important guarantee to improve the quality of talent cultivation. There are some problems in the practice of classroom teaching quality evaluation from the perspective of teachers' professional certifi cation, such as incomplete implementation of the connotation of certifi cation concept, not prominent student center, not obvious output guidance, and weakly continuous improvement. To solve the current problems of classroom teaching quality evaluation, we should have a deep understanding of the certifi cation concept of teachers' major, take the output as the guidance in classroom teaching quality evaluation, establish a classroom teaching quality evaluation system centered on student evaluation and with continuous improvement, gradually form the classroom teaching quality culture, and comprehensively improve the quality of talent cultivation.

Original Research Article

by Yan Hu, Xue Qi, Qianqian Hu
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There is a gap between the implementation of the official protection system and local identity in the management of intangible cultural heritage in China. As a local folk custom organization that manages national intangible cultural heritage projects, Dragon Committee integrates the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage into the governance of rural society. This innovative model of integrated protection and management of intangible cultural heritage, which is born in rural society, provides an example for other folk custom organizations. This paper expounds the logic of autonomy in its organization from three aspects: the division of labor, the election of personnel and the fi nancial supervision; On the other hand, it discusses the governance mechanism of folk organizations in local village society from the dialogue and interaction between folk organizations and administrative power in local village society. At the same time, through the phenomenon that the organization borrows national symbols and moves closer to government organizations, it is proposed that village folk organizations can achieve their own development mode in the balance between the two opposite orientations of approaching the government and strengthening autonomy.

Original Research Article

by Vivian Choi
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Vocational school students' interest in English learning is weakening, and vocational school teachers devote themselves to organizing classroom teaching to help students fi nd and fi ll gaps, but the eff ect is not good. With the continuous development of secondary vocational education in China, as a secondary vocational teacher, we should combine the learning characteristics of secondary vocational students in daily teaching and constantly improve teaching methods, which plays a very important role in improving the teaching eff ect of secondary vocational English classroom. Language learning cannot be separated from continuous use in real situations. Only by repeatedly practicing the language in specifi c situations can students truly master it. Through integrating theory with practical teaching, this paper discusses how secondary vocational school teachers can reasonably build a life oriented English classroom in practical teaching, stimulate students' interest in learning, help students improve their new knowledge structure, and at the same time, integrate ideological and political education into teaching, imperceptibly establish the correct three perspectives of secondary vocational school students, so as to truly improve the enforceability, practicality and eff ectiveness of secondary vocational English classroom teaching.

Original Research Article

by Yunjing He, Xiaowei Zhang, Li Cui, Tong Liu
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With the continuous development of science and technology, the overall development level of China's construction industry has been greatly improved. As an essential element of modern high-rise buildings, elevators can greatly facilitate people's travel. However, as an electromechanical device, there may be some problems in the use of the elevator. Therefore, the safety of the elevator must be focused on by people. We should do a good job in elevator maintenance management to ensure the safe operation of the elevator. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology, as a popular auxiliary management technology, can greatly improve the form and content of elevator maintenance management, and plays an important role in promoting the quality of elevator maintenance management. In view of this, this paper will analyze the application of Internet of Things technology in elevator maintenance management, and propose some strategies for your reference.

Original Research Article

by Yang Guan
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The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that “the fundamental task of education is to establish morality and cultivate people, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty”. As the fundamental task of education, moral cultivation points out the direction for today’s education. English teachers in secondary vocational schools should adhere to the education plan of “building morality and cultivating people”, integrate moral education into teaching activities, and implement moral education in all aspects of English classroom teaching. In English class, teachers should not only impart language knowledge to students, but also cultivate students’ noble moral character, so that they can develop correct life values and a strong sense of social responsibility. This paper makes a further study on how to eff ectively implement ideological and political curriculum in secondary vocational English teaching.

Original Research Article

by Na Cui
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With the continuous development of economy, the professional and technical teaching in higher vocational colleges needs to keep up with the development of the times, vigorously cultivate innovative high-quality talents, and focus on the cultivation of students’ practical ability in daily teaching. This paper will deeply explore the new mode of the education reform of the mechanical manufacturing specialty in higher vocational colleges. First, it analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of mechanical engineering in higher vocational colleges. Then, it probes into the teaching methods of engineering machinery, and discusses the specifi c strategies of the teaching reform of mechanical engineering in higher vocational colleges for reference.

Original Research Article

by Jun Chang
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Virtual reality (VR) educational products have the advantages of real-time interaction, avoiding experimental risks, breaking the time and space constraints, and enhancing learning experience, and are gradually widely used in education, teaching and training. From the perspective of customer demand, based on the new 4R theory of consumer oriented digital marketing, this paper puts forward suggestions for improvement from four aspects: consumer digital portrait and identification, digital coverage and arrival, the basis for establishing sustainable relationships, and realizing transactions and returns, with a view to providing eff ective support for the marketing management of VR education enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Chunmei Dai
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The information construction of colleges and universities cannot be separated from the development and upgrading of information technology. Firstly, this paper introduces the main application scenarios of various information technologies in the informatization construction of colleges and universities; Then it points out the challenges faced by the current university informatization work; Finally, in view of these challenges, this paper elaborates on the optimization direction from the aspects of online teaching platform, big data development and intelligent operation and maintenance construction, aiming to improve the quality and efficiency of college informatization construction.

