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Modern Management Forum is a social science journal that serves as the source material on business management and related theory. The contents deliver do not boundary to management concept, but also to understand, to discuss and to access the current trend in management of different businesses and organizations. It aims to provide a high profile and unique forum that share between employer and employee, and benefit both in the term of apply the knowledge in real-world situation, connect concepts, and experience management principles in a tactile and engaging way.

Universe Scientific Publishing Welcomes Cooperation

  Vol 8, No 6(2024)


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Table of Contents

Original Research Article

by Jian Peng
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Green finance, which takes environmental protection as the starting point and foothold, comprehensively considers the potential environmental pollution problems in financial business activities and investment and financing decisions, and then promotes the sustainable development of green industries by guiding social and economic resources. Taking this as a starting point to promote the development and innovation of ecological urbanization in China will help to place the construction of new urbanization in a more prominent position, and more eff ectively unleash the practical value of new urbanization construction in benefi ting people’s livelihoods, cultivating new driving forces, fi lling gaps, and adjusting structures. Based on this, this article mainly discusses the practical path of using green fi nance to accelerate the construction of ecological urbanization in China in the new era, in order to continuously promote the deepening development of ecological urbanization construction.

Original Research Article

by Bai Yang
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The advent of the big data era has wrought profound transformations upon the milieu of accounting, presenting traditional accounting disciplines with a significant challenge amidst this new context. This article, originating from the impact of big data on accounting practices, dissects the quandaries inherent in present-day Chinese university accounting education. It also propounds, against the backdrop of a new era, that university accounting academies must evolve in respects such as talent cultivation objectives, course architectures, pedagogical contents and methodologies, and faculty assembly.

Original Research Article

by Wei Zhang, Shuzhou Chai, Gaohua Liu, Hansong Su
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In response to the problem of video tracking in classroom teaching, a video tracking system using optical fl ow method improvement method is proposed. Using the processing functions provided by OpenCV, analyze the states of teachers and students in the classroom, obtain their motion states, and then instruct the camera to track close-up or switch panoramic views. Using LK optical fl ow method to analyze students’ motion state; Using clustering algorithms to calculate the number of students standing up; Using spatial analogy method, calculate the position of the close-up student and indicate the rotation of the camera. This system has high practical value and special signifi cance for online teaching, online classrooms, etc.

Original Research Article

by Yue Li, Yuanzhen Li
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The Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan (2022 Edition) explicitly requires “exploring large unit teaching and promoting knowledge structuring”. However, at present, the construction of large unit teaching paths in China is still in the initial stage of theoretical research, with a hundred schools of thought vying but no consensus yet reached. This article analyzes the feasibility of reconstructing the teaching path of large units from three paths, and points out the teaching path of implementing core literacy curriculum reform by carrying out large unit teaching based on disciplinary concepts.

Original Research Article

by Xiaolan Jiang
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Carbon quantum dots (CQDs), as a zero dimensional fluorescent carbon nanomaterial, have unique optical stability, biocompatibility, and fl uorescence properties, and are widely used in fi elds such as chemical and biological sensing, optical catalysis, and TNP detection. This article not only discusses the research review on the preparation of carbon quantum dot materials, but also provides a comprehensive analysis of their application fi elds, hoping to provide some references for relevant personnel.

Original Research Article

by Junyi Chen
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Social service is one of the main functions of higher education institutions. In response to the current situation of insuffi cient social service capabilities and low employment rates for music majors in universities, and in combination with the requirements of the new liberal arts construction, this article analyzes the signifi cance of universities carrying out “music+medicine” social services and collaborative education construction. It proposes to carry out “music+medicine” social practice and social research, integrate resources to set up relevant courses, explore the construction of music and medicine research laboratories under the collaborative education mechanism, carry out the construction of music and medicine related majors, build a music and medicine professional service promotion platform that integrates industry, academia and research, formulate standardized implementation plans for music and medicine social service projects in universities, and promote the construction of new liberal arts, education models and achievements, moral education and talent cultivation in universities Positive reform achievements have been made in the social, economic, and livelihood aspects.

Original Research Article

by Guangqiang Wang
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Currently, environmental protection and sustainable development are receiving increasing attention and importance from the Chinese government. During the process of shipping, a large amount of sewage is often generated, and there is a phenomenon of indiscriminate discharge of sewage. It is easy to cause pollution to water resources and threaten ecological environment security. It is necessary to strengthen the management of ship domestic sewage and reduce water resource pollution. This article provides a brief analysis of the problems and countermeasures in the management of ship domestic sewage, hoping to provide valuable reference and guidance for readers.

Original Research Article

by Yue Gao
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In the international Chinese teaching, there are many problems in writing Chinese characters for Laotian college students. In the current international Chinese teaching, There are many students learning Chinese who have a lot of problems with writing. Writing Chinese characters in a standard and clean manner should be the basic ability of Lao university students to learn Chinese and other subjects. Therefore, students should be helped to develop correct writing habits and be able to master relevant writing skills. By standardizing students’ writing of Chinese characters, we can help students improve their aesthetic ability and cultural accomplishment. This paper briefl y analyzes the existing problems of writing Chinese characters in Laotian college students, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to standardize the writing of Chinese characters in Laotian college students.

Original Research Article

by Chuanwu Ji
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Adult education, as an important part of China’s education system, is a key way to achieve the strategy of building a strong education country. However, there are still problems in adult education in China, such as insuffi cient educational value, low market recognition, imperfect educational evaluation system, and insuffi cient teacher team building, which make it diffi cult for adult education to meet the needs of educational development in the new era. Based on this, the author will elaborate on the problems existing in the current adult education in China in this article, and analyze the reform path of the current adult education based on the “Internet plus” background, to promote the informatization development of adult education, and also hope to provide ideas for the sustainable development of adult education.

Original Research Article

by Rui Ma
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China’s construction industry with the development of economy, has made leapfrog progress, whether it is construction technology, construction engineering management, construction engineering investment or construction engineering project scale has a deep development, gradually in the standardized model. Construction project cost control is the key link of construction project management, which directly aff ects the benefi t of the project, so we must reasonably control the cost of the project, only in this way to maximize the benefit of the enterprise. In view of this, this paper will analyze the optimization of the project budget in the construction project cost management, and put forward some strategies for the reference of all colleagues only.

Original Research Article

by Baoli Zhao, Kai Cheng, Yixin Shi
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The most distinctive feature and significant advantage of Shaoxing, Zhejiang is the private economy, and high-level innovative talents and entrepreneurs are the most valuable resources and wealth for the development of Shaoxing’s private economy. With the increasingly fi erce market competition, the sustained development of enterprises relies on external market expansion and internal core competitiveness. Talents are the most valuable resources and wealth of enterprises, and the construction and cultivation of scientifi c and technological innovation talent teams are directly related to the future development of enterprises. Based on this, this article takes Shaoxing, Zhejiang as an example to explore how local enterprises can strengthen the construction and cultivation of innovative talents by linking various forces.

Original Research Article

by Qingrong Zou, Jianxi Zhao
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With the rapid development of artifi cial intelligence technology, machine learning, as one of its core technologies, has been widely applied in various industries. This article focuses on the background of industry-education integration and explores how to integrate ideological and political education into machine learning courses, aiming to cultivate high-quality talents who not only master advanced technologies but also have a sense of social responsibility. By analyzing the necessity of industry-education integration, specifi c practical strategies for the ideological and political education construction of machine learning courses are proposed, and the eff ectiveness of these strategies is verifi ed with case studies.

Original Research Article

by Zinan Wang, Shichao Han, Li Jiang, Jingyao Li
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Childbirth is a major matter for both the family and the country. Continuously improving the system related to childbirth, actively promoting the implementation and refi nement of various policies, allowing women of childbearing age to have peace of mind in raising children and working, refl ects the care of the Party and the state, and will further promote the healthy and sustainable development of the economy and society. The National Health Commission and other departments have issued the “Guiding Opinions on Further Improving and Implementing Active Fertility Support Measures”, making major decisions to gradually adjust and improve fertility policies and promote long-term balanced population development based on the changing situation of China’s population development. According to research, family members still face various problems when it comes to “childbirth”: how can novice parents take good care of their children; How can mothers return to the workplace after maternity leave; Refl ection on resources such as child education and healthcare. In response to the above issues, the idea of building a smart medical care and education platform for pregnant women, infants, and children has been proposed. The platform aims to build a comprehensive service platform that integrates resources from multiple fields such as medicine, education, and health management. It utilizes advanced AI technology and big data analysis to provide pregnant women, infants, and their families with comprehensive, all-round, and personalized health management and education services. A comprehensive companionship program from pregnancy, maternity, infant care to child growth education will help alleviate family anxiety about childbirth and contribute to a fertility friendly society.

Original Research Article

by Jie Wang
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With the continuous development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, underwater water quality intelligent monitoring systems have become one of the important means to ensure water quality safety and environmental protection. This paper aims to introduce the development of an underwater water quality intelligent monitoring system based on IoT technology. This system adopts a variety of sensors, including cameras, pH, water temperature, conductivity, turbidity, water pressure and other sensors, to achieve comprehensive monitoring of the underwater environment. The system realizes real-time collection, transmission and analysis of sensor data through IoT technology, and combines artifi cial intelligence algorithms to achieve intelligent analysis and prediction of water quality data. This system has the advantages of strong real-time performance, high data accuracy, and simple operation. It can be widely used in fi elds such as water environment monitoring and water resource management, providing eff ective technical support for ensuring water quality safety.

Original Research Article

by Bingbing Leng
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Microdocumentaries are carriers that reflect people’s lifestyles. As an emerging form of documentary, it has unique characteristics in the use of cinematic language. People can use fragmented time to obtain information through micro documentaries. Lens language refers to the use of mirror like language to express one’s own meaning during shooting. The reasonable use and clever connection of diff erent lenses can make it easier for viewers to understand the emotions and meanings that photographers give to the shooting content, which is an important role of lens language in micro documentary shooting. Based on this, explore the application of fi lm shot language in micro documentaries.

Original Research Article

by Yaqi Yang
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This paper aims to comprehensively analyze the core role of technology in diff erent industries and explore how enterprises can reduce operational costs by selecting and applying appropriate technological means, ultimately standing out in the fi ercely competitive market and becoming industry leaders. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, technology has become a crucial factor for the success of enterprises. Understanding the subtle diff erences between diff erent process types and matching them with corresponding technological solutions is essential for enterprises to maintain a leading position in fi erce competition. This paper will provide enterprises with relevant insights on how to leverage technology to simplify operational processes, reduce operational costs, and signifi cantly improve overall effi ciency.

Original Research Article

by Shubo Jing
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In the context of the digital era, by analyzing the current situation of internal human resource management in enterprises, it can be found that digital transformation has become one of the effective measures for enterprises to improve internal organizational management. Based on this, the author will elaborate in detail on the digital transformation value of human resource management in the digital era, propose the current digital transformation ideas of human resource management combined with advanced technology, summarize the various issues that need to be paid attention to in the digital transformation of human resource management, and contribute to the comprehensive improvement of the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Jinfei Liao, Zhiyi Huang, Xiaomin Huang
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In modern Chinese, the emergence and widespread application of abbreviations have become a signifi cant phenomenon and a common element in communicative language. Especially in daily communication among college students, abbreviations have become a common language phenomenon. However, this trend is also accompanied by a concern that the non-standard use of abbreviations is gradually emerging. To address this issue, this article proposes a series of suggestions aimed at guiding the standardized use of abbreviations, fully leveraging their convenient and effi cient advantages, and better adapting to the constantly accelerating pace of modern social life.

Original Research Article

by Ying Liu, Yao Yao
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Standardized training for resident physicians (residency training) is a key link in medical education, which is crucial for improving the quality of medical services and cultivating medical talents. As the core of ensuring the quality of residential training, the eff ectiveness of teacher management directly aff ects the eff ectiveness of training. This study focuses on the practice of teacher management in the residential training base of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University. By analyzing its management process and development strategies, the aim is to provide reference and inspiration for similar residential training bases. The research results show that the base has implemented a full chain of teacher management, including application, selection, training, employment, evaluation, and incentive (exit), forming a dynamic management system with clear levels. By clarifying the path of teacher development, optimizing the teacher growth system, constructing a 5G teacher development platform, and conducting data analysis on teacher management, the base has signifi cantly improved its teacher structure and teaching quality. This study provides an empirical research basis for the management of teachers in residential training bases and proposes suggestions for future development strategies.

Original Research Article

by Ziliang Qian
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In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s healthcare system, healthcare institutions in China have also faced new challenges in their development process. In order to eff ectively address these challenges, health institutions in China need to actively reform the existing human resource management model, improve the level of human resource development, and ensure that the internal human resource allocation of the unit can be signifi cantly optimized, providing a corresponding human resource guarantee foundation for the various business operations of grassroots health institutions. Based on this, the author will elaborate on the problems existing in the human resource management of grassroots health institutions in China, and propose corresponding reform measures to address these issues.

Original Research Article

by Xin Kou
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This article conducts an embedded cognitive study on consecutive interpretation anxiety based on anxiety theory and neuropsycholinguistics, and proposes an embedded cognitive model for consecutive interpretation anxiety. The design concept and components of this model (perceptual anxiety, thinking coding anxiety, thinking decoding anxiety, decision anxiety, conversion anxiety, and memory anxiety) are diff erent from previous studies on interpreting cognitive processes, and it is a bold interdisciplinary attempt.

Original Research Article

by Zongjun Liu
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In the context of the new normal, corporate fi nancial management is facing both opportunities and challenges. Research on innovative fi nancial management in the context of the new normal can help enterprises achieve sustainable development and increase their economic benefi ts. In view of this, the article will analyze the motives for innovative research in corporate fi nancial management under the background of the new normal, and on this basis, focus on analyzing the path strategies for innovative research in corporate fi nancial management under the background of the new normal, with the aim of optimizing corporate fi nancial management methods and providing reference and guidance for practical corporate fi nancial management work.