Original Research Article

by Chanjuan Li
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With the introduction and implementation of the 20 articles of vocational education, the integration of "1+X" certifi cate system and vocational education has been gradually strengthened, and the training mode of specialized talents has changed signifi cantly. Under the social environment where the online economy is in full swing and the e-commerce talent gap is huge, the training mode of e-commerce professionals should be optimized in combination with the "1+X" certifi cate system to better meet the needs of students and socio-economic development. This paper fi rst analyzes the "three-phase" relationship of the "1+X" certifi cate, and then discusses the current situation and improvement strategies of e-commerce professional talent training in combination with teaching practice, hoping to help e-commerce professional talent training.

Original Research Article

by Chunming Du, Lei Wang, Heting Zhou
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Case teaching is the main teaching mode of asset appraisal courses, and students’ active participation in case analysis is the guarantee for the realization of teaching objectives. Taking the course of asset appraisal practice and case analysis as an example, this paper introduces the case teaching mode of classroom competition in order to stimulate the initiative of students to participate in case analysis, so as to achieve the goal of professional training. From the practical eff ect, the classroom competition case teaching mode can stimulate the students’ subjective initiative and signifi cantly improve the students’ ability to comprehensively analyze the practical problems of asset appraisal.

Original Research Article

by Yani Fan
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Th e rapid development of artifi cial intelligence technology has promoted the reform of learning mode and brought many problems in the teaching process. In view of the limitations of artifi cial intelligence in education, based on the intelligent learning model, the “student-centered, four-in-one man-machine integration teaching model” is proposed to realize the practical application of large-scale personalized teaching through the deep integration of artifi cial intelligence and wisdom of educators.

Original Research Article

by Jiyang Hu
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According to the present literature, most contemporary study examines poetry translation critically from a literary standpoint. However, some research gaps still exist such as the studies from single perspectives or with relatively subjective analysis methods. This paper aims to conduct a comparative analysis of Shanxing and its three diff erent English translations based on the theoretical framework of the experiential function of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL).

Original Research Article

by Lirong Deng
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The young teachers in colleges and universities do a good job in career planning and management, which is in line with the goal of building a new era of teachers, and is also an important means to make teachers’ career planning from passive acceptance to active planning and development. This paper mainly introduces the concept of career planning for young college teachers, the importance of career planning management for young college teachers, and puts forward some suggestions for the formulation of career planning for young college teachers according to relevant literature.

Original Research Article

by Min Deng
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In the new era, the ideological and political curriculum has become the guidance for schools to carry out talent training and classroom teaching. It requires class teachers, professional teachers, and cultural teachers to participate in the ideological and political education process, and form a pattern of educating people through the whole curriculum and the whole staff . By promoting the combination of ideological and political education and e-commerce teaching, teachers can not only improve students’ professional knowledge and skills, but also cultivate their sense of responsibility, professional ethics, patriotism, help students establish a correct outlook on money, values, employment, and better help improve their social adaptability and professional quality. Based on this, this paper analyzes the purpose of the application of ideological and political education in the teaching of e-commerce major, expounds the factors aff ecting the application of ideological and political education, and explores the application strategies of ideological and political education in the teaching of e-commerce major.

Original Research Article

by Chunmiao Chen
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China needs more innovative international talents to support its international development strategy in a long run. Crosscultural education shoulders the important mission of enhancing cross-cultural understanding, improving cross-cultural literacy, and cultivating innovative international talents. Traditional education is often based on knowledge imparting and passive learning. The cultivation of innovative international talents needs to go beyond knowledge imparts, take thinking practice as the core. The essay sets the “seven key points” as targets, and "SMART" as the model to achieve the cultivation of international innovative talents through the crosscultural education of “internationalization at home".

Original Research Article

by Nuo Chen
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With the development of computer and network technology, the security of computer system is threatened, which also puts forward higher requirements for the security of computer software. In order to improve the overall security of the computer system, technicians should focus on computer software security, conduct in-depth research on software security upgrades, electronic encryption and other technologies, and provide eff ective protection for computer system security. Based on this, the article analyzes and studies the security problems and countermeasures of computer software in the new era, expounds the background of computer software security research, explores the security vulnerabilities of computer software, analyzes the security problems of computer software, and puts forward practical measures for computer software security for reference.

Original Research Article

by Shengchun Lei
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With the continuous promotion of the new round of educational reform, ideological and political curriculum has become the focus of college education. In the process of socialist modernization, colleges and universities bear the burden of talent training. In order to improve the quality of talent training and realize the parallel development of knowledge, skills and accomplishments, colleges and universities need to encourage teachers to dig deeply into the ideological and political elements in various courses, and strengthen their values and moral qualities in the process of imparting discipline knowledge to students. In view of this purpose, this paper takes the college English curriculum as the research object, ponders over the problems and causes of the infi ltration of the ideological and political concept of the curriculum into the subject, and puts forward a series of optimization countermeasures, striving to make the college English curriculum and the ideological and political curriculum go in the same direction, build a collaborative education system, and help students develop in an all-round way.