Original Research Article

by Yi Zhang
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With the rapid development of information technology, big data application technology has brought severe challenges to the management of higher education. In the context of continuous deepening of education reform, traditional education models are no longer able to meet the current management needs of universities. Innovative education management is an urgent problem that universities need to solve. Based on this, in order to better promote educational management work, universities should fully utilize big data technology to optimize and integrate various information and resources, in order to better manage students. This article mainly focuses on the countermeasures of teaching management in universities under the background of big data, in order to provide eff ective suggestions for university management work.

Original Research Article

by Liang Wang
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In the era of big data, the new round of information technology innovation has provided extremely rich data analysis tools and information resources for social public management. This enables relevant departments to more accurately analyze social phenomena, understand public needs, evaluate policy eff ects, gradually overcome diffi culties such as information fragmentation and digital poverty, improve the service level of social public management, and innovate public management models. Therefore, focusing on the new opportunities and challenges brought by digital technologies such as big data and the Internet, this paper discusses the basic path to promote the digital transformation of social public management in the new era, with a view to giving scientifi c play to the guiding function of big data, and strengthening the digital and information construction of social public management.

Original Research Article

by Dongwei Li
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Business English Translation is a compulsory core course for students majoring in Business English, aimed at improving their business English translation skills. However, current research on translation teaching mainly focuses on the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels, while research at the vocational level is relatively lagging behind, resulting in a lack of consistency in key issues such as positioning, goals, and principles in vocational business English translation teaching. The aim of this project is to construct a vocational business English translation teaching model that is suitable for economic development and social changes, as well as a model that is in line with local economic characteristics, to promote the reform and development of business English teaching and talent cultivation models.

Original Research Article

by Daxing Lei, Guangli Wang, Zhigang Lu, Jian Hu
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With the continuous acceleration of social production progress, the mining industry is also constantly deepening its development, and signifi cant progress has been made in related technologies in mining work. More and more intelligent devices are being applied in mining technology. In China’s exploration of industrialization and informatization in the new century, new requirements have been put forward for the mining technology of mineral resources. Therefore, how to apply intelligent information technology to mining technology majors in universities has gradually become the main focus of higher education.

Original Research Article

by Xiyue Xie
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The advent of the digital age has brought tremendous impact and widespread impact to various fi elds of society, and small and medium-sized enterprises are also facing the need to further promote industrial upgrading and transformation from a digital perspective. As is well known, fi nancial management plays a crucial role in the overall operation and development of enterprises. Enterprises can rely on digital technology to promote the development of fi nancial intelligence. By integrating digital technology with fi nancial management, improving fi nancial management models and innovating fi nancial management methods, enterprises can develop towards digitalization and informatization, thereby enhancing their core competitiveness and promoting long-term development. This article combines existin g theories and experiences to discuss the characteristics of financial development in small and medium-sized enterprises, analyze the advantages of fi nancial intelligence development in small and medium-sized enterprises under the background of digital transformation, and fi nally propose a path for the development of fi nancial intelligence in small and medium-sized enterprises based on digital transformation.

Original Research Article

by Jieying Hu
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This article mainly elaborates on the business English of vocational colleges under economic integration, based on the actual situation of business English teaching in vocational colleges. Firstly, it analyzes the current situation of business English majors in vocational colleges under economic integration. Secondly, from optimizing the curriculum structure, preparing for talent cultivation, increasing the proportion of practical training courses, increasing students’ learning horizons, guiding actual enterprise needs, and demonstrating teaching effectiveness, it deeply explains and explores effective measures for business English teaching in vocational colleges under economic integration, further strengthening the teaching effectiveness of business English in vocational colleges. The aim is to provide reference materials for relevant research.

Original Research Article

by Yanru Wang, Wenwen Wang
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With the development of society, vocational college students are facing increasing psychological problems such as learning pressure and life pressure. Good mental health education and eff ective guidance are crucial for their growth. This article fi rst introduces the current situation and reasons for the mental health problems of vocational college students, and then analyzes the shortcomings of current mental health education. Based on the actual situation, a series of countermeasures are proposed, including improving the awareness of mental health education, establishing a sound mental health education system, improving teaching modes, etc. The aim is to provide eff ective and positive countermeasures for the mental health education of vocational college students, to meet the growing psychological counseling needs of students, eff ectively improve their mental health level and overall learning and life quality.

Original Research Article

by Xiaolan Liang, Bing Wei, Runxian Wei
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As a group with a higher social and cultural level, contemporary college students are an important component of modern society in China. Their healthy growth plays a crucial role in a family and society. Through positive mental health education, preventing or alleviating various psychological pressures from all aspects and responding positively to the resulting psychological stress has become a problem that requires joint attention and solution from universities and various sectors of society.

Original Research Article

by Xiaona Li
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China’s education industry is constantly developing, and the socio-economic development is also accelerating. The teaching scale of universities is also constantly expanding, and correspondingly, the requirements for education quality are also increasing. In this situation, more and more talents are being taught and exported by universities, but the talent cultivation model of related majors cannot meet the current social requirements for talents, leading to increasing pressure on students in terms of employment. Therefore, in teaching activities, university teachers should take improving students’ employability as the foundation, reducing their employment pressure as the goal, strengthening employment guidance for students, and striving to improve their employability. The integration of industry and education is an emerging education method that can further increase the connection between universities and enterprises, providing more directions for student employment. Therefore, in the context of industry education integration, this article explores its signifi cance for the development of employment education for university students and analyzes strategies to enhance their employment ability.

Original Research Article

by Qinghua Zhang, Liangwei Ye, Zhiyue Xia
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In recent years, the driving role of digital technology in economic and social development has become increasingly prominent, and there are many problems that need to be explored and solved in the process of high-quality development of sports. This article uses Citespace to visually analyze relevant literature from the CNKI database from 2010 to 2023, and discusses in detail the hotspots and development trends of sports digitalization research from the aspects of literature quantity, literature authors and institutions, and literature keywords.

Original Research Article

by Yi Zhang
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In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge-based employees in management consulting enterprises are receiving increasing attention and importance. They use their acquired knowledge to help the company’s products and services add value. The knowledge capital of management consulting companies is dispersed in the minds of every knowledge-based employee. Therefore, how to manage and improve the performance of knowledge-based employees in management consulting enterprises is an important concern for many management teams. This article analyzes the factors aff ecting the performance of knowledge-based employees in management consulting enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Yu Li
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With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, WeChat official account has become an important platform for people to obtain information and exchange ideas. The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of WeChat offi cial account in college English teaching, analyze its advantages and challenges, and put forward corresponding suggestions in order to provide reference for improving the quality of college English teaching.

Original Research Article

by Silang Quzhen
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With the establishment of the 2035 long-term goal of implementing urban renewal actions, urban renewal has become a key component of urban construction work. Community is an important unit that constitutes urban space. Sinking the practical direction of urban renewal towards the community and realizing the transformation of practical direction from large-scale space to grassroots space can promote the eff ective promotion of urban renewal work. Therefore, this article takes urban spatial governance as the background and combines the case of S community construction to explore how to build a community community, aiming to provide reference for the improvement of people’s sense of happiness and gain.