Original Research Article

by Shuyan Lei, Xiaolong Liu
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The problem of talent cultivation in the context of the new liberal arts has aroused extensive and enthusiastic thinking and discussion. This paper focuses on the cultivation of business administration professionals, and focuses on the construction basis and ideas of the cultivation system of business administration professionals under the new liberal arts background from three aspects: the new changes in the training objectives and positioning, the new adjustment of the curriculum system and teaching content, and the new composition of the teaching staff , and then puts forward countermeasures for the construction path and application of the curriculum system of business administration under the new liberal arts background, It strives to build a strong support for the cultivation of business management professionals both on campus and off campus, and also hopes to provide reference for the construction of the whole business management specialty.

Original Research Article

by Wenjuan Gao
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With the vigorous development of China's social economy, new media technology as a new thing, colleges and universities should fully grasp the positive role of new media, and use this advanced technology to build an emergency management mechanism to better respond to emergencies. On the basis of expounding the concept and characteristics of new media, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction of college emergency management mechanism under the vision of new media, such as the lack of emergency management concept, the inadequate emergency system, the failure of emergency management methods, and so on. Then it can suit the remedy to the case and propose the construction path of the system, with a view to benefi ting college leaders and managers.

Original Research Article

by Xiudong Gao, Yang Chen, Hekun Yang, Xiaojie Liu
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Python language has become one of the most popular programming languages, and its importance is self-evident. However, there are still many problems in the teaching process and teaching eff ect of Python language programming. Researches showed that the application of knowledge graph in education is helpful to the formation of knowledge structure, improve students’ learning effi ciency and stimulate students’ autonomous learning ability. This paper attempts to build the knowledge graph Smart Education system of Python language programming course from three aspects: the construction of subject knowledge ontology, the development of teaching platform based on knowledge graph and the teaching mode based on knowledge graph.

Original Research Article

by Zhaocheng Liu
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In order to realize the eff ective evaluation of project-based learning, we need to update some educational theories: the big situation, that is, the eff ective evaluation of the whole project-based learning must fi rst construct the big situation, the problem situation or the real situation. Only when all teaching takes place in the most appropriate teaching scenario can we make learning effective and establish a permanent link with the subject’s cognition. In order to make project-based learning realize its effi cient value, it is not subject to the teaching theme. A series of solidifi ed teaching modules, such as project-based learning process map, STEAM-PBL process map and toolbox system, must be formed due to the impact of school scenarios and regional development. At the same time, the cognitive system of educational theory supported by the construction and thinking, such as teachers’ value awakening, students’ growth path, thinking visualization tools, teaching evaluation visualization, teaching dualistic balance theory and other concepts.

Original Research Article

by Anwei Liu
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Cultural construction is the only way for schools to achieve connotation development, and there are many ways to improve the “cultural soft power” of schools. Taking the 30th Middle School of Chongqing as an example, this paper, from the perspective of traditional Chinese virtues, explores the connotation and path of the construction of etiquette culture of school culture. Taking the “Three Rites · Five Hearts” course as the carrier, it shows the exploration of the construction of school culture in the front line of basic education, and has achieved good results, forming a series of achievements and models that can be used for reference. Facts show that the construction of school etiquette culture is diffi cult, but can be done.

Original Research Article

by Wen Lu, Wei Liu, Lei Guo
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As the main position to transport a large number of talents to the society, universities need to not only teach students the necessary professional knowledge, but also focus on improving students’ moral quality and guiding students to establish correct values. As an important place for students to carry out their daily life, the toilets in university dormitories have a relatively important impact on the follow-up development of students. To this end, universities should strengthen the management of dormitory toilets and make good use of the toilets, so as to promote the healthy development of students. Based on this, this paper will elaborate on the experience of toilet management in university dormitories.

Original Research Article

by Junpeng Li, Yancai Zhang, Xianghai Meng
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The fl ood and drought disasters have seriously restricted the grain planting in China, and the threat to food security cannot be ignored. Water conservancy facilities can reduce agricultural natural disasters because they can allocate water resources. Therefore, it is of great signifi cance to explore a feasible way to reduce agricultural fl oods and droughts from the perspective of water conservancy facilities to ensure China’s food security. Based on the improvement of capital depreciation rate, capital stock in the base period and investment fl ow, this paper estimates the capital stock of provincial water conservancy facilities using the Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM), and empirically analyzes the impact of water conservancy facilities on the area aff ected by agricultural drought and fl ood disasters using the Spatial Dubin Model (SDM). The research found that: (1) Water conservancy facilities have signifi cantly negative direct impact and spillover eff ect on the drought affected area and flood affected area, indicating that water conservancy facilities can reduce agricultural flood and drought disasters in this region, and reduce the occurrence of related disasters in other regions. (2) On the time dimension, the direct impact of water conservancy facilities on the aff ected areas of drought and fl ood disasters is consistent, and with the increase of supply, its negative spillover eff ect on the two natural disasters is gradually signifi cant. Based on the research conclusions and the actual situation of China’s infrastructure construction and agricultural development, the following policy recommendations are put forward: (1) On the basis of optimizing the investment and construction content, continue to strengthen the supply of water conservancy facilities and enhance the grain production’s resistance to fl oods and droughts; (2) The investment and construction of water conservancy facilities need to achieve coordination and cooperation among regions to improve investment effi ciency and utilization rate of water conservancy facilities. (3) Promote the promotion and application of agricultural human capital, water-saving irrigation technology, and improve the disaster reduction effect of water conservancy facilities.