Original Research Article

by Wenting Liu
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With the rapid development of artifi cial intelligence technology, the education fi eld is undergoing unprecedented changes. The introduction of artifi cial intelligence technology in the ideological and political construction of college English courses can profoundly change teaching methods and bring significant benefits. However, introducing artificial intelligence into the ideological and political construction of English courses in universities also comes with many challenges. The article discusses this background and actively explores eff ective strategies for the application of artifi cial intelligence technology in the construction of ideological and political education in college English courses, with the hope of providing broader thinking space and forward-looking guidance for ideological and political education in college English courses.

Original Research Article

by Jie Yu
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With the continuous changes in the social situation, the risk characteristics of human society have become increasingly apparent. In this context, the emergency management major in universities has emerged. In order to ensure the steady improvement of social security, universities should cultivate more high-quality professional applied talents for society. The emergency management major is an interdisciplinary fi eld, and in the context of the new liberal arts, the teaching innovation of the emergency management major can better meet the development needs of the discipline. At present, there are still many problems in the construction of emergency management majors in China. Based on this, the author will analyze in detail the diffi culties faced in the construction of emergency management majors in universities in this article, combined with the requirements of the new liberal arts for talent cultivation in universities, and open up a new path for the construction of emergency management majors. I hope to provide reference and assistance for the construction of emergency management majors in universities.

Original Research Article

by Shuyi Niu, Lei Niu
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Against the backdrop of the construction of the “New Liberal Arts” by the Ministry of Education, the reform of college English teaching and the construction of ideological and political education in the curriculum are particularly important. This article explores the importance of English teaching reform and the integration of ideological and political education in the curriculum. The integration of ideological and political education into the curriculum can cultivate students’ moral literacy and sense of social responsibility. The key elements include the cultivation of comprehensive language abilities, the application of task-based teaching and student-centered methods, the introduction of cross-cultural communication and global perspectives, and the emphasis on practical and applied abilities. The key role of teachers is that curriculum design and textbook selection should meet the needs of students and the trends of the times. The evaluation and feedback mechanism is used to assess the eff ectiveness and sustainable development of teaching reform. The reform of English teaching should aim to meet the needs of students, cultivate comprehensive abilities, and lead the development of thinking, promoting continuous innovation and improvement in education.

Original Research Article

by Yin Zhang, Jiahao Tan
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The ecological niche theory provides a theoretical framework and a new perspective for cultivating the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of engineering vocational college students. In response to the current situation of cultivating the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of engineering vocational college students, this article provides path choices from four aspects: optimizing the professional structure of teachers, innovating the teaching paradigm of vocational colleges, cultivating students’ entrepreneurial awareness, and enhancing collaborative development ability. The aim is to improve the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of engineering vocational college students, cultivate more innovation and entrepreneurship talents for the country, further serve local economic and social development, and contribute to the realization of strategic decisions such as driving development of innovation and building an innovative society for the country.

Original Research Article

by Jinxiu Zhai
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Currently, with the rapid development of the social economy, the competition for employment is becoming increasingly severe. College students are facing heavy employment pressure, and their mental health problems are also increasing. The ideological and political education in universities is an important way to impart ideological and political knowledge to students and guide them to form correct values. Integrating mental health education into it has a positive eff ect on promoting the physical and mental health of students. This article will analyze the necessity of integrating mental health education into ideological and political education in universities, and propose strategies for integrating mental health education into ideological and political education in universities, in order to further improve the quality of ideological and political education in universities.

Original Research Article

by Xiaoping Zhang
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The rapid development of information technology has expanded the scope of electronic reading and become one of the main forms of reading in universities in the new era. The construction of electronic teaching materials and reference platforms in university libraries can not only provide students and teachers with a large amount of electronic reading materials, but also deepen the use of information technology and construct a more complete service system for university libraries. On this basis, fi rstly, the profound content of teaching materials and reference materials, as well as the current situation of building teaching materials and reference platforms, are discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of current electronic platform construction are analyzed. Finally, measures to optimize the electronic teaching materials and reference platforms of university libraries are elaborated for reference only.

Original Research Article

by Xiaoping Zhang
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The knowledge base of university institutions is an important way to collect and store academic literature, promote the development and dissemination of scientific research achievements, and also an important institution to promote the development of university education and scientifi c research. It is of great signifi cance for universities to achieve sustainable development. In this regard, this article provides a brief analysis of the operation and development of university institutional knowledge bases, hoping to provide valuable reference and guidance for readers.

Original Research Article

by Yongshun Wang, Roman ZVARYCH
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With the development of the global economy, China’s international economy and trade industry has ushered in new development opportunities. In the context of the “the Belt and Road”, more and more types of market economy have appeared in people’s vision, making great contributions to the prosperity of China’s market economy. In this context, the author will elaborate in detail on the common international economic and trade cooperation models in China, analyze the future development direction of China’s international economic and trade industry in the new era, and propose corresponding reform strategies, hoping to contribute to the prosperity and development of China’s international economic and trade market.

Original Research Article

by Haolei Zhao
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In the process of urbanization, many old residential areas are facing the situation of demolition and renovation. The age of old residential areas is often decades old, and there are many elderly residents among them. How to properly accommodate these groups and transform them into residential areas suitable for the elderly as much as possible is a hot topic of concern in today’s society. From the actual situation, the current aging friendly renovation and barrier free environment construction of old residential areas are not perfect, but require relevant personnel to strengthen the renovation eff orts and pay attention to the needs of the elderly from the design stage. This article discusses the aging friendly renovation and barrier free environment construction of old residential areas, hoping to improve the quality of life for the elderly in their later years and provide a livable environment for everyone.

Original Research Article

by Jia Liu, Sijia Li, Changwei An, Shouzhi Yin
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With the proposal of the “Two Mountains Theory”, energy conservation and emission reduction have become the core goal of the transformation of the coal chemical industry. How to treat the diffi cult to degrade organic matter in coal chemical wastewater has become the primary problem that coal enterprises need to solve. Coal enterprises should clarify the characteristics of coal chemical wastewater, adopt traditional treatment technologies, and use biochemical, physicochemical, and adsorption methods to remove diffi cult to degrade substances from wastewater; Actively introducing oxidation technology, using ultrasonic oxidation technology, electrocatalytic oxidation technology, etc. to treat difficult to degrade organic compounds in coal chemical wastewater; Reasonably utilizing biological treatment technology to reduce environmental damage during wastewater treatment; Using membrane treatment technology to accelerate the treatment of diffi cult to degrade organic compounds in coal chemical wastewater, enabling it to meet discharge standards and further promoting water resource recycling.

Original Research Article

by Dandan Xie, Hongxia Huang, Dongdong Wang
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This paper aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of applying ChatGPT (Chat-based Artifi cial Intelligence) to the leadership of university teachers. This paper analyzes the characteristics and application scenarios of ChatGPT, and expounds the infl uence, challenges and opportunities of ChatGPT on the leadership of university teachers. The results show that ChatGPT expands the application fi eld of university teacher leadership, but also brings new risks and challenges. This paper aims to provide a new thinking Angle and method for the practice of college teachers' leadership.