Original Research Article

by Yueran Li
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Who should be responsible for the education of primary school pupils? The answer seems to be clear: the family and school, as the main participants in the process of primary education, are reasonable to be responsible for pupils. However, this leaves us with some worthy questions to be considered: who should be most responsible for a child’s education within a family? what diff erent types of responsibility should be taken by family and school with regards to primary education? which actor is more responsible for primary education? Based on those questions, this paper seeks to investigate the diff erent educational responsibilities of family and school, and will answer the question of balance between these two actors in primary education.

Original Research Article

by Yang Li
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With the progress and development of the times, China is facing a critical period of economic transformation and reform. The traditional management model of tea enterprises does not meet the development needs of the market, which requires tea enterprises to adjust and change the previous management model. Tea enterprises should strengthen their comprehensive understanding of China’s economic situation, and adjust the current operation mode of economic management to improve the quality and effect of enterprise management reform. Based on this, the article analyzes and studies the optimization strategy of the operation and management of tea enterprises. First, it analyzes the external environment faced by tea enterprises, expounds on the signifi cance of the reform of the operation and management of tea enterprises, and puts forward the diffi culties in the operation of the economic management of the tea industry. On this basis, it puts forward the strategy of optimizing the operation and management mode of tea enterprises for reference.

Original Research Article

by Junyi Nie
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With the deepening of the reform of vocational education, the teaching of interior design in higher vocational education should be further optimized. Teachers should actively introduce new educational concepts and teaching methods, so as to better arouse vocational students’ interest in learning, strengthen their understanding and application of the knowledge they have learned, and improve the teaching effect. The cultivation of innovative ability, as a popular concept of education, can greatly enrich the teaching content of interior design in higher vocational colleges, broaden the path of education, and have a far-reaching impact on the overall development of higher vocational students. In view of this, this paper will analyze the cultivation of innovative ability in interior design teaching in higher vocational colleges and propose some strategies for your reference.

Original Research Article

by Zhiliang Lu
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In order to adapt to the changing modern social environment, solve the main problems of unbalanced rural development, further expand agricultural production, beautify the rural environment, and increase farmers’ income, China has put forward the strategy of rural revitalization and development. On this basis, we also need to increase policy and institutional support to support rural crossborder e-commerce development, explore the internal link between rural revitalization and rural cross-border e-commerce development, and eff ectively solve the main contradiction between social development and rural development. This paper specifi cally expounds the basic concepts of rural revitalization and rural cross-border e-commerce, and deeply discusses the development dilemma and development path respectively, hoping to provide more benefi cial reference for grass-roots rural builders.

Original Research Article

by Ying Lu
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Chinese traditional festivals are the treasures of Chinese culture and eff ective carriers of ideological and political education. This article takes the fi rst period of Unit 3 Festivals and customs in Book 2 as a teaching practice case. We use the series of books of English for High School (Yinlin Press) as the teaching materials. Our students major in preschool education. This kind of teaching can excavate the ideological and political elements of Chinese traditional festivals, and can give full play to the ideological and political functions of the curriculum in the English classroom. In the teaching case of the article, ideological and political elements and English classroom teaching are organically integrated by allowing student groups to cooperate in the production of PPT, classroom display, video viewing, group discussion, oral and written expression and other teaching activities.

Original Research Article

by Liping Ma, Wenwen Huang, Liuxue Wu, Fupeng Liu
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Talent training is the foundation of university work, and the eff ectiveness of moral cultivation is the standard to test all university work. Therefore, the core task of functional departments and business management units of institutions of higher learning is to serve the fundamental function of talent training, and the eff ectiveness of talent training is also an important standard to test the management and service work of institutions of higher learning. Therefore, in recent years, “management education” has been highly valued. In the process of deepening “management education”, various colleges and universities have made eff orts to summarize the shortcomings and problems, and actively explored the measures and paths of “management education”. Based on the practical exploration of “management education” in university institutions, this paper discusses the dilemma and path of “management education”.

Original Research Article

by Yanwei Lu, He Liu, HongWei Song
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Among manufacturing consumer goods industries, many fi rms compete in the upstream of the s upply chain, however, scant attention has been paid to the eff ect of downstream entry in a two-ti er supply chain (manufacturers in the upstream and retailers in the downstream for simplicity) with multiple manufacturers competing in the upstream. This paper extends Tyagi’s model and introduces m and n fi rms that compete in quantity in the upstream and downstream market, respectively. In special cases, when m equals one or approaches infi nity, our model will reduce to Tyagi’s or Frank’s model, respectively. Therefore, our model can be deemed as an integrated model of entry issues.

Original Research Article

by Ping Lu, Jianqiao Chen
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Under the current environment, college teachers are facing new challenges of work pressure, and their mental health can not be ignored. This paper focuses on the mental health status of college teachers and its infl uencing factors. In view of the problems existing in the current mental health service for college teachers, such as unclear concepts, unclear subjects, lack of social understanding, lack of systematic and professional services, this paper provides coping strategies for colleges and universities to carry out mental health services for teachers from the aspects of overall planning, interaction of subjects, security to position, organization and personal improvement.