Original Research Article

by Wei Sun
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This paper explores the relationship between community marketing and consumer purchase behavior in the context of community e-commerce. In this study, several influencing factors of social marketing were selected as independent variables, and purchase intention was regarded as the mediating variable. Consumer purchasing behavior is considered as a dependent variable. In this study, the empirical survey was carried out by means of questionnaire survey, and finally the research conclusions of this paper were summarized, and corresponding enlightenment suggestions were put forward based on the research conclusions.

Original Research Article

by Cen Dou
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With the booming development of cross-border trade, cross-border e-commerce platforms are playing an increasingly important role in promoting global trade. This article, starting from the perspective of value competition, explores the evolution model of cross-border e-commerce platforms, analyzes the strategic choices and infl uencing factors of the collaboration process between enterprise think tanks, information service platforms, and trading platforms. The research found that the synergistic excess gain, synergistic gain distribution coeffi cient, collaborative eff ort level, and the initial collaboration ratio of both parties have signifi cant impacts on strategic choices. Meanwhile, the issue of information asymmetry hinders the construction of information service collaboration mechanisms. This article aims to provide theoretical reference and practical guidance for the development of cross-border e-commerce.

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by Yijun Wang
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The assessment of low altitude airspace safety capacity has long been a challenge for air traffi c control departments. Based on this, the study introduces the theory of average mutual information, a powerful mathematical tool, and creatively establishes a fl ight collision risk coupling model. This model not only considers the infl uence of a single risk factor, but also deeply explores the interaction and coupling effects between different risk factors, revealing how risks are intertwined and amplified within the system, providing a more accurate perspective for risk prevention and control. Based on this, this article proposes a new solution approach. A low altitude airspace security capacity model based on risk level standards was constructed by combining the previous risk assessment model with the characteristics of airspace usage.

Original Research Article

by Juan Gao, Penghui Xu
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In a speech at the 2016 National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Higher Education Institutions, experts emphasized the need to adhere to the central link of moral education, integrate ideological and political work throughout the entire process of education and teaching, achieve comprehensive and all-round education, and strive to create a new situation for the development of education. This article focuses on cultivating virtue and educating people, and explores the excavation and integration of ideological and political elements in “Mechanical Fundamentals” from the perspective of the requirements of “Three Comprehensive Education”.

Original Research Article

by Jinshan Huang
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The issue of whether the offi cial should intervene in the development of art activities has remained a high concern with the pros and cons each sticks to his own version or argument . As early as the 19th century, many European countries' art activities and artists had been supported by emperors, curia or nobles for a long time. Patrons of the arts, represented by the Medici family, appeared. Like Michelangelo Buonarroti during the Renaissance he completed many sculptures and paintings with the support of them. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the decline of royalty and nobles made their power, wealth and infl uence gradually decrease, so authorities began to take over the responsibility of managing social aff airs.

Original Research Article

by Tiantian Wang, Jingjing Xiang, Ziyi Zhang, Xinyu Yi
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This article conducts an in-depth analysis of the actual impact of small-scale individual businesses in China under the current tax preferential policies. By comparing the historical development and characteristics of tax preferential policies at home and abroad, this study reveals the unique business characteristics of small-scale individual operators in China and the current fi nancial management and tax burden issues they face. This article fu rther explores how tax incentives aff ect the operational effi ciency of individual businesses and how these policies promote tax compliance behavior. The research results indicate that tax preferential policies have played a positive role in enhancing the economic vitality of small-scale individual businesses and optimizing tax structures. At the same time, it also points out the limitations of the current policy implementation process, providing empirical evidence for policy optimization.

Original Research Article

by Guangqiang Wang
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With the continuous deepening of economic globalization, regional economic development and trade systems are constantly improving. Navigation technology is the key to ensuring the stable operation of the trade system. Therefore, navigation technology should seek a new development path around the needs of the times. At the current stage, the emergence of information and intelligent means provides new support for the development of modern ship navigation technology. Based on exploring the current status of navigation technology development, this article analyzes the application of new technological means in disseminating navigation technology and elaborates on eff ective measures to cope with the development of navigation technology.

Original Research Article

by Wenhao Ma
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In order to understand the demand for music therapy market centered on Shandong Province, this study conducted relevant surveys and research on diff erent groups of people through questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that most respondents held a positive attitude towards the therapeutic function of music. Based on the research results, the research team developed a healing product and conducted a small clinical trial. The results showed that the mass market, represented by Shandong Province and surrounding cities, has a high acceptance and positive feedback on music healing products and services.

Original Research Article

by Pengge Li
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With the development of economic globalization, education has shown a trend of modernization, and the international influence of Chinese language is gradually increasing. Integrating cross-cultural concepts into higher education can optimize teaching Chinese as a foreign language and ensure the healthy development of students. This article takes cross-cultural concepts as the starting point, discusses the signifi cance of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and proposes corresponding teaching strategies aimed at improving the eff ectiveness of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

Original Research Article

by Rulin Yu, Ran Mo, Yingyin Huang, Guansu Wang
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With the rise of social media, the types and meanings of emojis have become increasingly diverse. This study, from the perspective of Dramaturgical Theory, delves into the phenomenon of college students presenting themselves through emojis in online communication. The study analyzed the behavior and motivation of college students using emoticons, revealed the important role of emoticons in self presentation, and pointed out some problems that incorrect use of emoticons may lead to.

Original Research Article

by Yujin Xie, Ting Han, Ronghua Dai, Haopeng Wei
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This article focuses on the tax credit rating system and explores the impact of corporate tax credit on the short-term loan and long-term investment behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises. It selects listed companies of small and medium-sized enterprises from 2012 to 2021 as samples and uses a diff erence in diff erences model. The research mechanism analysis results show that the tax credit rating system can solve the problem of short-term loans and long-term investments for enterprises by alleviating financing constraints. In addition, in non-state-owned enterprises, a tax credit rating of A has a more signifi cant alleviating eff ect on short-term loans and longterm investments. This study expands the research content on the relationship between tax credit rating and short-term loans and longterm investments, providing policy insights for improving tax collection and management systems and reducing fi nancing constraints for enterprises.

Original Research Article

by Qianqian Zhan
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With the advent of the Internet era, BIM technology based on human-computer interaction and network simulation is gradually applied to the fi eld of education. For the teaching of environmental art and design in vocational colleges, teachers can use BIM technology to carry out teaching activities in the process of talent cultivation, which can visually present knowledge, guide students to practice on virtual platforms, cultivate students’ professional abilities, and promote their comprehensive literacy improvement, which is conducive to enhancing students’ core competitiveness. This article studies the application of BIM technology in the fi eld of environmental art and design, and puts forward corresponding opinions on it.