Original Research Article

by Jiarui Ren
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As the center of the northern Yangtze River Delta, Huai’an City is in a critical period of transforming its development mode and growth momentum. Focusing on building a “hub new city” has become the basic support for the comprehensive construction of a modern central city in the northern Yangtze River Delta, while the agricultural and sideline products logistics hub is an important support for building a “hub new city”. This study takes Huai’an City as an example, analyzes the current situation of agricultural and sideline products logistics development, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the construction of agricultural and sideline products logistics hub, so as to promote the rapid development of agricultural and sideline products logistics hub in Huai’an City.

Original Research Article

by Guofeng Wu
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In order to meet the needs of modern education reform, Chinese teachers in secondary vocational schools need to update teaching concepts and innovate teaching methods with the times. Therefore, under the guidance of the concept of "ideological and political curriculum", we can integrate teaching resources and reconstruct the curriculum system, and ultimately penetrate ideological and political education in Chinese teaching in an all-round and whole process to provide high-quality teaching services for students. In order to achieve this teaching goal, teachers need to organically combine the two on the basis of studying the opportunity of ideological and political integration and the characteristics of Chinese curriculum, so as to activate the classroom atmosphere and mobilize students' emotions. While assisting them to consolidate basic knowledge and practice skills, they can cultivate their value orientation, moral quality, enhance their political and humanistic qualities, and lay a solid foundation for their subsequent adaptation to social life. How to naturally integrate ideological and political elements into Chinese teaching in secondary vocational schools under the background of the new era is one of the important problems that teachers need to solve. This paper will focus on this problem and discuss it.

Original Research Article

by Dongling Yu, Guiling Liu, Dahai Liao, Nanxing Wu
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“Mechanical Design” is a compulsory basic course for mechanical majors in the undergraduate period. Students learn the course, combined with the comprehensive application of the knowledge learned in mechanical courses such as mechanical principles, and have the initial mechanical design and manufacturing ability. With the specialization, intelligence and modularization of equipment manufacturing, the shortcomings and shortcomings of traditional teaching ideas are increasingly apparent.

Original Research Article

by Yuyang Tang
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Public legal service is an important part of the government’s public functions, an important measure to ensure and improve the people’s livelihood, and a basic, service-oriented and guaranteed work for comprehensively governing the country according to law. In recent years, the construction of Guangxi’s public legal service system has made great achievements, but there are still diffi culties that need to be solved urgently. It needs to be optimized through four paths: reducing the regional diff erences in public legal services, improving the product quality of public legal services, improving the security mechanism of public legal services, and enhancing the participation of public legal services.

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by Chang Sun
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In recent years, China’s education has made considerable development and progress. The new curriculum reform requires education to face modernization, which requires teachers to do a good job in teaching reform. The goal of the new curriculum needs to refl ect the development requirements of the times, and is committed to training comprehensive talents. Under the background of the new curriculum reform, primary school mathematics has achieved a comprehensive reform. The education concept has gradually changed to focus on the development of students and the development direction of teachers. The teaching mode and teaching methods have been adjusted, focusing on the cultivation of students’ observation ability and analysis ability. Based on this, the article makes a concrete analysis and discussion on how to improve the eff ectiveness of mathematics classroom teaching in primary schools under the background of the new curriculum standard.

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by Lu Sun
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In the context of the development of the new era, the development of teaching in colleges and universities tends to be internationalized. At the same time, more and more leaders and teachers pay attention to the education management of foreign students, and gradually become an important part of the education management in colleges and universities. Based on this, colleges and universities should scientifi cally and reasonably carry out the management of foreign students, so as to adapt to the development trend of expanding scale and increasing number of foreign students. Teachers need to solve various problems in a timely and eff ective manner on the basis of in-depth analysis of the current situation of international student education management, so as to continuously improve the level of international student education, promote the development process of China’s international student education, and expand the international infl uence of China’s education. How to further optimize the education management of foreign students in colleges and universities is an important issue that leaders and teachers need to solve. This paper will focus on this issue to carry out in-depth exploration, with a view to providing reference value for relevant researchers.

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by Zheng Song
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As the core course of engineering construction specialty, basic mechanics plays a very important role in the process of personnel training, and the traditional teaching mode lacks systematic system and practical application. Although many colleges and universities have reformed and attempted the basic mechanics course, there are certain application limitations. On the basis of summarizing the teaching experience of basic mechanics in recent years, this paper explores the teaching of basic mechanics of engineering construction specialty cluster from three dimensions: the construction and realization of the curriculum system, the optimization of the curriculum content, and the reform and application of the new teaching model. With the goal of serving and supporting the specialty construction and the personalized development of students, good results have been achieved through practice.

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by Qi Song
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In the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, building cultural confi dence will be an important factor for national rejuvenation and prosperity, and cultivating specialized talents with international competitiveness is a task that contemporary universities must complete. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, college English teachers should carry out English teaching with railway culture content. This paper analyzes the research and existing problems of railway culture, discusses the necessity of integrating railway culture into English teaching, and puts forward relevant measures from the aspects of textbook reform, model innovation, teaching methods and extracurricular activities to help students establish cultural self-confidence and complete the historical mission of cultural communication.