Original Research Article

by Yongshan Li
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Under the exchange and collision of world cultures, communicative behavior has become an important component of social interaction. The movie “Daisy Miller” is adapted from Henry James’ novel “Daisy Miller” and tells the tragic love story between two young people with diff erent social and cultural backgrounds. The diff erences in their social and cultural behaviors are also one of the reasons that cannot be ignored for this tragedy. In order to analyze the characteristics, cultural origins, and related inspirations of communication behavior in different cultures of Europe and America, this article combines the movie “Daisy Miller” and starts from the perspective of communication behavior, focusing on the “rationality” of communication. Using Habermas’ communication theory, it analyzes the characteristics, reasons, and infl uences of cross-cultural communication, and obtains the enlightenment that cross-cultural communication behavior should conform to “rationality”. “Rationality” is the core of communication behavior, otherwise, communication behavior cannot be established without “rationality”.

Original Research Article

by Wei Kang
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This article explores the optimization and development of the audio language ecosystem from the perspective of industry education integration. Provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the optimization and development of the audio language ecosystem, and promote the in-depth development of industry education integration in the fi eld of audio language.

Original Research Article

by Xiuhong Luo
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International students in China are an important bridge for the “the Belt and Road” initiative to connect people. Due to the special nature of international students, the management of international students is both universal and special. The homeroom teacher for international students is the specifi c organizer and manager of international student management work. How to leverage the practical eff ectiveness of the manager plays an important role in improving the quality of training for international students in China and spreading excellent traditional Chinese culture. This article takes the attributes of Chinese international students as the basis for analysis, aiming to summarize and enhance the comprehensive management ability of managers in cross-cultural communication and professional basic knowledge, and combine work practice to propose relevant suggestions.

Original Research Article

by Weiqun Chen
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Career Planning and Employment Guidance for College Students” is a public compulsory course. According to various problems existing in students’ learning, the course teaching focuses on the school’s talent training program, defines precise teaching objectives, constantly enrichis teaching resources and contents, guides the course value with curriculum ideology and politics, and determines the teaching concept and teaching strategy of “one promote, two improve and three integrate”. Implement modular teaching, use task-driven teaching method to form a closed-loop teaching, pay attention to establishing the leading role of students in the classroom, and use scientifi c and reasonable evaluation system to help students confi rm the learning results.

Original Research Article

by Mi Liu, Yu Meng, Jia Yu, Hui Wang
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This article takes the female community platform “Little Red Book” as an example to focus on the management model of Mobile Social E-commerce. Firstly, starting with the business model of Little Red Book’s mobile community, this paper explores the core elements of Little Red Book’s mobile community management; On this basis, the focus is on analyzing the management methods and product function models of Little Red Book’s mobile community; Finally, it was discussed that the key to the success of Little Red Book lies in stimulating user sharing fun and using word-of-mouth marketing to promote convenient shopping. This article explores the management model and successful experience of Little Red Book’s community e-commerce, aiming to provide some reference and inspiration for promoting the common prosperity and development of the Mobile Social E-commerce industry and women’s economy.

Original Research Article

by Hongwei JU
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The pedagogical practice of Graduation Thesis for Business English Majors (BEMs) is challenging for both private university teachers and students in China. On the one hand, demotivated BEMs in private universities lack academic written English skills, genre-based writing strategies, and research abilities. On the other hand, most private university teachers lack experience in practical writing taxonomy for business-related project papers. The study identifi es several eff ective measures implemented at Heilongjiang University of Foreign Language Studies (HUFLS) to support both teachers and students in the pedagogical practice of Graduation Thesis for Business English Majors. These measures include teacher training in writing taxonomy, revisions to teaching and learning syllabus, the development of templates for genre-based texts, and the incorporation of questionnaire and interview research practices. In the 2022 and 2023 autumn semesters, 24 teachers, as well as 265 and 170 students, respectively, participated. The results show promise in aligning with pedagogical practice objectives of the Graduation Thesis Course (GTC) for Business English disciplinary development. However, further studies are required to delve deeper into questions such as the selection of topic areas for BEMs to write about and the inclusion of other forms of student work, etc.

Original Research Article

by Cheng Zhang
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In the context of vocational education reform, vocational college English teaching needs to keep up with the times. Teachers should pay attention to the change of education and teaching concepts, adjust the classroom environment, enhance students’ enthusiasm for knowledge exploration, and deepen their mastery of knowledge. In the current era, blended learning is widely welcomed. Applying it to vocational English not only helps enrich the teaching content, but also promotes the all-round development of students. This article analyzes the application of blended learning from the perspective of vocational English subject, and proposes relevant strategies to improve the level of vocational English teaching.

Original Research Article

by Beibei Hu
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China and Japan are neighboring countries separated by a narrow strip of water, and the exchange of languages between the two countries has a long history. Before the Meiji Restoration, China had always been Japan’s source of written output, but with the development of history, there has been a phenomenon of reverse input of vocabulary. This paper conducts a detailed examination of Japanese loanwords in the logistics fi eld, in order to demonstrate the signifi cant impact of vocabulary communication on social development.

Original Research Article

by Xunran Zhang, Jinbin Wang, Ruolan Xiong, Qiong Lu
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Cataloging is an important part of media asset management, which is the metadata description of media content. Typically, media asset cataloging for television stations and other units is carried out in internal network systems. This article introduces a media resource cataloging website for the integration of industry and academia. Relying on a public cloud platform, it can meet the practical teaching needs of related courses, apply to enterprise cataloging outsourcing services, and provide a shared platform for cataloging research.

Original Research Article

by Nannan Liao, Na Lin
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In recent years, with the acceleration of population aging and the decline in birth rate in China, the “two child” and “three child” policies have been implemented successively, and the childcare service industry for infants and young children aged 0-3 has developed rapidly and the demand has increased. However, as an “emerging industry”, from the current perspective, the development of 0-3 year old children’s daycare work in Fuzhou is unbalanced, and public daycare facilities are not perfect, resulting in uneven service quality, and the problems of expensive and diffi cult daycare need to be further solved. This study surveyed 90 parents of 0-3 year old children in Fuzhou and found that the demand for childcare services among parents of 0-3 year old children is related to factors such as the situation of the children, family structure, and parents’ willingness to take care of them. Based on the results, the following strategies and suggestions are proposed: 1. Provide diversifi ed and HP based childcare services; 2. Parents should have a correct understanding of childcare services and establish a scientifi c parenting perspective; 3. Childcare institutions should strengthen the construction of environmental facilities and standardize service standards.

Original Research Article

by Weiwei Qin
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3D printing technology, as one of the new technologies, can quickly complete the printing of three-dimensional works in a fi xed space by layer printing digital models. Today, with the development of 3D printing technology, the printing range is becoming increasingly wide, and the printing materials are also diverse, such as rubber, cemen t, resin, metal, paper and other materials. Ceramics, due to their highly stable chemical properties, have also become the earliest application material in 3D printing technology. This article fi rst analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing technology, and then explores the types and production processes of printing technology, hoping to provide some reference and inspiration for colleagues.