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by Xue Song
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In the new media era, information is spread faster and more widely. Therefore, the teachers of art design major in higher vocational colleges should adapt to the development of the times, constantly innovate the education model, and promote the development of vocational education to provide a broader development space for students of art design major. In the new media era, college students’ art design learning process and creation process rely more on various art design technology software, which requires art design teachers to explore more effi cient and reasonable teaching methods based on the development trend of art design. Based on this, this paper analyzes the teaching reform path of art design major in vocational colleges under the background of the new media era, with a view to providing reference for educators.

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by Caixia Zhang
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Piano teaching started late in China, and its popularity cannot be compared with that of electronic organ, guitar and other musical instruments, resulting in fewer talents in piano, which can not provide high-quality enlightenment education for children. The piano enlightenment education has an important impact on children’s understanding of piano, learning piano and the development of aesthetic ability. Based on this, this paper probes into the children’s musical aesthetic ability in the piano enlightenment education for children, mainly expounds the characteristics of children in the piano enlightenment education for children, analyzes the general situation of the cultivation of musical aesthetic ability in the piano enlightenment education for children, and puts forward some strategies for the cultivation of children’s musical aesthetic ability for reference only

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by Min Zhang
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The scientifi c research team of colleges and universities is the main force for colleges and universities to carry out scientifi c and technological innovation. The strength of their innovation ability and innovation level determines the status of colleges and universities in the fi eld of scientifi c and technological innovation in China, and also has an important impact on the development of national scientifi c and technological innovation ability. At present, although the overall innovation ability of the scientific research team in colleges and universities in China is gradually rising and has achieved excellent results, there are still some defects among them, which have become the primary problem hindering the scientifi c and technological innovation in colleges and universities in China. If the innovation is not carried out at the root of scientifi c and technological innovation, it may lead to the backwardness of the scientifi c and technological innovation ability of colleges and universities and even the national level, resulting in adverse chain reactions at multiple levels. Therefore, this paper deeply discusses the essence of team innovation ability, analyzes the main factors that aff ect the innovation ability of university research teams, expounds the defi ciencies and causes of the innovation ability of university research teams in China, and puts forward solutions, hoping to fundamentally promote the innovation ability of university research teams, help their sustainable development, and also hopes to provide reference for professionals.

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by Fei Zhang, Wei Kong
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It is an inevitable requirement for common prosperity for farmers to share the land value-added income in rural tourism development. From the perspective of common prosperity, farmers’ sharing of land value-added benefits in rural tourism development should include all sharing, comprehensive sharing, co construction sharing, dynamic sharing of land value-added benefi ts, etc. However, in reality, there are some problems, such as the coverage of farmers sharing land value-added income is not wide, the content of farmers sharing land value-added income is not comprehensive, farmers’ participation in tourism land development is low, and farmers’ sharing of land value-added income is not dynamic enough. Therefore, in the future, we should build a three time distribution mechanism of land valueadded income in rural tourism development, attach importance to the improvement of farmers’ ideology, improve the extent of farmers’ participation in tourism land development, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for farmers to share land value-added income.

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by Weiwei Zhu, Senming Zhong
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Based on the background of quality education, colleges and universities should constantly improve the curriculum system and optimize the teaching links, especially when carrying out experimental teaching, the basic guarantee should be provided by introducing experimental equipment and constructing experimental places. In order to give full play to the effectiveness of experimental teaching, teachers should carry out the construction and management of laboratories based on the integration of production and teaching. Based on this, college teachers should introduce advanced technology and equipment to assist laboratory construction and management, thereby improving the quality of experimental teaching and laying the foundation for the school to promote curriculum reform. In view of this, this paper takes the author's teaching experience as the starting point, briefl y expounds the concept of integration of industry and education, analyzes the current situation of university laboratory construction and management, and puts forward a practical practical path based on the background of integration of industry and education, aiming to provide reference for university leaders and teachers to promote scientifi c research, and ultimately to transport composite talents for social development and national construction.

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by Meng Zou, Wenwen Wang, Dongping Fan, Juan Wang, Yu Weng, Songting Zhang
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Since the outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, it has brought numerous negative impacts on the development of the hospitality industry and the employment of hospitality management students in Fuyang Normal University. Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods such as literature reference and questionnaire survey, this paper studies undergraduate students' expectations before and after internship, their ability comparison before and after internship, their understanding of the relationship between internship and employment, and their future employment tendency. In the post-epidemic era, some feasible ways to promote professional employment of hospitality management students in Fuyang Normal University are given.

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by Junxuan Li, Ting Pang
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In medical secondary vocational schools, the head teacher is the director of class management, the executor of ideological and political education, and the builder of comprehensive quality training. In the process of class construction, it is an inevitable requirement for class management to pay attention to the training of details, give play to professional advantages and enhance class cohesion. This paper analyzes and puts forward that cultivating team spirit will organically integrate professional teaching and daily management, actively practice and explore the training mode by modular design of class activity theme, tapping students’ potential, creating scenarios, etc

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by Yongpeng Li, Qianlin Zhang
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As a collection of information to show the performance of the government, the government’s comprehensive fi nancial report has built in the public’s core appeal for administrative benefi ts. Therefore, embedding the fi nancial performance evaluation information into the government’s comprehensive financial report and expanding it to reconstruct the benign interaction mechanism between the financial performance evaluation results and the budget capital investment is a key measure to build a “service-oriented” government. The contribution of this paper lies in: (1) Deepening the existing practice of government performance evaluation, further enriching the information connotation of government performance evaluation; (2) The specifi c framework of embedding fi nancial performance evaluation information into government comprehensive fi nancial report is constructed, which further expands the information boundary of government fi nancial report.