Original Research Article

by Yinglin Wang, Xi Chen
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With the deepening of the reform of the vocational education system by the country, the 1+X certifi cate system has become one of the hot topics of concern in the current education fi eld. The “1+X” certifi cate system encourages students to actively obtain vocational skill level certifi cates while obtaining academic certifi cates, aiming to cultivate high-quality talents with comprehensive vocational skills. In the current social context, the accounting industry is facing a critical period of transformation and upgrading, and the requirements for accounting professionals are also increasing. Based on this, how to achieve deep integration between courses and vocational skills certifi cates in accounting majors in universities, in order to improve teaching quality and students’ employment competitiveness, has become a key exploration issue for current accounting teachers. This article is based on the 1+X certifi cate system. Firstly, it deeply analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of accounting majors in universities, and further proposes a teaching reform strategy of integrating courses and certificates. It is hoped that this can promote the in-depth development of accounting teaching reform in universities, improve the comprehensive quality and professional skills of accounting students, and cultivate more high-quality accounting talents that meet the needs of the times for society.

Original Research Article

by Dingnan Zhao
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This paper centers on the learning obstacles of university students and proposes the pre-teach section to improve learning and retention based on student-centered teaching. 130 participants, all freshman students of a university in northwestern China were purposely selected to experience the pre-teach approach. It addresses the problems of students who are lack of sufficient preliminary knowledge and motivation in class and constructs a learning community for both teachers and students. However, a major problem with this kind of application is the time required for teachers to prepare before class and to customize lesson planning.

Original Research Article

by Wenxia Luan, Dr.Lee Cheong
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This study investigated the multifaceted factors influencing the academic performance of secondary school students in Shanghai, China. It places particular emphasis on teaching methods, teacher characteristics, and their interactions with student motivation. This study is motivated by the unique educational landscape of Shanghai, characterised by a diverse student population and a highstakes examination, the “Gao Kao”, which determines students’ future prospects. A quantitative research approach was employed utilising structured questionnaires to collect data from a stratifi ed random sample of 384 secondary school students. The questionnaires encompassed motivation assessment scales, evaluation of teaching methods, and assessment of teacher characteristics. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and moderation analysis to uncover the intricate relationships among the variables. Preliminary fi ndings revealed a complex interplay between teaching methods, teacher characteristics, and student motivation in shaping academic performance.

Original Research Article

by Han Zhang
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From the pre Qin Confucianism, the Two Han Dynasties Confucian to the Song and Ming Neo Confucianism, ancient Chinese traditional philosophy not only has a systematic development trend, but also presents intuitive philosophical laws through the history of Chinese calligraphy and painting aesthetics. To deeply analyze the connection between Chinese philosophy and Chinese aesthetics, it is necessary to start thinking from pre Qin philosophy. In this context, this article is based on the philosophical concepts of Laozi and Zhuangzi, and takes Chinese printmaking as the research object of calligraphy and painting art. Through philosophical concepts such as “nature” and “six laws”, it elaborates on the infl uence of Chinese philosophy on the aesthetics of Chinese printmaking, and further analyzes the aesthetic standards and value orientation in Chinese art practice.

Original Research Article

by Yan Tao, Wei Tao
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The integration of industry and education is the overall lever for deepening the reform of modern vocational education in the new era, and it is also an important deployment for the development of modern vocational education in the country. Therefore, based on the integration of industry and education leading the deepening reform of modern vocational education, it can help vocational colleges clarify their own positioning in development and innovation, and in the process of adapting to the development trend of the digital age, build regional characteristic education chains through school enterprise cooperation platforms, and create a new mechanism for long-term talent cultivation. This article focuses on the connotation of the integration of industry and education, and specifi cally elaborates on the practical problems encountered in the reform process of modern vocational education under the new situation. Therefore, it is suggested that the government, vocational colleges and other entities strengthen multi-party cooperation and actively explore the practical path of deepening the integration of industry and education.

Original Research Article

by Zhonghao Hu
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With the continuous development of artifi cial intelligence, it has brought huge dividends to higher education. But it also poses challenges to higher education. This requires educators to constantly update their educational concepts, guide learners to establish a lifelong learning awareness, constantly regulate the educational environment, and ultimately promote the innovative development of education.

Original Research Article

by Ruoyu Zhao
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The integration of aesthetic education into piano teaching in universities is benefi cial for deepening students’ understanding of piano works, improving their ability to appreciate and create beauty, guiding students to integrate their appreciation experience into performance, and improving their piano performance level. Piano teachers in universities should enhance their emphasis on aesthetic education, encourage students to share appreciation experiences, and improve their aesthetic abilities; Seize the opportunity of “Internet plus”, and use short videos to clip famous piano playing videos to meet the aesthetic needs of diff erent students; Organize a class piano concert to showcase piano works of diff erent styles, allowing students to receive aesthetic education and infl uence; Explore th e cultural connotations of piano works, guide students to appreciate piano works at a deeper level, improve their musical aesthetic ability, and achieve a win-win situation in piano teaching and learning.

Original Research Article

by Yan Si, Huimin Qian
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With the development of digitalization and intelligence in the social fi eld, the practical application of artifi cial intelligence has gradually aff ected the work and personal needs in the fi eld of management. The cultivation of talents in vocational and management majors should meet the actual needs of the market and technological innovation, with a focus on cultivating composite management talents with artifi cial intelligence analysis and investment capabilities, providing necessary talent reserves for the digital development of the management industry. This article mainly explores the value of artifi cial intelligence in cultivating talents in the fi eld of economics and management in the era of artificial intelligence. It deeply analyzes the practical application of artificial intelligence in the field of economics and management at present, and analyzes the optimization path for cultivating talents in vocational colleges in the era of artifi cial intelligence, in order to improve the quality of talent cultivation.

Original Research Article

by Ruozhao Zhou
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With the deepening of education reform, the education and teaching work in vocational colleges should be further optimized. Teachers should actively introduce new educational concepts and teaching methods to better arouse students’ interest, strengthen their understanding and application level of the knowledge they have learned, and improve the eff ectiveness of education. Employment orientation, as a current popular educational concept, can greatly enrich the teaching content of vocational colleges, broaden the path of education, and greatly promote the more comprehensive development of students. In view of this, this article will analyze the education and teaching management of vocational colleges under the employment orientation, and propose some strategies for reference only by colleagues.

Original Research Article

by Haikang Gu
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With the continuous improvement of social development level, computer network technology has achieved deeper application and popularization in various fields, promoting the vigorous development of various industries. However, while computer networks provide convenience for people’s lives, there are also certain security risks. To ensure the secure and stable operation of the computer network system, this article will discuss the security issues of computer networks under the Internet of Things technology and propose some measures for reference only.

Original Research Article

by Jianbo Wang, Seung-Soo Baek,Professor
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The introduction of team based teaching mode into college basketball training can improve students’ basketball skills, enhance their physical fi tness, cultivate their teamwork spirit, and play a positive role in the physical and mental development of college students. In view of this, the article will analyze the principles of team based teaching mode in college basketball training, the signifi cance of team based teaching mode in college basketball training, and focus on analyzing the path strategies of team based teaching mode in college basketball training based on this. The purpose is to provide reference and inspiration for college basketball training activities.