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by Suyu Li
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The 1+X certificate system is a reform and innovation of vocational education talent training. The cross-border e-commerce major actively explored and practiced, accumulated some experience, gradually explored and formed the "134" model. With the "combination of morality and technology" as the core, through teacher training, student skills training and institutional arrangements, it realized the integration of post course competition and certifi cation, with a view to better improving the digital skills of cross-border e-commerce talents.

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by Jing Li, Lijun Tang
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In recent years, the fi nancial derivatives market in China has developed rapidly. The fi nancial derivatives market, such as forward and futures, has become mature after many years of accumulation. Throughout the global derivatives market, options are also an indispensable investment tool in the fi nancial market. China's fi rst exchange-traded options SSE 50ETF was offi cially listed on February 9, 2015. China's fi rst commodity option, soybean meal option, was listed on March 31, 2017, which means that the construction of China's derivatives market has entered a new era. Compared with other fi nancial instruments, option, a special fi nancial instrument, has its unique advantages. Its flexible and diverse trading methods, asymmetric rights and obligations provide more opportunities and guarantees for traders. Similarly, options can also inject new impetus into the development of enterprises, provide new ideas for solving fi nancial problems, and are also conducive to the innovation and development of financial institutions. In view of the importance of options market to the development of the whole fi nancial market, this paper expounds the development status and problems of Chinese options market and puts forward some strategies, which provides relevant suggestions to promote the development of Chinese options market.

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by Zhuojun Lin, He Jiang
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At present, China’s economy has entered a new development model - the new normal of economy, which is characterized by high effi ciency, rapid growth and sustainable development. The new normal of economy puts forward higher requirements for enterprise human resource management, and also brings unprecedented development opportunities for its management quality improvement and management structure adjustment. This paper fi rst elaborates on the connotation and basic characteristics of the new economic normal and the new requirements of the new economic normal for enterprise human resource management, and then puts forward suggestions and references on the new thinking of enterprise human resource management under the new economic normal, with a view to promoting the enterprise’s continuous progress towards a brighter road while improving its market competitiveness as a whole.

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by Zhimin Ou
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With the development of AI technology, 3D modeling and motion capture technology, digital virtual human has been rapidly developed and applied. How to apply this new digital technology to e-commerce live broadcast and promote the high-quality development of e-commerce live broadcast is the focus of this paper. Based on the development of e-commerce live broadcast, this paper analyzes the bottleneck problems in the industry, and then analyzes the application types and methods of virtual anchors according to the application value of digital virtual human, so as to explore the eff ective application path of virtual anchors technology

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by Zibei Niu, Man Zeng, Shan Li
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The research on perceptual span shows that in the reading process, readers not only process the information of the current fixated words, but also extract information from the words that have not been fixed at on the right side of the fixated words for word recognition, which is called the parafoveal preview eff ect. The relevant studies using the boundary paradigm to examine the preview eff ect show that readers can obtain font, phonetic and semantic preview information from the parafoveal word n+1 in both alphabetic and Chinese reading. However, the results of the research on n+2 preview eff ect of the parafoveal words are not consistent, which provides evidence for the existence of n+2 preview eff ect in Chinese reading, while the results of the research on alphabetic characters are still controversial. Therefore, as far as the present is concerned, there is no consistent result in the research on the preview eff ect of the word n+2. Tibetan is a special language, which has the characteristics of both alphabetic and ideographic characters. A study of the preview eff ect of the parafoveal words n+2 in Tibetan reading can further investigate whether the prediction of eye movement control model is correct in the reading process.

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by Jinxin Niu
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Based on the background of modern education and teaching, higher vocational colleges should undertake the teaching task of transporting high-quality talents for social development and national construction. For this reason, teachers should explore novel and eff ective teaching measures in combination with the development strategy of colleges, the characteristics of curriculum teaching, and the practical needs of students, in order to provide high-quality teaching services for students. To this end, teachers can explore appropriate opportunities and paths to introduce case teaching methods, so as to get rid of the shackles of traditional teaching models and obtain more signifi cant vocational education results. In this way, not only can we provide students with high-quality teaching services, but also can promote the long-term development of higher vocational colleges. How to fl exibly apply case teaching method in higher vocational education is an important issue that teachers need to solve at present. This paper will focus on this issue to carry out in-depth research, hoping to benefi t teachers.

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by Zuobin Luo
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The demand for talents in the new era is not only to have the corresponding professional ability, but also to have the most basic moral quality and ideology. Under this background, the ideological and political reform of curriculum came into being. The ideological and political reform of the curriculum is an important reform of vocational education in China. The main content of the reform is to cultivate students’ correct moral concepts and ideology while strengthening the cultivation of students’ professional knowledge and skills, which can fully tap the ideological and political elements of professional courses, so as to cultivate professional talents required by the new era. Therefore, this paper focuses on the ideological and political construction of logistics management courses in higher vocational colleges, hoping to fi nd out relevant strategies for ideological and political construction of logistics management courses in higher vocational colleges, which can be used as a reference for other professional courses to carry out curriculum ideological and political construction, and help the eff ective development of vocational education in China.

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by Heng Zou
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The reform of tennis curriculum in college and universities has been constantly explored. This paper comprehensively uses the methods of heuristic teaching method, expert interview method, questionnaire survey method, experiment method and mathematical statistics method to study the infl uence of heuristic teaching method in tennis courses in private universities. In this paper, two diff erent teaching methods are used to teach the experimental group and the control group, and to compare the subjective experience and attitude of the experimental group and the control group towards physical exercise. In addition, the experimental group and the control group analyzed the degree and the diff erence of physical quality after the experiment, and the infl uence of heuristic teaching on tennis positive and negative racket teaching was explored.

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by Xianlin Zou, Lin Tian
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Food education theme activities are a very important form of education and teaching in kindergartens. Carrying out food education theme activities is an urgent need to implement national policies, enhance children’s cognitive experience and promote children’s social development. To carry out the theme activities of food education in kindergartens, we need to, fi rst, create a prepared environment for children’s food education theme activities, second, scientifi cally design and implement children’s food education theme activities, third, give full play to the traditional advantages of children’s family and social resources.

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by Xiajian Liu
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At present, the human society has entered the information age, and the extensive application of various media is gradually changing people’s thoughts and behaviors. At the same time, the traditional campus culture construction has encountered a “double-edged sword”. All media is a more comprehensive and infl uential media information communication mode created by integrating various media communication modes. How to strengthen the campus culture construction in the context of all media environment is not only related to the ideological construction of students, but also related to the promotion of higher education reform, and is an important guarantee to provide talent support for building a socialist modern power. This paper studies the current situation of campus culture construction under the all media environment, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to contribute to the promotion of campus culture construction in colleges and universities.

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by Huihui Liu
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At this stage, small and medium-sized enterprises provide an inexhaustible driving force for China’s economic development, and many local governments have also issued corresponding policies to help the further development of small and medium-sized enterprises. However, many small and medium-sized enterprises still have serious constraints on fi nancing, which greatly restricts the further development of enterprises. With the continuous development of Internet technology in China, digital inclusive fi nance has been widely used in China. It has an important impact on the reform and upgrading of fi nancial institutions in the past, can greatly improve the effi ciency and service quality of fi nancial transactions, and eff ectively make up for the defects and defi ciencies of traditional fi nancial institutions. In view of this, this paper will analyze the impact of digital inclusive fi nance on corporate fi nancing constraints and propose some strategies for your reference.

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by Yuchun Zhou
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Test fairness has been discussed since 1960s. Since then, its defi nition and its extension have been heatedly elucidated. Reviewed the current literature body, there has been little studies done pertaining to understand the perception of Chinese learners who learn English as a Foreign Language (EFL) of the test fairness of TOEFL iBT independent writing part. In this article, three participants were chosen by using purposeful sampling. Base on the results of semi-structured interviews, TOEFL iBT independent writing part is relatively fair and unbiased culturally, but it should be not the only method to gauge learners’ writing competence. Some infl uential factors of TOEFL iBT should be paid more attention to.

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by DanDan Shen
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Labor education plays an important role in the growth process of college students. Improving college students’ labor education, teaching students to advocate labor, love labor, temper labor quality, and develop labor habits is an important way to promote the all-round development of college students. The only way to increase intelligence is also an educational activity to shape the moral cultivation of college students. To improve the labor education of college students, colleges and universities should set up labor education courses and build a labor education curriculum system; pay attention to labor education practice and improve the eff ectiveness of labor education practice; optimize the labor education environment and create a labor education campus culture, so as to help college students grow and become talents

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by Chaodong Yan
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Based on the provincial panel data of China from 2003 to 2020, this paper uses the PVAR model to empirically study the dynamic relationship between trade openness and industrial transformation and upgrading in China and the eastern, central and western regions. The research fi nds that: at the national level, the negative impact of trade opening on industrial transformation and upgrading is dominant; The industrial transformation and upgrading have promoted the trade opening in the short term, but the long-term impact is inconsistent.

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by Jie Xue, Lan Qian
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With the rapid development of the current domestic economy, the market competition atmosphere of various industries is becoming increasingly fierce, and the requirements and standards of various enterprises for talents are also rising, especially for the logistics management professional jobs. With the optimization and development of the modern logistics system, the logistics industry is also experiencing rapid changes, The core competitiveness and practical ability of corresponding talents have become the focus of attention of various logistics enterprises, which also brings new challenges and huge pressure to the training of logistics management talents in vocational colleges. Higher vocational colleges occupy an important position in China's vocational education and undertake the mission of delivering high-quality talents to the society. They must cultivate the matching degree between students and actual jobs. It is necessary to reach a deep cooperation relationship with relevant enterprises. They focus on training students according to the actual needs of enterprises for professional talents, and reform and improve the college's own teaching system with the overall needs of enterprises and industries as the core guidance, Continuously improve the quality of professional training. This paper takes the teaching of logistics management major in higher vocational colleges as the main content, takes the cooperation between schools and enterprises as the starting point, elaborates on the reform of its professional teaching, and puts forward several implementation paths for the reference of the insiders.