Original Research Article

by Yaping Liu
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In April 2021, the National Vocational Education Conference proposed to promote t he integration of “job course competition certificate” and improve the quality of education. This new concept reflects that in the context of the new era, in addition to requiring professional knowledge and skills, there is a greater emphasis on valuing the practical abilities and comprehensive qualities of talents. The comprehensive education model of on-the-job course competition and certifi cation is a new innovative education mode at present, and it is a comprehensive education mechanism of vocational education and teaching reform. The purpose is to cultivate more high-quality technical and skilled talents and comprehensively improve the quality of technical and skilled talent training. This article explores the training mode of cross-border e-commerce talents in vocational colleges under the background of “job course competition certifi cate”.

Original Research Article

by Shengli Shi
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With the reform and deepening of China’s education system, higher requirements have been put forward for cultivating well-rounded computer professionals. From the perspective of ideological and political education in courses, universities actively promote the integration of ideological and political education and computer courses, which is conducive to shaping students’ correct values and cultivating high-end talents with both morality and talent. In view of this, the article provides an overview of the signifi cance of integrating ideological and political education into the curriculum of computer majors in universities, briefl y analyzes the problems existing in the current teaching reform of computer majors in universities from the perspective of ideological and political education, and actively explores eff ective teaching reform paths.

Original Research Article

by Qiang Zhou
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In today’s era, the chemical industry is an important component of the national economy, and in the rapidly changing market process, the position of chemical equipment is crucial. The chemical process is closely related to the processing eff ect of chemical products, which determines the degree to which the target value of chemical products is achieved. If chemical equipment malfunctions, the production organization and operation mode of chemical enterprises and the processing activities of chemical products cannot be smoothly carried out, and chemical enterprises will be in a weak position in the technical competition in domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the safety of chemical processes and equipment. In view of this, the article will analyze the safety issues and corresponding countermeasures of chemical processes and equipment, with the aim of preventing potential problems and creating a safe production environment for chemical processes and equipment.

Original Research Article

by Bo Zheng
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Under the development trend of iterative upgrading of new Internet technologies and integration of media, the traditional cross-border e-commerce teaching and training model has been unable to meet the current market demand. The cross-border e-commerce education and training live streaming matrix, as an emerging teaching model, faces new opportunities and challenges. This article aims to explore the new paradigm of cross-border e-commerce education and training live streaming matrix in the context of integrated media environment, and propose corresponding solutions.

Original Research Article

by JunWu
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In order to this articls uses the literature method;questionnaire survey method;expert interview;mathematical statistics;logical analysis research methods.The resuits show that:provde people foundation,Research on the present situation and countermeasures on Higher Vocational Colleges of Core strength training: Hope that this article how the higher vocational colleges district better to provide reference for the theory and practice.

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Indexing & Archiving

All articles published in this journal have been included by some world-class databass: Google Scholar, National Library of Singapore.

Three article storage methods are encouraged:

  1. Authors are encouraged to save self- final versions of their published articles in institutional repositories (such as those listed in the Directory of Open Access Repositories) through self-archiving.
  2. Portico will archive all articles published in the journal for long-term digital preservation.
  3. The final PDF version published can be acquired on the website by authors.

Focus and Scope

The article categories within the journal include (but not limited to) the following fields: Developing Self-awareness Managing Stress and Well-being Problem Solving Leadership Empowering Entrepreneurship Principle of Planning and Planning Tools Decision Making Motivation Managing Organization Culture Controlling Management Managing Conflict System Approach Human Resource Management Production and Control


Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Modern Management Forum are undergone a stringent peer review process which aims to uphold the high quality of papers published in Modern Management Forum and ensure the truthful and accurate reporting of the research work.


The in-house editor takes initiative to assess the suitability of the original submission of the author on the basis of the editorial policy and relevant guidelines.

The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) decides the fitness of the article and whether the topic is within the field of MMF.

The associate editors assign the accepted contributions in accordance to their area of expertise and select relevant reviewers from the editorial membership.

Reviewers are required to assess the full paper from the perspective of originality, methodology, demonstration of the results and presentation of the conclusion, contribution to the literature and research, as well as the suitable referencing of pertinent studies.

Post evaluation

After the post-evaluation made by the reviewers, the manuscripts are sent to the associate editors who makes one of the standard suggestions (Accept; Accept with minor revision; or Reject), and then passed to the EIC for final determination.

If EIC recommends minor revisions, a maximum of 7 days is given for the authors to resubmit the revised article.

If EIC recommends major revisions, a maximum of 14 days is given for the authors to resubmit the revised article.

The above steps are repeated before the paper is accepted for publication after post-evaluation.


Authors with rejected submission are suggested to make an appeal in writing to reviewer@usp-pl.com in which specific reasons for the appeal and detailed response to the reviewers’ suggestions are included.


Open Access Policy

Open Access (OA) makes scholarly research permanently accessible online without restrictions, which can benefit all stakeholders in the scholarly publishing process, including researchers, funders, students, librarians, scholarly societies, publishers, and the public.


The freely available online work can be accessed and shared by anyone in the world. Researchers can even access OA literature outside university without encountering paywalls. Authors can benefit from the public availability of their research to others, which may increase the visibility and usage of their work. Many funding agencies encourage OA since the potential for increased visibility and discoverability promises a greater return on investment.

Cooperative Partners

New connections may be made and new partners may become possible, if researchers other than those you normally work with share access to your research. Thus, paving the way for spin-offs and new research opportunities.

Public Access and Engagement

OA means more opportunities for the community at large and potentially more public participation in research which can help research-dependent professionals outside of academia including health workers, faculty, and lawyers benefit from access to the latest discoveries.

Social Benefits

By publishing open access, a virtuous cycle of scholarly resources can foster social knowledge sharing and innovative creativity.


 News and Updates

Journal Notice: The volume 3 issue 1 is published.

The volume 3 issue 1 of our journal is Publihed, weclome readers to read and quotes. The Read link is here: http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/MODERN-MANAGEMENT-FORUM/issue/view/72
Posted: 2019-11-28 More...

Journal Notice: Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Modern Management Forum

This special issue of MODERN MANAGEMENT FORUM is dedicated to the studies on Econophysics in Modern Financial Management. We see a spectrum of interest rates and asset returns across financial markets which has made arbitraging a threat to the rationalization of returns which ought to be the natural outcome of globalization of businesses. By studying the interaction of econophysics with financial management principles we ought to be able to narrow the gaps and spreads thus making asset markets more efficient. Hence, we dedicate this issue to the particular issue of Econophysics in Modern Financial Management.

The Lead Guest Editor

Soumitra Kumar Mallick

Posted: 2019-05-22 More...

Journal Notice: Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Modern Management Forum

In the world, waste production occurs at a considerable rate, and very few of them are recycled. It is important to improve recycling ways of ferrous and non-ferrous production industries wastes in order to reduce the damage to the environment and the economy. These industrial wastes can be reused in many other industry applications. 

The Lead Guest Editor

Sinem Çevik

Posted: 2019-05-27 More...